Moscow Aviation Institute is a public institution of higher education that occupies one of the leading positions in the training of elite (leading) engineering personnel of global importance through innovative approaches at all stages of the educational process in aviation, space and rocket technology.
The rapidly developing science of aeronautics headed by N. E. Zhukovsky served as a prerequisite for the emergence of the Moscow Aviation Institute, and in 1930 it was created as part of the Faculty of Aeromechanics of the Moscow Higher Technical School. Its main and strategic mission was the release of the highest class specialists from the walls of the educational institution, who would later begin to apply innovative approaches in the development of the aviation industry of their homeland.
The institute providesbudget places for applicants with a sufficient passing score, as well as its own military department for the training of officers and a student hostel. All this will be discussed in this article.
The Moscow Aviation Institute is located at the following address: Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, building No. 4, next to the Voikovskaya metro station.
The admissions office is located in the main academic building on the 4th floor.

Working hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - from 10:00 to 16:00; Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 14:00 to 18:00.
Distinguishing Features
According to the research conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) has a high rating and is among the top ten universities in the city of Moscow specifically in engineering and technical specialization. The percentage of employment and the level of wages among graduates of these educational institutions is the highest (more than 60 thousand rubles.)
MAI is endowed with extensive ties with the industrial complex and is positioned as one of the leaders in training personnel for the defense industry. The very training of narrow specialists is carried out in the main centers of the rocket and space and aviation industries.

Teaching activities at the MAI are carried out by the leaders of the country's strategic enterprises.
The head of the institute is Rector M. A. Poghosyan, who is a member of the PublicChambers by special decree of President Putin V. V.
- Aviation equipment.
- Aircraft engines.
- Applied mathematics and physics.
- Control systems, computer science and power industry.
- Social engineering.
- Aerospace.
- Robotics and intelligent systems.
- Applied mechanics.
- Foreign languages.
- Pre-college training.
- Aircraft electronics.
In total, the program of the Moscow Aviation Institute has about 97 speci alties and areas that are simply impossible to list. It should be noted that the educational process is flawlessly organized at all levels and provides full-time, part-time and distance learning.
Among the main speci alties of the Moscow Aviation Institute, the most popular are aircraft engineering, financial and economic direction, management, project management, rocket and space technology, modeling and research in aerospace systems, etc.

International Specialization
Applicants from both near and far abroad study at the institute. Most of the students come from the countries of Southeast Asia, but the institute is gaining more and more popularity in suchcountries such as India, China, Angola. For its international students, the institute has specially created a curriculum in English as part of its international loy alty.
The main strategic directions of international activity were highlighted. They were the union of scientific and innovative projects, the organization of international olympiads and special competitions.
Most graduates who came to study from abroad return home already placed in leading positions in large enterprises in their country.
Student Life
The life of students at MAI is interesting and exciting. Many different programs created to stimulate the development of students allow you to spend your free time not only with pleasure, but also with benefit. The latest laboratories and design bureaus, our own airfield, test bases allow you to widely expand your scientific imagination.
The Institute widely encourages the manifestation of initiative, a creative approach to scientific and research work. Such loy alty to students only increases his status and wide popularity.
In the future, the most talented applicants are offered to stay within the walls of their native institute and conduct teaching activities.
Also, a lot of sports sections, creative teams have been created for students at MAI, student associations work.

Priorities in the development of the MAI
In the process of continuous development and improvement, managementtraining titan highlights the following priorities:
- search for innovative solutions in the organization of all learning processes;
- close cooperation with the country's leading industrial complexes in the preparation of highly qualified and efficient employees;
- future students in Moscow are being prepared by the institute from school for further strategic development already in the process of studying at the institute.
But the most important, undoubtedly, remains scientific activity, for which new and innovative laboratories, development centers, constant encouragement of gifted students are tirelessly created.

Continuous scientific research
Having the most powerful systems available for a wide range of research, the Moscow Aviation Institute strongly supports and develops this industry. And it should be noted that the achievements of such work are important - since 2009 the institute received its well-deserved title - the National Research University.

More than 2500 applicants are involved in similar projects and take part in various narrowly focused events.
The largest scientific and design centers located in large areas allow you not to limit yourself in the process of work.
All tests are conducted by applicants and supervisors "hand in hand". This disposes young testers to more painstaking and responsible work onconducting experiments and seeing yourself in the future. It is especially pleasant for young people to receive pleasant bonuses in the form of additional scholarships at the end of the work. It is safe to say that MAI is one of the largest think tanks in Russia.
Innovations in the work of MAI
Today, innovations occupy one of the leading positions among the performance indicators of any enterprise. And since most of the students of the educational institution have an internship at state-leading enterprises, it is a matter of honor for them to apply innovative solutions. Such qualities are instilled in them even in the alma mater, since the Moscow Aviation Institute never lags behind in its development and actively develops innovative projects by participating in innovative development programs (IDP).

Constant renewal of scientific bases, which are already equipped with exceptional and innovative devices, does not allow them to stagnate and makes it possible to take part in many state and international projects.
Also in the MAI, there is a widespread trend towards entrepreneurship among young people. And this direction did not go unnoticed by the business environment, which financed the most successful projects.
Concluding all of the above, we can say for sure that admission to the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) is one of the most promising and profitable investments for the future.