All professions are important, all professions are needed, and even those that involve great risk and danger to life. Nevertheless, people who have dedicated their lives to difficult and risky work are well aware that the next shift can end in a tragic death, and in the best case, a meeting with an ambulance team and urgent hospitalization.
Who are these daredevils and what kind of work do they devote their working time to? Our article invites inquisitive minds to get to know brave people better. Here is a rating list: the top 15 most dangerous professions.
15. Show business stars and famous political figures
The top most dangerous professions are opened by celebrities (singers, actors, etc.) and politicians, because they surround themselves with bodyguards for a reason and drive exclusively in armored vehicles. The fact is that people's love often develops into outright hatred - the so-called hatred. Haters show their distaste for public figures in different ways. If only onecompose fables on the Internet, then others are ready to take extreme measures: to kill, maim or cause any harm to a famous person. For example, John Lennon and John Kennedy became victims of popular hatred: both were killed with a pistol shot.

14. Pilots and flight attendants
The workers who ensure the operation of the passenger liner are in the clouds, both literally and figuratively. The profession of a pilot and stewardess directly breathes romance and spirituality, isn't this another reason to dream? However, lofty thoughts are abruptly replaced by anxiety and anxiety with every shaking of the plane. Airlines employees themselves claim that the chance of getting into a car accident is several times higher than the probability of a plane crash. Perhaps this is true, but after a car accident, people often survive, but to stay alive after a fall from a great height is an incredibly rare luck.

13. Animals and zookeepers
Sometimes the instinctive behavior of our smaller brothers resembles the bloodthirsty action of merciless killer maniacs. For animals that do not know the human hand, such behavior is more than predictable, but as a rule, aggression does not come from zoo residents and fluffy circus workers living side by side with people. Nevertheless, even the most friendly animals can suddenly attack the owner and ruthlessly "chop off" his life with sharp fangs and long claws.

12. Divers (divers)
Scuba diving is not only an exciting hobby, but also a full-fledged profession. The most dangerous place on earth, according to divers, is the little-studied depth of the ocean. It is rather difficult to argue with such a statement, since in the abyss of sea darkness you can not only meet dangerous predators, but also lose access to oxygen. Despite the danger of the underwater depths, divers are not risking their lives in vain: they raise drowned people to land and do research.

11. Bodyguards
The life of popular personalities is constantly under the destructive sight of the public. To soften the "blow", and sometimes even avoid it, celebrities turn to bodyguards for help. Outcast daredevils put their he alth at risk and quite often take fatal shots from aggressive "fans" and ill-wishers.

10. Stuntmen
Top 10 most dangerous professions are opened by stuntmen. They can easily run over hot coals, jump from a height of ten meters or set themselves on fire. Understudies of extreme scenes always try to calculate the course of future events to the smallest detail, but, alas, this does not always work out. The result is life-long injury or death.
9. Boxers
Boxing is one of the most dangerous professions in the world of sports. History knows enough cases of urgent hospitalization of athletes who "flew" into a knockout. Moreover, sometimes the duel ends with the death of one of the opponents. The lethal outcome is not at all surprising: after the referee's signal in the ring, the criminal code ceases to operate. This means that the fight becomes especially merciless, and the opponents are given one single goal: to cripple the person on the opposite side of the ring.
8. Bullfighters
Unlike boxers, bullfighters are much less likely to get injured. Despite this, they managed to get a higher position in the ranking of the most dangerous professions. This is because the bullfighters are left face to face not with a man at all, but with a bull, whose weight reaches half a ton. And if the damage inflicted by a hand in a boxing glove is most often not fatal, then a bull attack with one hundred percent probability guarantees a bullfighting participant at least urgent hospitalization.

7. Industrial climbers
How do you like the prospect of spending your work shift at a height of a hundred meters? No, we are not talking about a cozy office located on the top floor of a prestigious skyscraper. Rather, everything is quite the opposite: the workplace of climbers is located on the outside of the windows of multi-storey buildings. By the way, unlike high-rise assemblers who can confidently stand on their feet on special scaffolds, climbers literally soar in the air, as they use special ropes tied to the roof of the building for work. However, high-strength cables do not always protect climbers from accidents.

6. Firefighters
The fiery flame shining in the fireplace gives an indispensable feeling of comfort and homeliness. However, both comfort and the house itself may not be in a matter of minutes if just one spark from the fireplace hits the rug or curtain. When disaster strikes, brave professionals risk their lives to save someone else's. Fortunately, the death of a firefighter in the line of duty is relatively rare.

5. Astronauts
For daredevils, there is an extremely difficult and responsible job even outside the native planet. Astronauts maintain space stations or travel the galaxy to conduct research. Half a century ago, work as an astronaut was considered the most dangerous profession both in Russia and in the USSR. In the past, space transport designs have not been without flaws and frequent malfunctions. Moreover, future interstellar travelers sometimes died even during exercises. Today, technological progress is gradually bringing the design of spacecraft to perfection, but it still cannot be argued that astronauts do not risk their lives. And in general, hardly anyone can assume that being in outer space is a trifling matter.
4. Police officers
The employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are on guard of public order and cool the hot ardor of the most dangerous elements of society. Far from friendly "communication" with armed bandits and drunken hooligans portends trouble or trouble in advance. The cops so oftenget wounded and injured during the detention of criminals, that they even stop writing about it in the newspapers: society takes such an incident for granted. And in vain, the country should know its heroes by sight!

3. Miners
Miners more than deservedly receive the third place in the ranking of the most dangerous professions. Firstly, being in a gloomy dungeon cannot be called an inspiring and romantic activity, and secondly, such work can be compared to real hard labor, as it requires incredible physical effort throughout the entire shift. Moreover, being in a mine means putting your life in danger every second. Metaphorically speaking, the god of the dungeon Hades loves to bury alive anyone who disturbs his domain.

2. Racing drivers (racing car drivers)
Noble racing fans are ready to give their last money for a couple of tickets to Formula 1. But the pilots of racing cars do not give money for the opportunity to participate in the championship, but the most valuable thing they have - he alth. Sometimes the price gets too high: drivers meet a rotten old woman with a scythe right on the race track.
1. Military soldiers (combatants)
War… Such concepts as pity, mercy and compassion are alien to her. She does not tolerate cowards, weaklings and traitors. War is the most terrible reason to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of thousands of he althy men who are waiting for their beloved wives and children.

KUnfortunately, even today, states conduct military operations. To defend the honor of their country, citizens undergo special training, take up arms and go into the abyss of bloodshed. If a soldier survived after the fighting, then this means that he was born in a shirt.