In every nation, the choice of a name is given great attention. From time immemorial, it was believed that with the naming of a child, his fate, happiness and luck are decided. For Kazakhs, the choice of a name is a complex issue, and many points are taken into account, for example, family affiliation, the wishes of parents, and so on. The criteria by which Kazakh male names are chosen are peculiar and sometimes even surprising.
A bit of history
For this people, according to linguists, the total number of names exceeds 10,000 marks. This is due to the fact that the ancient names of the Kazakhs have been preserved and continue to operate, and new ones are added to them every year.

Thus, changes in political life and in the way of life, relationships with other nationalities influenced the culture of the nation and, as a result, the names. There are both native Kazakh male names and those borrowed from other peoples. Most of them were adopted during periods of religious intervention.
With the advent of Islam in the Kazakh steppe, the culture has changed andmany customs. At that time, Kazakh male names were enriched due to the popularization of Muslim prophets and saints, as well as the names of the Almighty himself. For example, Muhammad, Ali, Aziz, Rahman and others.
A little earlier, this list was supplemented by Jewish names that have survived to this day. These are Ilyas, Zhunys, Isa (the name of the prophet Jesus) and others.
Also, the conquests of the Mongol Empire did their bit. From them such names as Chingiz, Altai, Zhambyl and others passed and firmly entrenched.

Kazakh names borrowed from Iranians have slightly different pronunciations, but in general, the meaning and sound correspond to the original versions. So, "Bakhtiyar" in the Kazakh language sounds more sharply - "Baktiyar", the sound [k] here is sonorous. The following Iranian names are common in the modern Kazakh language: Eset, Dastan, Rustem and others.
Highlights when choosing a name
When choosing a name, they rely on the opinion of the elders in the family, as a rule, these are grandparents. However, third parties may also be involved in this matter. These may be good acquaintances who hold a high status in society or have some kind of talent, such as singers, composers, and so on. It can also be just good friends and close people.

When choosing a name for a child, the views of the family are taken into account. For example, in families with a more secular upbringing, the latest trends in this area are preferred. At the same time, popularbe both new borrowings and original ancient Kazakh names for a boy. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that it is not customary to name the child in the same way as the father. In families with more loyal views, names borrowed from European countries are common. For example, Arthur, Ernst, Sergey and others.
Muslim names are popular in religious families: Mohammed, Samat, Zhusyp and so on. Moreover, there are complex in structure, in which one part is one of the hundred names of God mentioned in the Holy Quran. For example, Nurali, Rayymbek.
In cases of frequent death of children in the family or when children are born with poor he alth, not very beautiful Kazakh male names or with a special meaning are specially chosen for them. For example, Turar (get up), Toleu (payment), Zhursyn (let him go) and even Tractorback. This is done in order to ward off misfortune, the evil eye and other troubles from children. In addition, the time of year at the birth of a child, the area and other factors are also taken into account.
Kazakh names for men have many features, and despite all of the above, I would like to note that when choosing them, the opinion of parents plays an important role.