The life of ancient people. History of ancient man

The life of ancient people. History of ancient man
The life of ancient people. History of ancient man

How did man appear? There is still no generally accepted opinion on this matter. Science and religion may give different answers. The latter teaches that the first man was created by God. Believers believe that in this way people were endowed with an immortal soul and mind.

life of ancient people
life of ancient people

Features of the scientific point of view

Most scientists are of the opinion that man comes from ape-like creatures. The latter changed in the process of evolution. Their backs straightened, their long arms shortened. The brain continued to develop. Thanks to this, these creatures became smarter. Their isolation from the animal world was inevitable. This is how the first ancient people appeared. It is worth noting that the above theory is not fully supported by scientific evidence. Nevertheless, even at school, they begin to study how ancient people lived (grade 5 of the school curriculum gives brief information about that era).

Appearance Features

The history of ancient man begins about two million years ago. The earliest remains were discovered by scientists in Africa. Thanks to this, it became possible to establish how it looked. This man could walk, only stronglyleaning forward. He had arms so long that they hung even below his knees. At the same time, his forehead was sloping and low. Powerful brow ridges protruded above the eyes. The size of his brain was smaller than that of modern humans. However, if compared with the monkey, it was larger. This man has not yet learned to speak. He was only able to make staccato sounds. Humans have continued to evolve over time. Their brain size has increased. The appearance has also changed. Gradually, they began to master speech.

history of ancient man
history of ancient man

Features of the first instruments

The life of ancient people was full of dangers. They needed food and protection from various predators. This required special tools. So the first tools of ancient people appeared. They were made from improvised materials found in nature. Several blows of stones between themselves were enough for a rough but durable device with a pointed end to appear. With the help of it, digging sticks were turned and clubs were cut down. The first tools of ancient people were represented by them, as well as pointed stones. Thanks to the ability to make them, man differed from animals. The work of ancient people can be called painstaking and difficult.

tools of ancient people
tools of ancient people

Main activities

The life of ancient people, in particular Neanderthals, took place in caves. In the ice age, they protected a person from the cold. Near the remains of Neanderthals, scientists often managed to find the bones of cavemen.hyenas, lions and bears. This means that a person had to fight with predatory animals for housing. The remains of other animals, such as large ones such as the rhinoceros or the mammoth, allow us to conclude that the life of ancient people was closely connected with intensive hunting. During the time of Mustier, it especially developed. The history of ancient man shows that to a large extent food was obtained by hunting small animals, as well as picking fruits and roots.

ancient people grade 5
ancient people grade 5

Features of the hunting process

Neanderthals from the Mousterian era went hunting not only in open areas. Also for these purposes they visited forests. There they pursued mainly medium-sized animals. The life of ancient people forced them to unite. Very often they attacked large animals together. Sometimes these were sick and defenseless animals that fell into a swamp or pit. Neanderthals did not disdain eating their corpses. The whole process of cutting the animal was divided into several stages. After killing him, the Neanderthals cut the skin with stone tools. Meat was also removed by their use. Long bones were broken. Next, the nutritious bone marrow was removed, and the brain from the skull. The meat was consumed raw. It could also be pre-fried at the stake. Most likely, the skins of slaughtered animals were used to cover the body.

the first ancient people
the first ancient people

Further development

In the Mousterian era, the management and technique of the economy became much more complicated. The division of labor continued. Mostexperienced hunters became leaders in the primitive herd. It is worth noting that European Neanderthals were quite adapted to environmental conditions, even quite difficult ones. However, their life expectancy was significantly reduced due to the difficulties of fighting and various diseases.

Features of stone tools

The existence of primitive man was filled with dangers and hardships. As for the stone tools of the Neanderthals, they were already very diverse. In addition, the process of processing them has improved compared to previous eras. Hand axes belonging to the Shellic culture were made by upholstering a stone core with a certain calculation. So, one end was to become a cutting, piercing and percussion instrument. At the same time, the other was made in such a way that it was convenient to hold it in a hand clenched into a fist. The Schell era is also characterized by other tool forms besides the hand axe. The Acheulean culture is characterized by more symmetrical tools. They are padded all over. Thus, it is advisable to conclude that it was then that the methods of new technology arose. There are also tools that are made from fragments knocked down from the cores. As for the Mousterian era, the most typical for it are pointed and side-scrapers. They were produced not from a flint core, but from flakes. During the Mousterian era, the technique of making tools changed a lot. This is evidenced by the manufacture of devices found in European deposits. If we compare with the Acheulean form, then there was a changesize of ancient tools. This makes it possible to more accurately judge how they are used. In some cases, tools can be found in large quantities. They are usually found next to the remains of fires and broken animal bones. The ancient tools of people, as well as some other elements associated with their activities, provide an opportunity to draw important conclusions about the way of life of a person of that time. The same applies to the level of economic and social development.

work of ancient people
work of ancient people

Peculiarities of labor organization

Of course, not only men, but also women had to work. However, it is obvious that the form of their labor participation was different. Here it is advisable to take into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics inherent in women. They could not take part in the hunt for large animals, as it required a fast and long chase. In addition, it was more difficult for women to fight dangerous animals, as well as throw stones. Thus, there was an urgent need for a division of labor. Moreover, this was required not only by hunting, but also by many other features of the life of ancient people. There was a complication of social relationships, as well as collective actions.
