Regional studies is an analytical subject in a higher educational institution that studies territorial communities and factors of their development (geopolitical, confessional, social, geographical, and so on). He views countries as subjects of global competition and international relations.
Favorable political, social and economic integration depends on careful study and consideration of the differentiation of material, natural and human resources of various territories by graduates of this direction.
Regional studies as a science
The object of regional studies is a certain territorial system (region), its emergent properties. The subject of study is economic entities at all levels: industrial and agro-industrial associations, economic zones and regions, industrial hubs and centers, and so on, as well as the progress of ongoing economic reforms and the development of economic ties, both internal and inter-regional.

Regional studies are directly related to andinteracts with such sciences as history, cultural studies, political science, geography, economics, sociology, ecology. However, according to some scientists, it is too early for regional studies to claim the role of an independent science.
As a discipline, regional studies are designed to study the patterns of creation and operation of all functions and systems of the region, as well as to determine the role in global or all-Russian development.
Regional studies as a speci alty
Regional studies is a young speci alty approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000. In the system of the state educational standard of Russia, the code 350300 is assigned to the speci alty.
Training involves several directions. Depending on the university, regional studies can be foreign (international) or domestic (Russia and its regions in the field of international relations).
Regionologist is a specialist analyst who studies a particular country or region, for example, Latin American countries.
Recently, interest in the problems of the political and social development of Russia has increased. Our country is in constant interaction and some dependence on other countries, so it is especially important to study the processes that led to the transformation of the modern world. This cannot be done without a proper study of national traditions and specifics, which is what regional studies are called upon to do.

Specializations in Regional Studies
To the list of specializations infaculties of international regional studies include:
- nordic countries;
- countries of Central and Eastern Europe;
- southern European countries;
- Western European countries;
- Canada and USA;
- Latin America;
- CIS countries;
- China;
- countries of the Far East region (DPRK, RK, Mongolia);
- Japan;
- countries of Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia);
- Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar);
- South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka);
- Central Asian countries;
- countries of the Middle East (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan);
- Arab countries;
- African countries;
- Australia, New Zealand and Oceania.

Additionally, there is specialization in the regions of the Russian Federation.
The main unspoken division by speci alty is between foreign and domestic regional studies.
Educational and industrial practice for students can be carried out in subdivisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, in local and federal governments, government agencies, consulates, advertising departments, language centers.
Requirements for the preparation of the applicant
Applicants must have a high school diploma (11 years of school). Entrance Exams Required:
- Russian language;
- story;
- geography/foreign language.
For receptionfor training in a speci alty, it is necessary, according to the results, to score in total points not less than the passing score established by a particular university. Some universities conduct preparatory courses for those planning to enter their speci alty. For example, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies of Moscow State University offers online seminars (webinars) for its applicants in preparation for the exam, which is very convenient for residents from other cities.

For the final formation of the list of applicants, the university has the right to establish additional entrance tests, for example, in a rare foreign language (Chinese, Portuguese) or the language of the peoples of Russia.
During training, students study five cycles of disciplines:
1. General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines:
- foreign language;
- domestic history;
- cultural studies;
- political science;
- jurisprudence;
- psychology and pedagogy;
- Russian language and culture of speech;
- sociology;
- philosophy;
- economy.
2. General Mathematics and Natural Sciences:
- mathematics and computer science;
- concepts of modern natural science.
3. General professional disciplines:
- languages of the studied region;
- introduction to regional studies;
- history of the studied region (country);
- culture, literature and religion of the studied region;
- ethnology of the studiedregion;
- economy and economic geography of the territory;
- socio-political system of the region under study;
- international relations and politics of the study area;
- world economy and international economic relations;
- international law;
- history and theory of international relations.
4. Specialization Disciplines:
- constitutional (state) law of foreign countries;
- international integration processes and international organizations;
- regional conflicts in the modern world;
- regional and national security;
- foreign policy making process and diplomacy;
- municipal government and local government;
- public service in the region.
5. Additional and optional disciplines (military training, civil defense and others). They are chosen independently and on a voluntary basis.
Training period
- Undergraduate - 4 years;
- Master's degree - 5 years.
The qualification of a specialist upon completion of training will sound like "Bachelor / Master in the direction of training "Foreign Regional Studies"".

Classroom and independent study work of a student can be no more than 54 days a week. Of these, there should be about 27 hours of mandatory classroom instruction for full-time study per week.
Training in the areas of regional studies is not only a bachelor's and master's degree, but alsoopportunity for postgraduate studies. The term of postgraduate study is 4 years.
Training of personnel in this speci alty is carried out by higher educational institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod.
Graduate Qualification
Graduates of the Faculty of Regional Studies are specialists in international relations, their competence includes:
- Knowledge of languages, literature, history, politics, economics, demography, religion, culture and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the selected region.
- Forecasting and evaluation of socio-political, foreign trade, economic, military, scientific and cultural ties with Russia.
- Compilation of political portraits of leading politicians in the region of specialization.
- Establishment of diplomatic, foreign economic, cultural and other contacts between our countries.
- Drafting minutes of reports and statements by regional officials.
- Participation in the preparation and organization of various events in the field of art and culture.

Where can I work
After completing their studies and receiving a bachelor's degree, young professionals can apply for positions:
- in embassies, consulates, departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- in trading international companies;
- organizations involved in the exchange in the field of culture and arts;
- in language centers.

Qualified experts inregional studies are in-demand employees of any organizations with access to the international market.