"Canalia": what kind of word is this

"Canalia": what kind of word is this
"Canalia": what kind of word is this

"Canal" - the word is familiar to everyone who has ever watched the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" with Mikhail Boyarsky, who cursed so funny: "A thousand devils! Oh, you rascal!" And thousands of people after the film began to actively use this incomprehensible word.


Sometimes we use or hear words without knowing their meaning, so sometimes we don't know if you are being scolded or praised. So all the same, "scum" - what is it, where did the expression come from and what does it really mean?

What does "scumbag" mean

Each word, like a person, has its own destiny, history of origin. Words also have a rich pedigree and "relatives", but there are also "round orphans". Everyone has a nationality. He studies the history of vocabulary and the origin of various words - etymology, the most interesting of the sciences.

The sly one and the rogue
The sly one and the rogue

. It means a swindler, a scoundrel, a swindler and an idler. "Canal" - a bunch of cunning. "Canal" (feminine) - scolding for an obstacle, a wish for failure."Kannalyushka" is also abusive, but not malicious, but rather affectionate.

Interestingly, according to the dictionaries of thieves' jargon, "kanja" in colloquial form means "beggar woman".

Origin of the word

For the first time the word "scumbag" is found in 1710 by Shafirov.

In the dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language, A. N. Chudinov (1910) does not write the direct origin of the word. But it says about "canal", that it can be a derivative of the Polish kanalia, and from the German kanaille (canalie), and from the French canaille, and from the Italian canaglia. The word is translated directly as "rabble", "scoundrel", "pack of dogs" (from the Latin canis, which means "dog"). That is, it is initially a swear word addressed to a person who causes contempt, low spiritually, without honor and dignity.

Scoundrel and swindler - "rascal"
Scoundrel and swindler - "rascal"

The word "scumbag" has a lot of synonyms that are more used in our time, but do not change the meaning. Those who were previously called "scumbags" are now called scoundrels, scumbags, bastards, bastards and other abusive words, which also include a lot of obscene expressions. “There is no place to put brands” - also referred to as a “trafficker”.

Where it is used

In the works of the great classics N. Gogol, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky and in theaters where performances based on their works are played, one can often hear "swindlers". And that this expression can convey not only anger, but also admiration, is not news for experienced theatergoers.

theater stage
theater stage

Now of courseyou won’t hear this word at home or on the street as often as 100 years ago - it has long been outdated. The new generation invents its own words, including abusive ones. But the "canal" will not perish in the abyss of history, it will live and be remembered by people as long as the works of the classics, theatrical performances and films where it is used are alive. Jokingly or seriously, even now, in the 21st century, the word "scoundrel" can be heard here and there.
