It's a very anxious time for high school graduates. To make a life with whom? Whom to go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who just don't know what they want. Parents know … They often explain: "you will go to study where you can." Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In most educational institutions, serious career guidance work is carried out in the graduating classes. They invite university professors and graduates, publish “newsletters”, hold interesting specialized class hours, talks … And in the souls of the guys there is an anxious, aching feeling: how not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is the choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your speci alty. And 5 years as if it had not happened. And if it's interesting, but not prestigious, or not money?
So who should I go to study? Maybe first try to look at yourself with

sides? Can Icommunicate with peers, but with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about the high? Is my mind rational or do I live primarily with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself - a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring city, in the capital? The third step: read in the press - what are the most sought-after professions these days?
After all, the degree to which a specialist is in demand determines the future well-being of him and his loved ones, the possibility of further career growth, and much more. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic notions are often decisive. In the 60s of the twentieth century, they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s - of the profession of a lawyer and an accountant. It was believed that they are "the most bread." But now there are too many of them. Technology and production levels are changing before the eyes of current graduates.

So who to go to study after 11th grade? Obviously, preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, heads of innovative enterprises and the business sector. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of jurisprudence and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist of any profile. Therefore, when deciding for themselves the question “who is better to study”, the future applicant must understand that budget places for these speci alties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are waiting for them.only if the family is willing to make the financial commitment to education.
According to forecasts, engineering speci alties will break into the lead in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires engineers: designers, technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because the highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, the engineering and technical youth of the 90s and zero years sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, “in house managers.”

But even more acute need for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and he althcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but … penniless. What a dilemma!
Finally, it's not important at all to have prestigious "crusts" for self-respecting graduates, if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, "golden".
For a long time in Russia there was no such acute demand for skilled workers. Turners, millers, equipment adjusters, machine tool operators with program numerical control, system administrators, logisticians… Young people capable of servicing "complex" equipment are so in demand that companies are ready to train at their own expense and pay higher wages. Of particular interest to employers is the profession of software engineer, web designers and IT security professionals.
The specializations "Nanomaterials" and "Nanotechnologies inelectronics". In the future, the range of specializations in this area will probably be wider.
However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales, how to take a place under the sun of your company in the face of fierce competition - this is where serious marketers, marketers-translators, marketers-lawyers, psychologists and other specialists in management optimization are needed material and information flows.
Who should I study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, do not follow the momentary mood, do not reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.