Studying abroad has long been available. Among the many universities in Europe, Asia and America, higher education institutions in Japan are very popular. One such place is the University of Tokyo.

Where is it located? How can a Russian student enter the University of Tokyo? How much does tuition cost? All this and a lot of other useful information for applicants will be considered in the article. So why do Russian youth seek abroad? Let's try to answer this and other questions.
Study Abroad Benefits
- Receive an education that is highly valued around the world.
- An invaluable experience of living in a different cultural environment, especially for Russian students.
- Improving foreign language skills.
- Increaseprofessional level.
- Obtaining an international diploma.
- Acquaintance with the traditions, history, way of life and culture of other peoples and countries.
- The emergence of new interesting friends.
- Emerging job opportunities in Europe and elsewhere.

Tokyo is the capital of Japan
This city is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. But not only by this fact, he attracts increased interest in himself. Technological progress triumphs here. High-speed trains, advanced technology, housewife robots and many other scientific inventions that serve man. In order to have someone to invent technical miracles, the University of Tokyo was built at the end of the 19th century.
He is one of the oldest educational institutions in the country and for more than half a century bore the title of Imperial. The university was formed by the merger of three institutions: Soheiko, Kaiseigo and Igakuso. Among the graduates of the University of Tokyo there are a large number of famous people: writers - Kobo Abe, Akutagawa, Kizaburo Oe; politicians - Yoshida Shigeru and Yasuhiro Nakasone, and many others. Among them were a large number of Nobel laureates.

Tokyo University Faculty
This educational institution is considered the most prestigious in Japan. After all, it is the University of Tokyo that graduates the most qualified specialists to work in the apparatus of the government of the country, as well as in the largest companies. More than 30 thousand students from Japan study here andother countries of the world. The university has the following faculties:
- philological;
- legal;
- economic;
- pharmaceutical;
- medical;
- technical;
- scientific;
- agriculture;
- art;
- pedagogical;
- historic.
Admission conditions and prospects
To become a student at the University of Tokyo, you must meet the following requirements:
- Documented knowledge of Japanese.
- Have 12 years of secondary education. For applicants from Russia - one course of higher education.
- Pass the national entrance exam.
- Submit the following documents: medical certificate of he alth, application, certificate of education, photographs.
- Having a bank account with enough money to pay for tuition and living expenses.
- Get a student visa.
After graduation and receiving a state diploma, graduates have several options:
- Get a job. With a degree from the University of Tokyo, this is not so difficult.
- Continue graduate studies and achieve degrees and awards.

Distinctive features of studying at the University of Tokyo
- The opportunity to use the rich library of the educational institution.
- Great attention is paid to the physicalstudent development. There are sports sections and organizations.
- Research laboratories run by students are equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
- A hostel is provided, its cost is about 14,000 yen per month.
- A large number of hobby groups and clubs for students to study in their spare time.
- Training time is from four to six years, and the cost is from 500 to 800 thousand Japanese yen per year.
- Study here starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.
Student reviews
High quality knowledge and confidence in the future - that's what the University of Tokyo is all about. The cost of education, of course, is very high, but the education received is worth that kind of money. In addition, there are always opportunities to get a scholarship or grants, however, for this you will have to work hard.
Japan is a country that obeys only its own laws, largely incomprehensible to foreigners. If you want to study traditions, get into business circles, then the best and surest way is to study at the University of Tokyo. An interesting fact is that everyone chooses subjects here, and there is no timetable familiar to Russian students at all.
To successfully graduate from the University of Tokyo, you need to complete a certain number of hours. According to students, they can be obtained when you pass an exam or test. Japanese students usually do not use cheat sheets, because if they are found, the punishment is very severe - an exception.

Most Popular Universities in Europe
Based on the numerous reviews of students, you can make a list of the most popular higher education institutions. These include:
- University of Bologna in Italy. This is the oldest university in Europe. Studied here: Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Coluccio Salutati, Nicolaus Copernicus. The educational program of the university covers all possible areas of knowledge. Although Roman law was originally taught.
- Oxford University. One of the most prestigious universities is located in the UK. On its territory there are churches, museums, a theater, libraries. Interesting fact: in the Harry Potter movie they showed the main dining room of Oxford University. In 2016, he entered the top ten best institutions of higher education in the world.
- Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Here they pay great attention to the study of religious disciplines.
- Salaman University. It is located in Spain. It is one of the first universities to have a public library.
- C altech. One of the leading universities in the USA. Space developments are underway here.
- Cambridge University. A huge number of its graduates become Nobel laureates.
- Harvard University. In the USA, it is the oldest educational institution in the country.