Subdivision of the main Russian university, the history of which goes back two and a half centuries. The institute, where they study more than 25 languages, including Sanskrit and Swahili, and train professional Africanists and Orientalists in the field of political science, history, philology and economics. The graduates of the Institute of Asian and African countries are specialists in the field of studying the regions of the Afro-Asian world and interacting with them.
How it all began
The first steps towards the creation of an independent oriental department of the Lomonosov State University were taken during the Great Patriotic War. Eastern departments opened at the Faculty of History and Philology.
In 1956, the Institute of Oriental Languages was established on their basis. In the 70s. it acquired its modern name. The course of study was designed for 6 years with relevant practices in the countries of the language being studied.
Over the years of work, thousands of specialists have been trained, leading scientific and teaching activities, who have become employees of the media, diplomatic services, political andpublic organizations.
CCIS MSU address: Moscow, Mokhovaya street, 11, building 1.

Structure of the institute
Today, the institute trains specialists in four main areas in the field of African studies and Oriental studies. This is reflected in the structure of the Institute. CCIS MSU applicants can choose one of 4 departments: history, political science, philology or socio-economics.
There are 5 departments in the historical department, two of which were opened in 1944. The staff of the departments specialize in studying the history of China, South Asia, Japan, the countries of the East and Southeast Asia.
The most extensive department of the institute is philological. Under its auspices, there are eight departments dealing with the problems of Japanese, Arabic, Iranian, Chinese, Turkic, Indian, Mongolian, Korean, Western European literature and literature.

The socio-economic department specializes in international relations in the field of economics and economic geography of African and Asian countries.
As part of the political science department there are departments: the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia; African Studies, Jewish Studies; political science of the East; integrated learning.
UNESCO Chair and Intercollegiate Faculty
In addition to the main departments, there are also two not quite ordinary divisions in the structure of the CCIS MSU.
“Oriental and African studies: modern methods of teaching learning” – UNESCO Teaching Chair. Her research and teachingwork is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the organization, formulated in 2015. Among the main priorities is the dialogue between the cultures of East and West.
The department organizes paid short-term modular courses (2-3 weeks) in the summer. These are cycles of lectures on regional studies for students of foreign universities, schools of the Russian language. The master's program "Russia in the surrounding world" is being prepared for implementation.
Also, on the basis of the institute, there is an interuniversity faculty for the study of the Chinese language. The training program is designed for 6 semesters. Classes are held twice a week. Upon completion of the course and passing the exam, a certificate is issued. Education is free.
Education Levels
The Institute carries out its activities on programs of higher (bachelor's and master's), additional and postgraduate education. Postgraduate and doctoral studies operate on the basis of the Institute.
The CCIS MSU Admissions Committee in its section on the Institute's website reports that admission is made on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations. For admission, you must provide the results of the Unified State Examination in history, foreign and Russian languages, pass an additional entrance test in history. Training is provided on a budgetary and contractual basis.
The institute has a number of advanced training, retraining, additional training programs, as well as language courses. You can get an additional qualification "translator in the field of professional communication".
In addition, admission is open foradditional training in general education programs: oriental languages; Persian language; Chinese. Those who complete the training receive a certificate.
Preparatory courses and the School of Young Orientalist work for applicants.

ISSA MSU: master's degree
This level of education appeared at the institute back in 1994. Students could make a choice between a speci alty and education according to the new system. The final transition to the European system (4 years of bachelor's degree + 2 years of master's degree) took place in 2008. Having enrolled in a master's program, you can continue your studies or get a second degree at ISSA MSU.
Preparation of masters is conducted in the direction of "Oriental and African Studies". The number of entrance examinations includes: oriental foreign language; regional studies (African-Asian region). The main profiles of training in the magistracy:
- literature of respective countries;
- history;
- politics and international relations;
- languages;
- economy.

Besides this, there is specialization in a certain language profile. It can be Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Turkish, Persian, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, etc. The training period is two years. Total labor intensity - more than 4000 academic hours, including independent work.
Learning process
The institute provides full-time full-time education. Applicants go through a single competition for admission. Distribution by language groups and profiles occurs after enrollment. According to reviews of the MSU CCIS, the distribution mainly depends on the results of the Unified State Examination in the Western European language, but in most cases the applicant falls into the group indicated in the application for admission.
The high level of the educational process is provided by the teaching staff of the institute. Today it is more than 300 high-level specialists, 56 doctors and 110 candidates of sciences. Also, well-known scientists from the USA, Europe, Asia and Africa are invited to read courses. Open speeches by foreign experts, diplomats and politicians are held.
In the educational process, technical means for conducting language classes are widely used. Most classrooms are equipped with computers and multimedia equipment. There are several language laboratories and halls equipped with specialized interactive facilities.
The students have at their disposal more than 80 thousand publications and manuals of the institute's library.
Scientific activity
Several major scientific directions and schools are developing in ISSA MSU. Priority areas of fundamental research: history and theory of oriental literatures; trends in the historical development of Asian and African countries; international relations, economics and politics; Eastern linguistics.
In the graduate school of the institute, training is conducted in 4 profiles:
- world economy;
- political institutions and processes;
- general history;
- literature of foreign countries.
Also validdissertation council for two philological speci alties (foreign literature and languages).
Conferences, forums and round tables of various levels are held annually, in which teachers, graduate students and students take part.

Publishing houses of three peer-reviewed scientific journals function on the basis of the institute.
Research centers and laboratories
The importance of research practice is confirmed by the presence of more than ten active centers, laboratories, and societies at the institute. To date, CCIS MSU employs:
- experimental laboratory of phonetics;
- International Center for Korean Studies;
- Oriental culture laboratory;
- center for the study of the Caucasus and Central Asia;
- Malay-Indonesian Research Society;
- Center for Islamic Studies and Arabic Studies;
- center for the study of African history;
- Society for Cultural Relations with Iran;
- religious research center;
- laboratory of technical teaching aids;
- center for Buddhist studies;
- Vietnamese Studies Center.

International Activities
This area of work is one of the priorities for CCIS MSU. The sphere of international cooperation includes: organization of conferences and seminars on oriental studies; joint projects and research with foreign colleagues; exchange programs for students and teachers.
Successfully completedtesting at specialized departments, talented students get the opportunity to undergo an internship (5-10 months) in one of the foreign partner universities. In addition to language practice, in the course of such internships, research tasks in specialization are solved. Foreign students can take a similar internship at the institute. Double degree programs are being developed.

Active cooperation has been established with 30 foreign universities (Germany, France, Vietnam, China, etc.). Ties with Lebanon and Egypt have been renewed.
The staff of the Institute are members of a number of major international scientific organizations.
Student Life
Reviews from CCIS MSU students testify to the saturation of both academic and extracurricular life.
Much attention is paid to attracting students to research work. On the basis of the Institute there are the Council of Young Scientists and the Scientific Society of Students. A whole series of scientific events (conferences, forums, festivals) are held throughout the year, many of which have become traditional.

After entering the institute, one can also become a member of the student committee or council. Their tasks include protecting the interests of students, involving them in sports, he alth, cultural and social practices.
A calendar of events is compiled annually (concerts, excursions, performances, flash mobs).
ISSA MSU: university reviews
When forming a university ranking, conditions are of great importanceadmissions, the nature of the educational process, the demand for future graduates in the labor market.
You can find a lot of feedback about this institute, and most of them are positive. The high level of teaching, the opportunity to learn a rare language, and undergo an internship abroad are noted. At the same time, the majority of respondents emphasize that studying here is not easy, but interesting.
The range of future professional fields is quite wide: from teaching to politics.