In the structure of the best university in the country there is a faculty - MSU GSB, that is, the Higher School of Business. Its main advantages are four main programs: Executive MBA, MBA, Master and Bachelor.
GSB MGU also has additional programs for lifelong learning. Already more than two and a half thousand graduates are successfully making their careers at home and abroad, at the same time a little less than six hundred students study at the HSB.

GSB MSU has always provided exceptionally strong training, thus confirming the glory and maintaining the traditions of Moscow University. It was possible to establish close cooperation between the faculty and leading companies, which gives students the opportunity to solve complex practical problems in an existing business, starting from the first years of study.
After graduating from the Moscow State University, the graduate has no problems in finding a prestigious job. Professional growth is veryfast. It should be noted that MSU GSB receives feedback not only from students, employees and employers. The faculty is among the world's best business schools, has an award from Eduniversal - an organization that recognized the highest international impact of this school.
About teachers and students
The teachers here are the best in the country, as, indeed, in all other faculties of the university. Students receive a very solid academic background, combined with practical experience. The teaching staff includes professors who have proven themselves in well-known Russian universities, theorists and practitioners of leading foreign business schools, who have achieved excellent and serious success in business.
The faculty accepts the most motivated and well-prepared applicants, as the requirements for their work will be very high throughout the years of study. And here, not even a passing score of the Moscow State University Higher School of Economics is the main criterion. It is not the highest at the university: in 2017, the highest score was 328, while at the Faculty of Medicine or at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics - from 370 to 400, and students in the speci alty "General Medicine" scored five hundred each, and massively. The feedback from the MSU GSB staff suggests that the motivation of applicants is the main condition for their admission.

In teaching here they prefer active methods: business games, the Harvard case method, practice exercises, group projects. Students take internships at the best business schoolsworld and in the best foreign universities. It should be noted the high international component in the preparation of programs. Language training is exceptionally intensive, individual disciplines are taught in English, students participate in international seminars and business games.

Dean of the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University - Professor Oleg Samuilovich Vikhansky. He is keenly interested in the educational process and is trying in every possible way to bring the business school to an even higher level. Feedback from employees give the highest rating to its business qualities. A huge number of letters come to the address of the Moscow State University Higher School of Economics on Lenin Hills from both graduates and future applicants. And everyone gets both an answer and participation. There are always visitors to the Moscow State University Higher School of Economics (Leninskiye Gory, Building 1, Building 52). There are also many who want to ask their questions by phone, which can be found on the official website of the institution.
Program Features: Undergraduate
HSB is a faculty of Moscow State University, and therefore the quality of education here is traditionally high. Bachelors study for four years, graduates of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions are accepted. Daytime training. Bachelors of Management are graduating. Education is classical, but is carried out using advanced educational technologies that most fully meet modern student needs.
Because active learning methods are used, such as case studies, practical exercises, group projects and the like, the methodology helps to assimilate all the disciplines studied, develops teamwork skills, acceptancedecisions, interpersonal communication, leadership qualities are perfectly developed here. The methods of learning English used in teaching bachelors can be called unique. After the third year, most subjects are taught in English. Bachelors can study other foreign languages if they wish.

Key qualities
If you visit the website of the faculty and look at the latest news, you can see a lot of people who are the very seriousness and determination, but at the same time you can’t help but notice how happy the youth of the MSU GSB are! The photos demonstrate the truly brilliant future of our country. And all because the education of the best human qualities here is put on a scientific basis.
In the first year, everything is arranged so that students gain independence. They will have to organize themselves both in academic life and in extracurricular life, independently seek information, and prepare their own projects. In the second year, training is aimed at supporting teamwork skills. This is facilitated by group projects and active participation in the activities that the school offers. The third course is very responsible, here professional awareness is at the forefront: master classes are held, special attention is paid to professional disciplines, numerous internships are held. And the fourth course is the last one, where the student receives fundamental knowledge and skills for a future successful career: these are presentations of various companies, special courses on career advancement.

The Master's program of the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University is designed for two years of study - this is the second stage of higher education. It is designed for students with a bachelor's degree, that is, for university graduates and for applicants with specialist diplomas. Future masters are aimed at building a career, developing their business and being motivated for the most serious studies.
This program is in the top five (according to Eduniversal) in Eastern Europe among those programs aimed at international management. It must be said that absolutely all programs are constantly updated in order to meet the requirements of the latest changes in the external environment as much as possible. There are two directions in the master's program: the first one deals with international business and strategy, and the second one deals with information technology management.
Master's students traditionally train abroad once a semester, take part in short-term educational programs with foreign partners. The program for obtaining a double master's degree, which is carried out with the University of Scotland, the University of St. Andrews is the oldest educational institution in fourth place in The Guardian ranking among all English universities. Master's students can devote the third and fourth semesters to studying at the University of St. Andrews, in School of Management. Then, along with the diploma of Moscow State University, the student will also receive a diploma from the University of St. Andrews.
The Information Technology Management Program providesthe graduate has all the necessary knowledge, confirmed not only by the diploma of Moscow State University, but also by a special certificate. This helps a lot in finding a job for a management vacancy in IT departments. This program will especially help the development of your own business. As already mentioned, in 2015 the GSB MSU MBA program was among the top three winners according to the Eduniversal rating among the same programs in business schools and universities in Eastern Europe.

This program is structured in the form of modules on topics, where the training course is followed by master classes, group discussions, discussions and visits to different companies. The emphasis is on practice, finding and making managerial decisions.
The program is aimed at managers with experience in various business structures who want to study modern management, gaining experience from the most successful international and Russian companies. This is how networks of business contacts are expanding, which is important for the development of your own enterprise.
Executive MBA
This executive-oriented program is preferred by owners of companies that have reached a plateau in career development. Here the ability to solve problems develops when there is uncertainty around, there is a deeper understanding of what the business environment is like on a global scale.
Also, there are ideas of organizing the internal environment at the enterprise and the interaction of all its components. Communication and leadership qualities develop, new contacts are formed,there is access to communities of graduates of the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University who have already built their careers. This program is being implemented in a modular format - nine modules a week each, two of them are field trips, one is abroad to a partner business school.
Interesting facts
EPAS accreditation by the MSU GSB was given by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) for the undergraduate program. The HSB MBA program wins the ratings among all business schools in Eastern Europe - the data was provided by the international rating agency Eduniversal. Since students go through a lot of hours of practice, which is not comparable with other universities, they show their best side in their subsequent work.
Employees are not only executive, performing all tasks efficiently and on time, but also proactive and creative. And one of the strongest points is excellent command of English. HeadHunter says about MSU students that employers are interested in increasing the number and duration of internships - up to two months or more, since students fit perfectly into the team and bring tangible benefits. Management does not want to part with them so quickly.

Employee reviews
Many reviews were left by employees of the Moscow State University GSB, who at one time completed any course in the framework of a bachelor's or master's degree. They note that this is an excellent business practice and invaluable experience. As students, they traveled to a variety of companies, studying their future profession from the inside. Companies reallywere different - both large and small, and local, and proved themselves at the international level.
GSB MSU provides a lot of opportunities for future startup graduates to recruit their own team of assistants in order to solve the most complex and most important tasks for their own business with their help. And most importantly, graduates always have the opportunity to apply to their native university for theoretical and practical assistance. Teachers are always responsive and always helpful. But these cases do not happen very often. Usually HSB graduates are ready for independent action and rarely make mistakes.