Korablev Denis is the protagonist of a cycle of children's stories by the famous Soviet writer V. Dragunsky. This character is one of the most popular in literature, as evidenced by the fact that he became the protagonist of several adaptations of these stories. These are "Merry Stories" (1962), and "Deniska's Stories" (1970), and short films based on individual stories from the book of the same name in 1973, and "In Secret to the Whole World" (1976), and "Amazing Adventures Denis Korablev" (1979). It is known that the prototype was the son of the author, for whom he wrote his works.
General characteristics
Events of the main part of the stories take place in Moscow in the late 1950s - early 1960s. Korablev Denis in most of the works is a boy of preschool age. He lives with his parents, next to the circus, which is mentioned in one of the works of this cycle. Subsequently, he had a younger sister. The story is told from the point of view of the protagonist, which is the charm of these works. The writer showed the world around him through the eyes of a child, many of whose judgments are striking in their truthfulness, reasonableness and directness.

In addition, the images of his parents play a large role in the stories, and his closest friend and comrade Mishka also plays a significant role. Secondary, episodic characters periodically appear on the pages of stories, the presence of which, nevertheless, plays a great semantic load (for example, a school singing teacher).
In all his stories Denis Korablev tells about his adventures, funny stories and just episodes of his life. They are interesting in that they are all very different from each other, and each event, as it were, opens the main character from a new side. Some of the works are funny, others, on the contrary, are very sad. Thus, the author shows the complex inner world of a child who very sharply and vividly experiences everything that happens around. The writer skillfully wrote the most significant events of his era into the narrative: for example, in the story "Amazing Day" Titov's flight into space is mentioned.

Korablev Denis periodically finds himself in various funny situations, which he narrates with childish simplicity and naivety, which makes the story even more interesting. For example, in the story "Exactly 25 kilos" he drinks too much syrup to win a year's subscription to a magazine, and in another story he is going to spend his whole life under the bed. A lot of funny incidents happen to his parents and friends. For example, quite a few funny episodes are connected with his dad, who once accidentally drank an explosive mixture from various drinks prepared by the boy. In another story, the herotells how his parent unsuccessfully tried to cook chicken for dinner.

Denis Korablev is especially likable because he is an extremely sensitive boy with a romantic attitude. In one of the stories, he tells about what he likes and what he loves most, and from this long list we learn that this child has a lively mind, prudence and a vivid imagination. He loves music and singing, which is played out quite amusingly in several stories. The boy likes the animal world, as we can judge from the story “White Finches”, he is attached to all living things: in one of the works he changed an expensive toy for an ordinary luminous bug only so that this insect would not become fun in the hands of his friend. So, Denis Korablev, films about which were among the most popular in our country, became the favorite of many readers.

A lot of funny stories are devoted to the description of acquaintances, friends and neighbors of the main character. For example, he tells about the neighbor girl Alenka and his yard friend Kostya, with whom he often spent time. In the Dragunsky cycle there is also one of the most touching and sad stories “The Girl on the Ball”, in which the boy had to endure the pain of parting. Particularly memorable is the work dedicated to the story of the pope about his military childhood, which made such a strong impression on the child that he stopped being capricious. Dragunsky makes references to other works of world literature:for example, one of his stories is called "The Old Sailor", named after one of the characters in D. London.

So, one of the most popular characters in children's literature is Denis Korablev. The actors who played the role of the main character (Misha Kislyarov, Petya Moseev, Misha Men, Volodya Stankevich, Sasha Mikhailov, Serezha Krupennikov, Serezha Pisunov) perfectly embodied this image in Soviet films. And numerous film adaptations testify to how popular Dragunsky's works are in our country.