Population of Latin America: size and composition

Population of Latin America: size and composition
Population of Latin America: size and composition

Latin America includes more than 30 countries and overseas territories. What unites them? What characterizes the population of Latin America?

What is this region?

America is part of the world, which includes two continents of our planet - North and South America. However, based on cultural and social characteristics, such a division is not enough. The entire southern mainland, Mexico and the Caribbean are united by the common name Latin America.

population of latin america
population of latin america

Earlier, the region was called Indo-America, or Ibero-America. For all its countries, languages of Latin origin (French, Portuguese, Spanish) are official. Latin America includes territories belonging to the United States (Puerto Rico) and France (Martinique, Guadeloupe, etc.). Sometimes this includes Canada, especially the province of Quebec, the majority of whose inhabitants communicate in French.

Territories of the region were initially settled more by Roman-speaking Europeans. Therefore, they began to talk about the commonality of these countries as early as 1830. Later, the idea was picked up by politicians and local intelligentsia, and in 1856 the unifying term was first heard.

PopulationLatin America: history of development

The first man appeared here about 17-11 thousand years ago. The indigenous population is part of the Central South American local race. It covers the Amazonian, Californian, Central American, Patagonian, Andean and Fireland Indian populations. Scientists suggest that these peoples arrived here from Asia, crossing the so-called Bering bridge.

population of latin america
population of latin america

The Spaniards opened the territory for Europeans, launching full-scale land expansions in the 16th century. As a result, the indigenous population of Latin America was exterminated. The Portuguese, British, Germans, and Dutch arrived on the continents, bringing with them African slaves. In the 19th century, workers arrived from India and China. At the same time, gypsies, Arabs, Asians, and Jews arrived in the region. Numerous mixed marriages led to the appearance of mestizos, mulattos, sambo. Currently, Latin America has the most diverse and unique racial and genetic composition.

Size and deployment

The number of inhabitants of the region began to increase markedly after the end of the local wars of independence. Recently, this trend has only continued. The population of Latin America is approximately six hundred million people. The most populated countries are Brazil (200 million), Mexico (120 million), Argentina (41 million) and Colombia (47 million).

The population density of Latin America is 31 people per square kilometer. The largest increase in residents is observed in the Dominican Republic,the lowest figure is in Uruguay and Argentina. The average birth rate in the region is 30-35 ppm, thanks to which the population of Latin America contains only 8% of citizens of retirement age and about 40% of residents under the age of 15.

population of latin america
population of latin america

Every year the number of citizens increases by at least 5%. A hundred years ago, the rural population significantly predominated, now about 80% of Hispanics live in cities. More than three hundred megacities have a population of 100 thousand people and more (Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, etc.).

In most countries, the population is located compactly. In Mexico and in some states of the South American continent, the bulk of the inhabitants live in mountainous areas. And the intermountain regions are considered the most densely populated (up to 100 people per sq. km.).

Ethnic composition and religion

The racial diversity of Hispanics in all countries is different and varies greatly. Indigenous Indians - no more than 15%, they make up about half of the total population in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Southern Mexico. A huge share is occupied by mestizos (up to 50%). In Mexico, for example, almost the entire population belongs to them.

White people are common in Argentina, Costa Rica and Uruguay. In total, there are no more than 20% of them in the region. Blacks and mulattoes predominate in Brazil and the Dominican Republic, while Asians inhabit Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago.

latin america population density
latin america population density

All these indicators are conditional, sincethe average Hispanic usually has genes from more than two races. The population of Latin America mainly adheres to the Catholic religion, there are also Protestants. Recently, there has been a trend towards atheism.
