The life of an ancient man. Lifestyle of ancient people

The life of an ancient man. Lifestyle of ancient people
The life of an ancient man. Lifestyle of ancient people

The life of an ancient person directly depended on the tribe in which collective labor was established. All the first people lived in common dwellings, because it was easier to survive that way. Having united in a community, they could pass on experience from older generations to younger ones, who, in turn, learned to hunt, make various tools of labor from wood and stone. Skills and knowledge have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries.

Every student should know the history of their ancestors. They can draw knowledge from textbooks that describe the life of ancient people. Grade 5 makes it possible to get acquainted with the first people and learn about the features of their life.

First fire

the life of an ancient man
the life of an ancient man

The fight against natural elements has always interested people. The conquest of fire was the first step towards the survival of mankind. Ancient people first became acquainted with fire by seeing volcaniceruptions and forest fires. People were not afraid of the scale of the disasters that befell them, but on the contrary, they wanted to use fire for their own benefit. Therefore, they learned to extract it artificially. Getting a fire was a rather laborious process, so it was carefully protected and preserved. Ancient people made fire in the following way. They took a dry plank, made a hole in it and twisted the stick in it until smoke appeared, followed by fire in the dry leaves near the hole.

Weapons and tools

The life history of ancient people has interesting facts. Scientists have found interesting finds: weapons, tools and many household items. They surprise with their ingenuity. All items are made by ancient craftsmen from improvised materials: wood, bone and stone. The main tools of labor were objects made of stone. With their help, wood and bone were subsequently processed. Many tribes made war clubs, arrows, spears and knives from stone for protection. Deer and whale bones were used to make axes for making boats from a single tree trunk. The process of making one boat with such a tool could take up to three years. Dog bone needles were used to sew shoes and clothes.

Cooking Features

The life of an ancient man could not do without cooking. The first people made household items mainly from bushes and branches, leather, bamboo, wood, coconut shells, birch bark, and so on. Food was cooked in wooden troughs into which red-hot stones were thrown. In a later period, peopleLearned how to make pottery out of clay. This marked the beginning of the real cooking of food. Spoons were analogous to river and sea shells, and forks were ordinary wooden sticks.

human life in the art of ancient egypt
human life in the art of ancient egypt

Fishing, hunting and gathering

In communities, fishing, hunting and gathering were an integral part of the life of ancient people. This type of food production belongs to the appropriating form of economy. In ancient times, people were engaged in collecting fruits, bird eggs, larvae, snails, root crops, and so on. Mostly it was the work of the women of the tribe. Men got the role of hunters and fishermen. While hunting, they undertook various methods: traps, traps, paddocks and raids. The purpose of the hunt was to obtain food and other means of subsistence, namely: horns, tendons, feathers, fat, bones and skins. Sticks with sharp stone tips were used to catch fish, and later they began to weave nets.

Cattle rearing

The appropriating form of economy was replaced by a producing one. One main one can be singled out - cattle breeding. The way of life of ancient people changed over time, they turned from nomads into settled ones, they stopped striving to leave the places of their settlements, settled in them forever. Therefore, the domestication and breeding of animals became possible. Cattle breeding originated from hunting. The first domesticated animals were sheep, goats and pigs, later cattle and horses. Accordingly, an indispensable pet was a dog that guarded the house and was an ally in the hunt.

spiritual lifeancient man
spiritual lifeancient man


Women played a leading role in the development of agriculture, as they were engaged in gathering. The life of an ancient man changed radically when he mastered this type of food production. Trees were cut down with axes from stone, then burned. Thus, space was freed up in flattering areas. A digging stick with a sharp tip was an impromptu chopper. The first people dug the earth with it. Later, a shovel was invented - a stick with a flat end, and a hoe - an ordinary bough with a process to which a sharp stone, bone tip or animal horn was tied. Throughout the world, ancient people grew in the fields those plants that were inherent in their habitat. Corn, potatoes and pumpkins were grown in America, rice in Indo-China, wheat in Asia, cabbage in Europe, and so on.

history of ancient people
history of ancient people


Over time, the life of an ancient man forced him to master various crafts. They developed according to the conditions of the area where the first people lived and the availability of nearby raw materials. The earliest of them are considered: woodwork, pottery, leather dressing, weaving, processing of skins and bark. There is a conjecture that pottery arose during the process of weaving vessels by women. They began to smear them with clay or squeeze out depressions for liquids in the pieces of clay themselves.

Spiritual life

The spiritual life of an ancient man can be seen in the cultural heritage of Ancient Egypt. This great civilization left a significant mark in the history of all mankind. religiousmotives permeated all the work of the Egyptians. The first people believed that human earthly existence is only a transition to the afterlife. This step was not considered as important. From birth, people were preparing to leave for a more perfect other world. Reflection of the spiritual life of Ancient Egypt is reflected in painting and other forms of art.

life of ancient people grade 5
life of ancient people grade 5

The life of man in the art of Ancient Egypt

Extraordinary and bright painting flourished in the ancient Egyptian state. The Egyptians were deeply religious people, so their whole life consisted of rituals, which can be seen in the themes of their paintings and drawings. Most of the paintings are devoted to higher mystical beings, the glorification of the dead, religious rites and priests. To this day, the finds of these works are true examples of art.

The paintings by Egyptian artists were made in accordance with strict limits. It was customary to depict the figures of gods, people and animals strictly in full face, and their faces in profile. It looks like some kind of mystical scheme. Painting among the Egyptians served as decoration of religious buildings, tombs and buildings where noble citizens lived. Monumentality is also characteristic of the painting of Ancient Egypt. In the temples of their gods, Egyptian artists created images that sometimes reached enormous sizes.

lifestyle of ancient people
lifestyle of ancient people

The painting of Ancient Egypt has a peculiar, unique style that cannot be compared with any other.

The ancient civilization of the first people captivates with itsversatility and depth. This period is an important stage in the development of all mankind.
