In recent years, the problem of a he althy lifestyle has become less acute than if we talk about the memorable 90s, but it still persists. By "he althy" in this case, we mean a lifestyle based not only on the prevailing role of sports and physical culture and recreation activities, but also on a certain moral component (which teachers often forget, unfortunately).

In other words, the promotion of a he althy lifestyle in schools should be carried out with an emphasis on a rationally organized way of life that protects against the negative effects of the environment, in all its manifestations. It allows you to maintain not only physical, but also mental he alth until old age. The simple idea should be conveyed to students that following the basic principles of this methodology will allow them to maintain an increased quality of life throughout it.
It is no accident that we focus on morality. The fact is that the decline in social culture leads not only to a large-scale increase in absolutely wild crimes among adolescents, but also to an increase in the number of such diseases (cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, emphysema of the lungs), which in past years were recorded mainly only in completely asocial strata. society.
In principle, advertising of a he althy lifestyle is widespread in the media today, but it does not give a 100% effect, since the consequences of the last 10-15 years will be felt for a very, very long time.
Unfortunately, the fascination of young people with narcotic drugs has reached completely unacceptable values. The recent outbreak of the use of so-called "spice" is a prime example of this. The incomplete education and complete destruction of the life of the individual long before his physiological and physical flowering are just the sad consequences of all this. Do not forget about light alcoholic drinks.
Doctors have long proved that the harm from beer, alcoholic cocktails and energy drinks often exceeds that from strong alcohol by an order of magnitude. Meanwhile, a condescending attitude towards this problem is widespread in society, which is completely unacceptable and must be completely eradicated. Teenagers should be clearly aware that alcohol is a powerful drug, a poison. Its use at such a young age leads to complete degradation of the personality, decline in he alth and premature death.
General Principles
Parents and educators often ask about the age at whichstart promoting a he althy lifestyle? World and Soviet experience clearly shows that everything is laid down at the stage of conception of a future member of society, but here it all depends on the parents. As for the children themselves, the first concepts should be laid at the age of two or three years.
This process must go on throughout life. There is no limit to human self-improvement, but the foundation of an adequate, he althy personality should be laid exclusively in childhood and adolescence.
Depressing situation

In recent years, it is increasingly happening that children cannot cope even with ordinary school problems on their own, they constantly manifest such forms of neuroses that were previously diagnosed only in mature people who have worked in a difficult environment for many years. Unable to express their feelings, unwilling to cope with problems in a natural way, adolescents are increasingly beginning to “drown their sorrows” in alcohol or, even worse, take drugs for this purpose.
It is not uncommon for children under the age of ten to be registered in narcological dispensaries. All this should be rooted in a he althy lifestyle. This topic is extremely topical, and therefore it is worth understanding the root causes, the origins of the problem.
Why is this happening?
Alas, but for some reason, primary school age is not considered problematic even among specialists. Why, then, do we ask with surprise about where thebitter, embittered and mentally broken teenagers? After all, everything is laid just the same in this “problem-free” period! Thus, the concept of a “he althy lifestyle of a preschooler” should include not only physical activity, but also educational (but not moralizing!) conversations conducted in an easy game form.
The success of the child in later life depends on this time. Moreover, by “success” we mean not the psychology of unbridled consumption, which is so popular in recent years, but the upbringing of a reasonable, educated and he althy person in every sense. A person who can become a full-fledged participant in social relations and create a normal, strong family.
This is what he alth promotion should do. Pictures in he althy lifestyle textbooks are rarely taken seriously, so the teacher should convey to the children the importance of proper nutrition, physical and spiritual development.

It should be clearly remembered that at primary school age a child is especially susceptible to all negative manifestations of the external environment, it is at this time that children often receive deep mental trauma, which subsequently poison their whole life. They literally absorb all the information they receive, like sponges, but their psyche is not yet capable of any filtering. At this age, children are extremely receptive to everything adults tell them.
Main preventive work
In a word, the promotion of a he althy lifestyle should be actively conducted, starting with the youngestelementary school classes. Children should not even allow the thought of trying alcohol, drugs or smoking their first cigarette. The younger generation during this period is interested in any information that they perceive extremely quickly. Important! The process of educational work in no case should be annoying. Teaching these things should not be a dry bureaucratic procedure performed “for show”.
You should know that stories about the same drugs should be carried out, conveying only information about the harmful effects that they have on the mental and physical he alth of a person. Children do not need to know about the methods of their manufacture, the places where narcotic plants grow, and so on. "Forbidden fruit is sweet", and therefore such information may well provoke them to use this kind of drugs.
In no case should a child be intimidated or threatened by talking about the dangers of an antisocial lifestyle. Teenagers tend to disregard safety standards, and therefore they need to understand the truly irreversible harm of drugs and alcohol. These psychological aspects of adolescence must be taken into account by a really effective promotion of a he althy lifestyle in school.
Key principles for delivering important messages

It must be said that drug addiction and substance abuse are completely unpredictable, that addiction develops immediately, without any "trial period". It is necessary to speak not about abstract physiologicalproblems that teenagers often simply do not perceive, but about the specific effect of narcotic and toxic substances on the human brain.
We should not forget to tell you that taking all these drugs very soon turns anyone into a weak-willed vegetable that is not even capable of satisfying its own basic physiological needs on its own. Young and he althy people are very afraid of becoming helpless invalids, so such an example will be much more effective than simple and thoughtless intimidation.
Social Aspects
In general, the promotion of a he althy lifestyle should take into account modern fashion trends. Tell us that taking narcotic drugs and alcohol will not quickly leave anything from the strength and he alth of young men, from the beauty of girls. It must be emphasized that a drug addict is just an empty shell of a former person, a robot controlled by an uncontrollable passion. Revealing the subject of drunkenness, one should give real life examples of how young, successful and he althy people in the past ended their lives extinct, having lost interest in everything except the next bottle, “remnants”.
In this case, in no case should you focus on any personal problems of students coming from families where one or both parents suffer/suffered from alcoholism. This not only hurts children very much, but also makes them targets of peer ridicule.
You need to convince teenagers that there are no hopeless situations, and getting away from problems by injecting yourself with drugs or getting drunk is stupid. The task of the teacher is toto bring up socially active people from "windy" teenagers who are not indifferent to other people's problems.
And what should a he althy lifestyle of a preschooler be based on? As we have repeatedly emphasized, during this period all the foundations for the future life of a person are laid. The main tasks at this time are quite simple, but at the same time extremely important:
- Firstly, children should be accustomed to a measured, thoughtful daily routine.
- Secondly, they need to instill a love for outdoor activities, for active games. More specifically, keep an interest in it, as children usually do well with games.
- Thirdly, preschool children need to be taught to perceive the beautiful, the beautiful. Reproductions of artists should be shown, which clearly show the beauty, harmony of a he althy and strong person.
- Fourthly, it is necessary to regularly talk about strong, courageous and purposeful people who, even with some physical disabilities, always strived to lead a he althy lifestyle.
Main preventive work in schools

All of the above is especially important in the light of current realities. Many teachers shift the educational function exclusively to parents; they practically do not carry out general promotion of a he althy lifestyle at school. In general, they are partially right, but most people are now busy at work for days, so they simply don’t have time and energy left.
In addition, manyparents simply do not have a sufficient educational level, they do not have pedagogical inclinations. Because of this, it often turns out that teenagers from quite prosperous, we althy families feel lonely and deprived, which is why problems begin. Promotion of a he althy lifestyle should be aimed at correcting this problem as well. The campaign program is somewhat different for each educational institution in particular, but its general provisions are the same for all.
Main areas of work in schools, preschool institutions
Common work in educational institutions should be aimed at achieving the following results:
- Declining demand among adolescents for risky pleasures, the development of rejection of these concepts in principle.
- Reduce and eliminate the incidence of drug addiction and alcoholism.
- Improve the overall social environment.
To cope with all these tasks helps the revival of the moral foundations of society, raising the prestige of sports.
Performing extra-curricular physical activities
You should start from the elementary grades. An excellent way to increase the prestige of sports can be an extra-curricular event "He althy Lifestyle". Within its framework, it is necessary to show children what benefits it has to keep their body in shape. What is the best way to do this? Of course, in the form of a playful, fun extracurricular activity.

The easiest way to convey to the guys the idea ofthe importance of sport by telling them about the history of the Olympic Games. This is all the easier to do, since quite recently this most important event in world sports life was held in our country. What kind of scenario to come up with? Promoting a he althy lifestyle should include the following steps:
- The host talks about Ancient Greece.
- Describes in an accessible and interesting way how and where the first Games were held.
- Then, a brief digression into the history of this event, from ancient times to the present day, should be made.
- After that, you need to hold a series of gaming competitions with awards.
- Closing speech on the importance of a he althy lifestyle.
This is how an extra-curricular activity "He althy lifestyle" can be held. This will surely interest the children.
The importance of sports, physical education
As for sports. Many teachers of the "old school" often do not think that physical activity should be normalized not only depending on the age and curriculum, but also taking into account the physical development of each student. It is not uncommon to observe a sad situation when a group of students begins to sincerely hate physical education lessons just because teachers do not make allowances for their general condition at all.
The task of the teacher is to interest each (!) student in sports. It is important to make it clear to students that sport is not a constant run, not a struggle to wear out with your own body. Physical education should be a joyful, interesting activity, and physical activity should be normalized so thatcontribute to the harmonious development of the body. If someone cannot cope with one-time loads, they should be reduced, spread over time.
Other important events
Don't focus solely on outreach. From time to time it is worth checking how the guys have learned the material told. For this purpose, the drawings "He althy lifestyle" are perfect. As in the case of an extracurricular activity, it is quite possible to hold a school-wide competition of works from all students. As usual, the winners should receive some kind of reward that will stimulate them.
What general requirements should these drawings meet? A he althy lifestyle is far from an abstract concept, and therefore the guys should depict in their works what to do, what to eat in order to remain alert, energetic and full of energy until late old age. We need to give them the idea of comparing people who do and do not play sports.
Thus, the comprehensive project "Promotion of a he althy lifestyle", which includes both a drawing competition and an extra-curricular sports event, will help children personally express their attitude to a he althy lifestyle, which will better fix in their memory all the important information about this concept.

It should be noted that at the present time, all of the above is more or less actively carried out in many schools and other educational institutions throughout the country. And there is already a positive effect. Among young people, the “fashion” for the use of tobacco and alcohol has sharply decreased, and the role of sports in the life of society is starting to increase again. In most cases, the attitude towards drug addicts is purely condescending, many are well aware of the consequences of this disease. But it is too early to reduce the intensity of work, as the problem remains very relevant.