Properties of the system: definition, features, classification

Properties of the system: definition, features, classification
Properties of the system: definition, features, classification

Many people know the phrase from the film by Andrew and Lawrence Wachowski: "The Matrix is a system. It is our enemy." However, it is worth understanding the concepts, terms, as well as the capabilities and properties of the system. Is she as scary as she is presented in many films and literary works? The characteristics and properties of the system and examples of their manifestation will be discussed in the article.

Meaning of term

The word "system" of Greek origin (σύστηΜα), meaning in literal translation a whole consisting of connected parts. However, the concept behind this term is much more multifaceted.

Although in modern life almost all things are considered as functional systems, it is impossible to give the only correct definition of this concept. Oddly enough, this is due to the penetration of systems theory into literally all spheres of human life.

Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, there were discussions about the difference in the properties of linear systems studied inmathematics, logic, on the characteristics of living organisms (an example of scientific validity in this case is the theory of functional systems by P. K. Anokhin). At the present stage, it is customary to single out a number of meanings of this term, which are formed depending on the analyzed object.

In the twenty-first century, a more detailed explanation of the Greek term appeared, namely: "a wholeness consisting of elements that are interconnected and are in certain relations." But this general description of the meaning of the word does not reflect the properties of the system analyzed by the observer. In this regard, the concept will acquire new facets of interpretation depending on the object under consideration. Only the concepts of integrity, the basic properties of the system and its elements will remain unchanged.

system properties system classification
system properties system classification

Element as part of integrity

In systems theory, it is customary to consider the whole as the interaction and relationships of certain elements, which, in turn, are units with certain properties that are not subject to further division. The parameters of the part under consideration (or the properties of a system element) are usually described using:

  • functions (performed by the considered unit of action within the system);
  • behavior (interaction with external and internal environment);
  • state (condition for finding an element with changed parameters);
  • process (changing element states).

It is worth paying attention to the fact that an element of the system is not equivalent to the concept of "elementary". Alldepends on the scale and complexity of the object in question.

If we discuss the system of human properties, then the elements will be such concepts as consciousness, emotions, abilities, behavior, personality, which, in turn, can themselves be represented as an integrity consisting of elements. From this follows the conclusion that the element can be considered as a subsystem of the object under consideration. The initial stage in system analysis is the determination of the composition of "integrity", that is, the clarification of all its constituent elements.

Connections and resources as backbone properties

Any systems are not in an isolated state, they constantly interact with the environment. In order to isolate any "integrity", it is necessary to identify all the links that unite the elements into a system.

What are connections and how they affect the properties of the system.

Connection is the mutual dependence of elements on the physical or semantic level. In terms of significance, the following links can be distinguished:

  1. Structures (or structural): mainly characterize the physical component of the system (for example, due to changing bonds, carbon can act as graphite, like diamond, or like gas).
  2. Functioning: guarantee the operability of the system, its vitality.
  3. Inheritance: cases where element "A" is the source for the existence of "B".
  4. Developments (constructive and destructive): take place either in the process of complicating the structure of the system, or vice versa - simplification or decay.
  5. Organizational: these includesocial, corporate, role-playing. But the most interesting group is the control links as allowing to control and direct the development of the system in a certain direction.

The presence of certain connections determines the properties of the system, displays the dependencies between specific elements. You can also track the use of resources needed to build and operate the system.

general properties of systems
general properties of systems

Each element is initially equipped with certain resources that it can transfer to other participants in the process or exchange them. Moreover, the exchange can occur both within the system and between the system and the external environment. Resources can be classified as follows:

  1. Material - are objects of the material world: warehouses, goods, devices, machines, etc.
  2. Energy - this includes all types known at the present stage of development of science: electrical, nuclear, mechanical, etc.
  3. Information.
  4. Human - a person acts not only as an employee performing certain operations, but also as a source of intellectual funds.
  5. Space.
  6. Time.
  7. Organizational - in this case, the structure is considered as a resource, the lack of which can even lead to the collapse of the system.
  8. Financial - for most organizational structures are fundamental.

Levels of systematization in systems theory

Because systems have certain properties and characteristics, they can be classified,the purpose of which is to select appropriate approaches and means of describing integrity.

According to the substantive principle of division, real and abstract systems are distinguished. For ease of perception, we will present the information in the form of a table.

Real Abstract
Natural Artificial Direct display Generalizing
Physical Technical Mathematical models Concept models
Biological Social Logical-heuristic models Languages
Organizational and technical

Basic criteria for system typing

There is a categorization regarding interaction with the external environment, structure and spatio-temporal characteristics. System functionality can be assessed according to the following criteria (see table).

Criteria Classes
Interaction with the external environment

Open - interacting with the external environment

Closed - showing resistance to the effects of the external environment

Combined - contain both types of subsystems

Structure integrity

Simple - including a small number of elements and links

Complex - characterized by heterogeneity of connections, multiplicityelements and a variety of structures

Large - differ in the multiplicity and heterogeneity of structures and subsystems

Performed functions

Specialized - subspeci alty

Multifunctional - structures that perform several functions at the same time

Universal (e.g. harvester)

System Development

Stable - the structure and functions are unchanged

Developing – highly complex, subject to structural and functional changes

Organization of the system

Well organized (you can pay attention to the properties of information systems, which are characterized by a clear organization and ranking)

Badly organized

Complexity of system behavior

Automatic - a programmed response to external influences followed by a return to homeostasis

Decisive - based on constant reactions to external stimuli

Self-organizing - flexible responses to external stimuli

Foresight - surpass the external environment in the complexity of the organization, able to anticipate further interactions

Transforming - complex structures not connected with the material world

The nature of the relationship between elements

Deterministic - the state of the system can be predicted for any moment

Stochastic - their change israndom character

Governance structure



Purpose of the system

Controlling - the properties of the management system are reduced to the regulation of information and other processes

Producing - characterized by obtaining products or services

Maintenance - system he alth support

System property groups

Property is usually called some characteristic features and qualities of an element or integrity, which are manifested when interacting with other objects. It is possible to single out groups of properties that are characteristic of almost all existing communities. In total, twelve general properties of systems are known, which are divided into three groups. See the table for information.

System Properties

Static Dynamic Synthetic
Integrity Functionality Emergency
Openness Stimulability Indivisibility into parts
Internal heterogeneity of systems System variability over time Ingerence
Structured Existence in a changing environment Expediency

Static property group

From the name of the group it follows that the system has some features that are always inherent in it: in any given period of time. That is, these are the characteristics without which the community ceases to be such.

Integrity is a property of a system that allows you to distinguish it from the environment, to define boundaries and distinctive features. Thanks to it, the existence of well-established links between elements at each selected point in time is possible, which allow realizing the goals of the system.

Openness is one of the properties of the system, based on the law of interconnection of everything that exists in the world. Its essence is that it is possible to find connections between any two systems (both incoming and outgoing). As you can see, upon closer examination, these interactions are different (or asymmetric). Openness indicates that the system does not exist in isolation from the environment and exchanges resources with it. The description of this property is commonly referred to as a "black box model" (with an input that indicates the impact of the environment on the integrity, and an output that is the impact of the system on the environment).

Internal heterogeneity of systems. As an illustrative example, consider the properties of the human nervous system, the stability of which is ensured by a multi-level, heterogeneous organization of elements. It is customary to consider three main groups: properties of the brain, individual structures of the nervous system, and specific neurons. Information about the constituent parts (or elements) of the system allows you to map the hierarchical relationships between them. It should be noted that in this case, the "distinguishability" of the parts is considered, and not their "separability".

system element properties
system element properties

Difficulties in determining the composition of the system are for research purposes. After all, one and the same object can be considered from the point of view of its value, functionality, complexity of the internal structure, etc. In addition to everything, the ability of the observer to find differences between the elements of the system plays an important role. Therefore, the model of a washing machine for a seller, a technical worker, a loader, a scientist will be completely different, since the listed people consider it from different positions and with different set goals.

Structuredness is a property that describes the interconnections and interactions of elements within the system. Connections and relationships of elements constitute the model of the system under consideration. Thanks to structuredness, such property of an object (system) as integrity is supported.

Dynamic property group

If static properties are something that can be observed at any particular moment in time, then dynamic properties are classified as mobile, that is, manifested in time. These are changes in the state of the system over a certain period of time. A clear example is the change of seasons in some observed area or street (static properties remain, but dynamic effects are visible). What properties of the system apply to the group under consideration?

Functionality - determined by the impact of the system on the environment. A characteristic feature isthe subjectivity of the researcher in the allocation of functions, dictated by the goals. So, the car, as you know, is a "means of transportation" - this is its main function for the consumer. However, when choosing, the buyer can be guided by such criteria as reliability, comfort, prestige, design, as well as the availability of related documents, etc. In this case, the versatility of such a system as a car is revealed, and the subjectivity of functionality priorities system of major, minor and minor functions).

Stimulability - manifests itself everywhere as an adaptation to external conditions. A striking example is the properties of the nervous system. The impact of an external stimulus or environment (stimulus) on an object contributes to a change or correction of behavior. This effect was described in detail in his research by Pavlov I. P., and in the theory of system analysis it is called stimulability.

properties of the nervous system
properties of the nervous system

Variability of the system over time. If the system is functioning, changes are inevitable both in interaction with the environment and in the implementation of internal connections and relationships. The following types of variability can be distinguished:

  • fast (fast, slow, etc.);
  • structural (changing the composition, structure of the system);
  • functional (replacing some elements with others or changing their parameters);
  • quantitative (increasing the number of structure elements without changing it);
  • qualitative (in this case, the properties are changedsystems during observed growth or decline).

The nature of the manifestation of these changes can be different. It is obligatory to take this property into account when analyzing and planning the system.

Existence in a changing environment. Both the system and the environment in which it resides are subject to change. For the integrity to function, it is necessary to determine the ratio of the rate of changes of internal and external. They may coincide, may differ (lead or lag). It is important to correctly determine the ratio, taking into account the characteristics of the system and the environment. A good example is driving a car in extreme conditions: the driver acts either ahead of the curve or in accordance with the situation.

properties of linear systems
properties of linear systems

Group of synthetic properties

Describes the relationship between system and environment in terms of a shared understanding of integrity.

Emergency is a word of English origin, translated as "to arise". The term denotes the appearance of certain properties that appear only in the system due to the presence of connections of certain elements. That is, we are talking about the emergence of properties that cannot be explained by the sum of the properties of the elements. For example, car parts are not able to drive, let alone carry out transportation, but assembled into a system, they are able to be a means of transportation.

Inseparability into parts - this property, logically, follows from emergence. Removal of any element from the system affects its properties, internal and external relations. At thatAt the same time, the element "sent to free float" acquires new properties and ceases to be a "chain link". For example, a car tire in the territory of the former USSR often appears in flowerbeds, sports fields, and "bungee". But removed from the car's system, it lost its function and became a completely different object.

system object properties
system object properties

Inherence is an English term (Inherent), which translates as "an integral part of something." The degree of "inclusion" of elements in the system depends on the performance of the functions assigned to it. On the example of the properties of elements in the periodic system of Mendeleev, one can verify the importance of taking into account inherence. So, the period in the table is built on the basis of the properties of the elements (chemical), primarily the charge of the atomic nucleus. The properties of the periodic system follow from its functions, namely the classification and ordering of elements in order to predict (or find) new links.

Expediency - any artificial system is created for a specific purpose, whether it is the solution of a problem, the development of desired properties, the release of the required products. It is the goal that dictates the choice of structure, composition of the system, as well as connections and relationships between internal elements and the external environment.

properties of information systems
properties of information systems


The article outlines twelve system properties. The classification of systems, however, is much more diverse and is carried out in accordance with the goal pursued by the researcher. Each system has properties that distinguish it frommany other communities. In addition, the listed properties may manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent, which is dictated by external and internal factors.
