The physical world is all around us. Its laws underlie everything we can see and feel. The purpose of this article is to reveal the topic of thermal phenomena and formulas of thermal processes, to explain their application using the example of modern technologies.
The study of this phenomenon was carried out by such great scientists as Isaac Newton, Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Daniel Bernoulli. Already in those days, scientists knew that the world consists of atoms, which were then called "corpuscles", which meant particles. And the theory of thermal phenomena, in turn, was called corpuscular.
The great scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov made a significant contribution to science by studying thermal phenomena. Considering heat as the rotational motion of atoms, he was able to explain such complex physical processes as the melting of metals, the evaporation of liquids, the thermal conductivity of bodies, and also revealed to the world the greatest degree of cold.
The concept of a thermal phenomenon in physics and formulas for thermal processes
Without understatement, we can say that thermal phenomena are an important component in nature. This is all that is associated with a change in the temperature of physical bodies. Data explorationmolecular physics and thermodynamics are engaged in processes, and the movement of atoms is observed using the methods of statistics and kinetics. In nature, this can be seen when ice melts, water boils, metal melts, the sun shines, and other similar processes occur.

It is known that all bodies consist of molecules that randomly move inside the substance. When heated, the speed of movement of molecules increases, and when cooled, it decreases. This movement itself is endowed with kinetic energy, which is released when the temperature changes. This phenomenon is called heat transfer.
When we put a cold spoon into a cup of hot tea, where the temperature is 100°C, the spoon gradually heats up and the tea cools down a little. This is the simplest example of heat transfer that we can observe in everyday life
In physics there are formulas for thermal phenomena. With their help, the absolute temperature of a substance in Kelvin, the amount of heat, evaporation and heat temperature, fuel combustion and heat of fusion are calculated. You can also convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius using physical formulas.

Fields of application of the thermal phenomenon
The laws of thermodynamics are widely used in aviation, in the design of the heating system of houses, in steam engines and internal combustion, jet turbines. They are used to melt various metals, in industry, to create heat-resistant materials and other things (up to spaceindustry).

Based on this simple phenomenon, which we see everywhere in the world around us, an incredible number of mechanisms have been invented. We still use these inventions in everyday life. This is how the electric kettle and refrigerator work. Even the fact that a person warms up under a blanket is also an example of a thermal phenomenon.