Culture, history, traditions and population of Slovakia. Population of Slovakia: size, features and employment

Culture, history, traditions and population of Slovakia. Population of Slovakia: size, features and employment
Culture, history, traditions and population of Slovakia. Population of Slovakia: size, features and employment

Slovakia is a power located in the center of Europe. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava. The population of the capital is about 470 thousand people. The country is not washed by the seas, and its neighbors are Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Austria. The area of the territory of the state is 49,000 km2, and the length of the borders is 1,524 km.

population of slovakia
population of slovakia

A Brief History of the State

The history of Slovakia (the population already lived on these lands) began in the early Paleolithic era, it is distinguished by almost constant wars. In the 6th century A. D. e. these lands were captured by the Roman legions, but after the fall of the empire, Goths and Germanic communities came to their place. And only closer to the beginning of the 9th century, the country was settled by Slavic tribes, which formed the Principality of Nitra and joined Hungary.

In the XI-XIV centuries Slovakia was part of the Kingdom of Hungary. In 1526, when the Ottoman Empire overthrewKingdom of Hungary, Slovakia joined the Roman Empire. Until 1918 it was part of Austria-Hungary. And only in 1938 Slovakia became an independent republic, but was under the control of Germany. The communists came to power after World War II. In 1998, the Communist Party was overthrown.

Independent Slovakia

The Slovak National Council in July 1992 adopted the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Slovak Republic. On September 1, 1992, the first Constitution was adopted. The Czechoslovak Federal State ceased to exist on December 31, 1992.

Mikhail Kovac is the first president of Slovakia. He began his reign in February 1993. On March 29, 2004 Slovakia joined NATO. On May 1, 2004, the country joined the European Union. December 21, 2007 joined the Schengen area, and January 1, 2009 - the eurozone.

The head of the state is the president, who holds his high post for 5 years. The population of Slovakia chooses the president by voting. The leader of a party or coalition is the prime minister. According to the recommendations of the Prime Minister, the main body of the Cabinet of Ministers is elected with a term of office of 4 years. The president has the right to dissolve the council after disapproving the government's policy statement three times.

Geography of Slovakia, nature, climate

The population of this country owns vast natural resources. Most of the country's territory is occupied by mountain peaks. The Western Carpathians are located in the north and northeast, and on the border with Polandare the High and Low Tatras. Gerlachowski Stit is the highest point in the country (2,655 meters).

slovakia demographics economy population
slovakia demographics economy population

The Danube River flows in the southwest of the country. Other, small mountain streams flow into this river. In the east, the Carpathian rivers flow, which belong to the Tisza basin: Torisa, Laborets, Ondava. The largest rivers from the tributaries of the Danube are the Gron, Vah, Nitra.

The country's climate is temperate continental. If the winter in Slovakia is dry and cold, then the summer is warm and humid. In the capital of the state in January, the temperature shows approximately -1 degrees, and in July + 21 - +24 degrees. In the mountains, winter and summer are colder.

40% of the country is occupied by forests. If the southern slopes of the mountains are covered with mixed and broad-leaved forests, then coniferous forests grow on the northern slopes. The most common trees in Slovakia are: beech (about 31% of forests), spruces (29%), oaks (10%), fir (9%).

Alpine meadows are located in the mountains. There are a lot of various living creatures in the forests: deer, bears, lynxes, weasels, squirrels, foxes. This is a country with unusually clean air, healing springs and ice caves.

Religion and state languages

Slovak is the state language of the people of Slovakia (it is native to 78.6% of the inhabitants). It belongs to the group of Slavic languages, very similar to Russian and Ukrainian. For the most part, the population of Slovakia speaks not only the state language, but also Czech, German, Hungarian (about 9.4%), Gypsy (2.3% of people) and English.

A lot ofpopulation are believers. The state recognizes freedom of religion. Considering the total population of Slovakia, 60% of believers are Catholics, 0.7% are Orthodox, and the rest are communities of other religions. Approximately 10% of residents identify themselves as atheists. There are 13 churches, 28 male and female orders, as well as a religious society of Jews on the territory of the state.

Traditions and customs of the state

Despite the fact that the Slovak people were under the control of Hungary for more than nine centuries, the inhabitants of the country have not forgotten their culture, customs and native language. This is the great pride of the nation. Today, the inhabitants of the state really do not like it when their native language is called phonetically similar to other European or Slavic languages.

slovakia country description population
slovakia country description population

All holidays and customs, one way or another, are connected with nature. It was with her that for a long time the people of Slovakia themselves were united, who previously lived mainly in villages, engaged in agriculture and, in general, leading a quiet life. Ancient traditions are remembered and honored today, treating the past with respect and special awe. Slovaks firmly believe that there can be no future without the past.

Almost every village has its own unique customs. Most of the population celebrates the following holidays:

  • The holiday of the Three Kings is celebrated at the end of the Christmas week (Carols);
  • holiday of Carrying out Morena, which symbolizes the end of winter (similar to the Russian Maslenitsa);
  • Lucia's holiday falls ondecember (according to a long tradition, during the celebration, girls tell fortunes about the future groom);
  • "Maypole" - this tradition has been preserved since ancient times (according to legend, it is necessary to plant a tree in front of the window of your girlfriend).

Population and ethnic composition

The population of Slovakia is 86% Slovaks. Another 10% are Hungarians, and 4% are gypsies, Poles, Germans, Ukrainians and representatives of other nationalities. At the end of 2016, the population was 5.5 million people (for the year the number of citizens increased by three thousand). The average density is 110 people. for 1 km2. In general, the demography of Slovakia for 2016 is represented by the following indicators:

  • 56,998 people born;
  • 53 361 people died;
  • births exceed deaths by 3,637;
  • 217 people amounted to migration gain;
  • in Slovakia 2,641,551 men and 2,790,714 women.
slovak history population
slovak history population

Slovakia, whose total population as of December 2017, according to analysts, will be 5,436,122 people, will increase by 3,857 people. The excess of births over deaths will be 3,640. About 57,000 people will be born in the entire year (approximately 156 children per day). The natural increase is positive, the number of citizens is growing, albeit at a very slow pace.

The migration increase will average 1 person per day. This means that a significant influx of migrants who will take the jobs of Slovak citizens will notpending.

Economic features of the state

The state was part of different states for a long time. Demographics, economy, population of Slovakia were for a long time part of something larger (Czechoslovakia or Austria-Hungary). And only at the dawn of an independent state did the economy begin to develop.

The basis of the economy today is mechanical engineering and industry. More than 50% of products are produced for export. Since the country's economy was built on openness and transparency, Slovakia acquired the enterprises of many of the world's industrial giants. Factories of the Korean manufacturer KIA motor, the German manufacturer Volkswagen and the French concern Peugeot were established in the country. Approximately half a million cars are produced per year. In terms of car production, Slovakia is one of the first places in the world.

The country of Slovakia itself (geography, population, language) is so colorful and colorful that it cannot but attract tourists. Mountains, lakes, rivers and forests are the main attractions. Therefore, not the last place in the economy of the state is occupied by tourism. Two million tourists visit the country every year.

employment in slovakia
employment in slovakia

In recent years, employment in Slovakia has grown significantly. A good breakthrough is also observed in the labor market. In 2017, the unemployment rate in the country decreased to a rate of 9%. Increased by 3% and the level of wages of the population.

Literacy of citizens of the state

The population of Slovakia is literate. According to analysts, about 4.6 million peopleolder than fifteen can write and read (99.62%). Approximately 17,441 people remain illiterate.

The literacy rate of the male part of the population is 99.59%, where 8,929 people remain illiterate. The female literacy rate is 99.64%, where 8,512 women cannot read or write. The same indicator among young people (from 15 to 24 years old) is 99.37% for boys and 99.53% for girls, respectively.

Education system

Education of citizens of the country can be divided into the following stages: primary education (from 6-7 to 14-15 years old), secondary (from 14-15 to 18-20 years old) and higher education. Higher education institutions are divided into state, private and public. Comenius University in Bratislava, University of Economics in Bratislava and Technical University in Kosice are considered the best universities in the country.

The Ministry of Education is responsible for the education sector in the state. Its composition is appointed by the President of Slovakia himself. On March 23, 2016 Petr Plavchan was appointed Minister of Education.

Country culture

The people are very proud of their original and vibrant culture. Each region of the country is distinguished by folk costumes and unique customs. The national culture of the state is known throughout the world for dances, songs and music. It is Slovakia, the description of the country, the population - the main themes of folklore. Almost every summer, residents organize folklore festivals.

slovakia total population
slovakia total population

To date, 12 state-ownedscientific libraries, 473 of these institutions are affiliated with universities, and there are 2,600 public libraries. The library at the university in the city of Bratislava was founded in 1919, contains about 2 million documents and is considered the most important library in the country. The Slovak National Library was built in the city of Martin in 1863, which contains unique materials related to the culture of this country.

About 50 museums have been built in the state. In 1893, the Slovak National Museum was established in Bratislava, which houses exhibits from the field of archeology, musicology, and Slovak history. This is the most famous museum in the country.

Folk art and music

Folk art, especially in rural areas, includes: wood carving, painting, weaving, wood building. Folk art has evolved over the centuries, as evidenced by archaeological excavations. The traditions of folk crafts are not forgotten today, as they have always been passed down from generation to generation. They are supported by the ULUV Folk Art Publishers Gallery. Since 1945, all expositions of the gallery have been exhibited in 28 countries of the world.

population of slovakia
population of slovakia

Since the 19th century, music has occupied an important place in the culture of the people. Contemporary music in Slovakia is based on folk and classical styles. Famous works of the 20th century include the opera by Jan Kicker and the composition by A. Moises. The traditional music of Slovakia is one of the most unusual and original in Europe. It is possible to list suchwell-known orchestras in Slovakia, such as the Radio Symphony Orchestra in Bratislava, the Slovak Chamber Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra in Kosice and Bratislava.
