Who is an Ethiopian? The answer to this question will be as follows. It's about an Ethiopian. However, this word has several meanings, one of which refers to the times of ancient Greece. Who an Ethiopian is will be discussed in more detail in the proposed article.
Word in dictionary
Before we begin to consider who an Ethiopian is, let's turn to the explanatory dictionary, which describes all the meanings of this term. It says that this is a certain people who were an ally of the Trojans in the Trojan War at the turn of the 13th-12th centuries BC. As the ancient Greek historian Efor Kimsky, who lived in the 4th century BC, wrote, the Ethiopians are one of the four races of man who inhabited the south, at a time when there were Scythians in the north, Celts in the west, and Celts in the east Indians.

There is also a version that "Ethiopian" is translated from Greek as "a man with a scorched face." According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, this is any foreigner who has a dark skin color.
However, it should be noted that, according to the ancient scholar A. I. Ivanchik, initially inIn the Greek epic, the term "Ethiopian" did not carry the meaning "black", but most likely meant "shining". So, in the ancient Greek poet and rhapsodist Hesiod, the Ethiopians are separated from the blacks. Only from the middle of the 6th century BC. e. identification with black people can be traced. In other words, even ancient historians could not unambiguously answer the question of who an "Ethiopian" was.
Other values
Studying who an Ethiopian is, it is necessary to indicate that today there are several nationalities that inhabit the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. This state is located in East Africa and is also known as Abyssinia.

Today, about 100 million people live in this country. It is the most populated landlocked country in the world. In Ethiopia, the official language is Amharic, and the capital of the country is Addis Ababa. It should be noted that other nationalities also live on the territory of the republic.
Among the many nationalities living on the territory of this relatively small country, we can name the following peoples of Ethiopia:
- amkharov;
- agaurov;
- Anuak;
- Argobbs;
- afarov;
- boranov;
- bertov;
- gongs;
- gumirrov;
- Gumuzov;
- guragers;
- dasanchey;
- jungers;
- issov;
- robov;
- cons;
- kambats;
- Mursi;
- murle;
- Nuer;
- Oromo and Omet;
- surmov;
- sidam;
- Sakhov;
- tigers;
- falashmurov;
- Habesh and Harari.

As can be seen from the above, the territory under consideration is inhabited by a wide variety of nationalities, and all of them are considered Ethiopians. Christianity is predominantly widespread in the state, almost half of the population belongs to this confession. Protestant Christians, Muslims and followers of ancient aboriginal cults are also present.
Ethiopian women
Studying this ancient people, it is necessary to tell about the fair sex. According to studies conducted that relate to the life of women in this state, observers came to the conclusion that life and conditions here are quite difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that 85% of the country's inhabitants live in rural areas, where the population naturally works in agriculture.

Mostly women work on the farm, manually processing grains and other crops. They also carry goods over considerable distances, raise children and run a household. The fair sex is deprived of their rights, namely, they have fewer opportunities for secondary and higher education, employment and personal development. It should be noted that even the civil code reflects such discrimination. For example, property rights for women are limited in most cases.

Currently, the situation has changed somewhat for the better, but these changes are not significant. Even if women receive higher education, it is quite difficult for them to get a job in their profile. As a result, the vast majority of women living in the city work in the service industries and do not hold any positions of responsibility.
Capital of the country
As mentioned earlier, the capital of the state is the city of Addis Ababa. It has the status of a separate region of the country. In Amharic, the name of the capital means "new flower". Quite often this city is called the "capital of Africa" or "Paris of Africa". This is due to its political, historical and diplomatic significance for the entire African continent.

As of 2012, more than three million people live in the city. Here, compared with other regions of Ethiopia, a fairly developed economy, transport and industrial sectors. The city is home to several universities and other educational institutions.
Tourism, hospitality and communications businesses are thriving here. Currently, there is a fairly substantial development of the city with high-rise buildings intended for business centers and hotels. Shopping and entertainment centers are also being built. Mass construction is associated with the state program for the development of tourism and business. Recently, Addis Ababa has been called the “Resort Capital of Africa”. Every year the city is visited by an increasing number of tourists.from all over the world.
Answering the question of who an Ethiopian is, we can confidently say that these are the inhabitants of Abyssinia. As already mentioned, this term includes all the numerous nationalities living on the territory of the republic. However, in addition to this, the Ethiopians are a mysterious people who are present in numerous references to ancient Greek historians and scientists.
This people is also called mythical, which is erroneous, because, according to ancient documents, they still existed. Modern scholars, as well as ancient historians, cannot come to a consensus about the Ethiopians. Arguably, they argue about the origin and the very people who inhabited the lands south of Ancient Greece.
Today's archaeological research reveals even more mysteries concerning the Ethiopians. What kind of people are they, where did they come from and where did they disappear and have they disappeared? All these questions have yet to be answered by scientists.