History and present of Kamchatka State Technical University

History and present of Kamchatka State Technical University
History and present of Kamchatka State Technical University

The system of higher education in Kamchatka is represented by two Kamchatka proper universities and five branches of universities, the head offices of which are located in other regions.


City of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

The history of the formation of higher education in the Kamchatka Territory is inextricably linked with the development of the economy and the development of this region remote from the capital. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is considered one of the oldest cities in the Russian Far East. The first Cossacks got there in 1697 and founded a prison to store supplies and yasak, which was collected from the local population.

The next major expedition to the region took place only forty-three years later, and it was led by Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov. It was this expedition that gave the name to the prison, since two of its ships were called "The Holy Apostle Peter" and "The Holy Apostle Paul".

Today the population of the city is about one hundred and eighty thousand people and the activities of most of its inhabitants are inextricably linked with the sea. Main industrieseconomy are the extraction and processing of fish, as well as the mining industry.

The tourism business has also been actively developing in recent years. Numerous agencies offer a variety of hot spring itineraries and multi-day walking tours along the coast.

students of KamGTU
students of KamGTU

Universities of Kamchatka Krai

The oldest university in the region is Kamchatka State Technical University, founded in 1942. Initially, however, it was an institution of secondary education - a fishing technical school, which, during the harsh years of the war, was supposed to provide rear services with specialists in the extraction, processing of fish and maintenance of the entire fishing infrastructure.

Ten years later, the technical school was transformed into a nautical school and naval disciplines began to be taught there. Since 1960, a distance learning program began to work at the school, and radio electronics was added to the speci alties.

In the eighties, the list of speci alties expanded, and the names changed. The university acquired its modern status and name only in 2000. Today, the university provides training in more than forty areas and speci alties, and there is a correspondence form. Tuition fees at the Kamchatka State Technical University range from 59,000 to 85,000 rubles.

nature of Kamchatka
nature of Kamchatka

Kamchatka State University

In 1958, the Pedagogicalan institute that trained personnel for the entire region.

In 2000, the Institute was renamed Kamchatka State Pedagogical University by a special decree. Today, the university bears the name of Vitus Bering, and it consists of six faculties.
