Assumption is both a spoken thought and the basis of progress

Assumption is both a spoken thought and the basis of progress
Assumption is both a spoken thought and the basis of progress

Man always tries to plan his life to get the maximum benefit and minimize costs. Assumption is a speculative experiment, during which, with the help of the mechanisms of logical thinking, contemporaries try to see the future. The term has nothing to do with mysticism, it has a materialistic and even scientific background, which makes it relevant even in the 21st century.

Where did the word come from?

Standard division into morphemes allows you to trace the etymology in a matter of moments. This is a "preliminary provision", in other words:

  • about the position of a person or object in space;
  • about hypothetical statements;
  • about possible circumstances and facts;
  • about thoughts, etc.

The speaker does not yet know anything, but based on previous life experience, he draws some parallels and tries to calculate the future. Mistakes? Quite possible, therefore, in practice, the meaning of the word “assumption” is inextricably linked with marker phrases:

  • in my opinion;
  • some think;
  • maybe;
  • it seems etc.

You leave room for retreat. Or list options!

meaning of the term conjecture
meaning of the term conjecture

What are the meanings?

Plans are constantly changing, especially in today's world. Therefore, nothing can be known in advance. The definition under study traditionally contains two transcripts:

  • guess;
  • design.

In the first case, it means discussing some fact about which you have no information, or it is too vague. Will it rain tomorrow or will distant relatives come to visit? Will the boss issue a bonus or fine? One can only guess about it!

The second option involves planning and concerns the person himself. You absolutely know your thoughts and circumstances, trying to build a schedule. But due to the actions of others, due to the weather or other factors, they are ready to change plans at any time. For example, go to the country not on Friday, but next week. Or, instead of buying a car, put money on deposit for the sake of buying an apartment. There is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve the best result. Even at the last moment.

the meaning of the word guess
the meaning of the word guess

How to put into practice?

Today, the word "guess" is a multi-valued term. It is used in scientific works, in jurisprudence. Even when analyzing the stock market. At the everyday level, people constantly get out of the schedule and follow the flow, as fate takes a turn. You should not completely abandon hypotheses, because by sorting through them you can quickly find the best option in a difficult life situation. But you should not rely on luck in everything, try to strike a balance between planning and fatalism!
