Eisenhower principle: description, features and application

Eisenhower principle: description, features and application
Eisenhower principle: description, features and application

It is very easy to get confused in the cycle of life events. Children are taught to distribute their time correctly by adults, who often put everything off until later. As a rule, this “later” never comes. All planned cases are smoothly pushed aside by others and in the end turn into one continuous lump of unresolved tasks.

The problem most often lies not in the number of cases, but in an irrationally drawn up schedule. People do not pay due attention to planning their activities. But, having spent quite a bit of personal time on learning the basics of time management, you can significantly save time in the future. Then in life there will be a place not only for eternal problems, but also for yourself and your family. One of the simplest and most effective planning techniques is the Eisenhower principle.

What is the essence of the technique?

The principle of the Eisenhower matrix is the competent distribution of tasks depending on the degree of their importance. It helps to break down the entire list of tasks into important and not important, urgent and not very important. Using the matrix, you can determine the period of time that will be needed to solve the problem,after all, something requires more attention, and some things are not worth five minutes spent on them.

eisenhower principle
eisenhower principle

To achieve success, you need to follow a certain algorithm. The order of necessary actions depends on the priority of tasks. As a rule, various factors prevent you from concentrating on one goal: personal problems, people around you, habits, and so on. The Eisenhower method can help get rid of weaknesses and focus only on useful actions.

How did this principle originate, who formed it?

The thirty-fourth President of the United States of America, Dwight David Eisenhower, substantiated the described principle of time management. The politician could not leave a single task unsolved, so he tried to make his schedule as rational and optimized as possible. As a result, Eisenhower transformed all the tasks into a matrix.

Today, office workers, managers, and senior leaders use the president's method. This suggests that this way of prioritizing is really effective and relevant.

What is the Dwight Eisenhower Matrix?

Eisenhower's square (or the principles of time planning) is based on the construction of a matrix. The bases of the matrix are the axis of importance (abscissa) and the axis of urgency (ordinate). Their mutual intersection gives four squares, each of which is filled with tasks, according to their distribution.

So, for starters, you should decide what is important and what is urgent. Important things have the greatest impact on achievementresult, and urgent tasks require immediate execution. In general, a picture is formed that gives a complete picture of the state of affairs.

eisenhower square or planning principles
eisenhower square or planning principles

The Matrix will allow you to set the right priorities - what can wait and what will not be delayed.

What's in square A?

The first square, located in the upper left corner, is called square A. The most important and urgent tasks are written in this cell. Ideally, this square should be empty, since a rationally distributed time allows you to avoid the presence of cases of this kind in principle.

Major matters include:

  • he alth problems that usually occur at the most inopportune times;
  • what may have a negative impact on performance;
  • things that, if not done, could lead to new problems.

The self-control of a person is responsible for the fullness of this square. After all, if new cases appear in cell A every day, the Eisenhower principle will not help. Here you should turn to time management in principle, but first you need to deal with all the cases that will fill square A in the near future.

eisenhower principle in fsa
eisenhower principle in fsa

Despite the highest priority of this square, it is possible to transfer the solution of the problems that fill the cell to someone else. But this is only if this is possible, and things do not necessarily require personal participation.

What tasks does the square meanIn?

This part of the matrix is filled with daily activities. As a rule, everything that deserves the most attention is included here. These are important, but not urgent matters, most of which are related to the main activity of a person. The low urgency of the tasks will allow you not to make sudden decisions, and a constructive and reasonable approach will make it possible to complete all tasks more efficiently.

People who mostly solve Quadrant B problems are more productive. With good work results, such people have enough time for their personal lives, they do not experience constant stress. This square consists of tasks that are of little importance and, perhaps, to some extent everyday, but it is from them that human activity mainly consists.

dwight eisenhower principle
dwight eisenhower principle

Tasks from sector B have a strong impact on both morale and material condition. These are sports, diet, sleep, study and work activities - those things that you can’t do without, but they usually pay the least attention, letting a lot go by themselves.

What are the cases in square C?

Square C includes those things that do not bring you closer to your cherished goal, but, on the contrary, slow down events, postpone the implementation of really important tasks. Most often they require an urgent investment of time, but they distract and lead astray. Here it is important to always remember the results of your activities and goals and not switch to the secondary.

In this sector, you can safely include household chores and promises made to someone. In general, this is not so muchimportant as urgent.

What's in square D?

For people who do not know how to properly plan their time, things from this square take the most time. These tasks can rather be called not problems, but pleasant worries, which, moreover, do not bring absolutely any rational benefit. The influence of square D must be, if not eliminated, then at least reduced.

prioritization eisenhower principle
prioritization eisenhower principle

Don't replace rest with aimless monitoring of social networks, watching TV shows or series, empty chatter on the phone. Free time can also be spent for the benefit of yourself and others: family, loved ones and friends.

Where is the Dwight Eisenhower principle used?

The described method of task distribution is used not only to rationalize time. Accelerated analysis according to the Eisenhower principle is used, for example, to determine the necessary functions of retail facilities. Product improvement at all stages of the life cycle is called functional cost analysis (FSA). This principle combines economic and technical methods to determine the ratio of product properties with the cost of it. The latter must be logical and pay off.

what is the eisenhower principle in fsa
what is the eisenhower principle in fsa

What is the Eisenhower principle in the FSA, studied by many experts from countries with market economies: France, Germany, Great Britain, USA. As a result, it was found that in order to determine the range of the relevant functions of the object,it is important to observe the proportions between their necessity and cost. The Eisenhower principle in the FSA is to analyze the product and distribute its properties into three categories:

  1. Category A. Main or fundamental functions: the direct purpose of the goods, the provision of which requires more funds.
  2. Category B. Secondary product features that are related to the main one. The presence of such additions is welcome, but the absence does not affect sales too much.
  3. Category C. Extra features, the absence of which will in no way affect the quality of the product. By avoiding spending on add-ons that are completely unnecessary, you can save a lot.

Practicing the Eisenhower Principle

It is absolutely not necessary to distribute tasks exactly in the form of a matrix - in a square, but at first you can do just that to ensure visibility. It is convenient to convert the standard view of the matrix into several lists or a general plan, where cases from different squares are highlighted in color. So, for example, both urgent and important tasks (square A) can be written in red ink, important but not urgent in green (sector B), unimportant but urgent tasks (square C) in blue, and black - unimportant and non-urgent. At the same time, the degree of importance of a particular case should be assessed not in the mind, but on paper. This is how tasks take shape, and their execution becomes more real.

eisenhower matrix principle
eisenhower matrix principle

Why should this method be used?

PrincipleDwight Eisenhower can help change your life in terms of rationalizing your personal time. Using this method allows you to spend less time on unnecessary tasks and focus on the most promising things, as well as devote enough time to proper rest, avoiding the so-called time wasters: television, aimless wandering around the expanses of the Web, and the like.

A person who applies the principles of time management in their daily activities is not only more successful than others, according to statistics, but also he althier, as they do not experience constant stress associated with congestion and constant deadlines. Prioritization (Eisenhower principle or any other) will help optimize your life activities in all areas.
