ADHD (neurologist's diagnosis) - what is it? This topic is of interest to many modern parents. For childless families and people who are far from children in principle, this issue is not so important. The named diagnosis is a fairly common chronic condition. It occurs in both adults and children. But at the same time, attention should be paid primarily to the fact that minors are more susceptible to the negative influence of the syndrome. For adults, ADHD is not so dangerous. Nevertheless, sometimes it is useful to understand such a common diagnosis. What does he represent? Is it possible to somehow get rid of such a disorder? Why does it appear? All of this really needs to be sorted out. It should be noted right away - if there are suspicions of hyperactivity in a child, this should not be ignored. Otherwise, until the moment of entry into adulthood, the baby will have some problems. Not the most serious, but they will bring trouble to the child, and parents, and people around.
Syndrome Definition
ADHD (neurologist's diagnosis) - what is it? It has already been said that it is calleda common neurological-behavioral disorder worldwide. It stands for "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". In common parlance, quite often this syndrome is simply called hyperactivity.

ADHD (diagnosis by a neurologist) - what is it from a medical point of view? The syndrome is a special work of the human body, in which there is a disorder of attention. It can be said that this is absent-mindedness, restlessness and the inability to concentrate on anything.
In principle, not the most dangerous disorder. This diagnosis is not a sentence. In childhood, hyperactivity can cause a lot of trouble. But in adulthood, ADHD tends to fade into the background.
The condition studied is most common in preschool and school age children. Many parents believe that ADHD is a real death sentence, an end to a child's life. In fact, as already mentioned, this is not the case. In fact, hyperactivity is treatable. And again, for an adult, this syndrome will not cause so many problems. Therefore, you should not panic and upset.
Diagnosis of ADHD in a child - what is it? The concept has already been disclosed previously. But why does this phenomenon occur? What should parents pay attention to?
Doctors still cannot say for sure why a child or an adult develops hyperactivity. The fact is that there are many options for its development. Among them are the following:
- Complicatedmother's pregnancy. This also includes difficult births. According to statistics, children whose mothers gave birth according to a non-standard option are more likely to be affected by this syndrome.
- The presence of chronic diseases in a child.
- Severe emotional shock or change in a person's life. Particularly the baby. It doesn't matter if it was good or bad.
- Heredity. This is the option most often considered. If hyperactivity was observed in parents, then it is not excluded in the child.
- Lack of attention. Modern parents are constantly busy. Therefore, children quite often suffer from ADHD precisely because this is how the body reacts to a lack of parental care.
Don't confuse hyperactivity with being spoiled. These are completely different concepts. The diagnosis being studied is not a sentence, but omissions in education quite often cannot be corrected.

Now it's a little clear why Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder occurs. Its symptoms are clearly visible in children. But not the little ones. It should be remembered that babies under 3 years old cannot be diagnosed appropriately. Because absent-mindedness is normal for such children.
How does ADHD manifest itself? The following distinguishing features that are found in children can be distinguished:
- The child is too active. He runs and jumps all day without any purpose. That is, to just run and jump.
- The baby has scattered attention. Concentrate onanything is very difficult for him. It should also be noted that the child will be extremely restless.
- School students often do poorly in school. Poor grades are the result of problems concentrating on tasks. But such a phenomenon is also distinguished as a sign.
- Aggression. The baby may be aggressive. Sometimes he's just unbearable.
- Disobedience. Another sign of hyperactivity. The child seems to understand that he should calm down, but he cannot do this. Or generally ignores any comments addressed to him.
This is how you define ADHD. Symptoms in children resemble spoilage. Or banal disobedience. That is why at the first signs it is recommended to consult a doctor. But more on that later. The first step is to understand how the condition under study manifests itself in adults.

Symptoms in adults
Why? ADHD is diagnosed without much problem in children. But, as already mentioned, it is not so easy to detect it in an adult. After all, he seems to fade into the background. It takes place, but does not play an important role. ADHD in adults can often be confused with, for example, an emotional disorder. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to some common symptoms.
Among them are the following components:
- the first person starts to conflict over trifles;
- unwarranted and violent outbursts of anger occur;
- when talking to someone, a person "has his head in the clouds";
- easily distracted while runningtasks;
- even during intercourse a person can be distracted;
- failure to fulfill previous promises is observed.
All of these points to the presence of ADHD. Not necessarily, but it is a possibility. You need to see a doctor for a complete examination. And if the diagnosis of ADHD in adults is confirmed, a course of treatment will be required. If you follow the recommendations, you can quickly get rid of the disorder. True, in the case of children, you will have to show perseverance and determination. Childhood hyperactivity is difficult to treat.

Who to contact
The next question is which specialist to contact? At the moment, medicine has a huge number of doctors. Which of them is able to make the correct diagnosis? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adults and children can be recognized by:
- neurologists (it is to them that they come with the disease most often);
- psychologists;
- psychiatrists;
- social workers.
This also includes family doctors. It should be noted that social workers and psychologists only make a diagnosis. But they do not have the right to prescribe medication. It's not in their jurisdiction. Therefore, most often parents and already adults simply go for a consultation with neurologists.
About diagnostics
Recognition of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) occurs in several stages. An experienced doctor will definitely follow a certainalgorithm.
At the very beginning, you need to tell about yourself. If we are talking about children, the doctor asks to make a psychological portrait of a minor. The story will also need to include details of the patient's life and behavior.
Next, the visitor will be given a so-called ADHD test. It helps to determine the degree of distraction of the patient. You can do without it, but it is not recommended to do so.
The next step is the appointment of additional studies. For example, a neurologist may ask for an ultrasound of the brain and tomography. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults and children in these pictures will be clearly visible. With the disease being studied, the work of the brain changes slightly. And this is reflected in the results of the ultrasound.

Perhaps that's all. In addition, the neurologist will study the patient's disease map. After all of the above, a diagnosis is made. And, accordingly, treatment is prescribed. Correction of ADHD is a very long process. In any case, in children. Treatment is prescribed differently. It all depends on the cause of the hyperactivity.
Now it is clear what is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Treatment, as already mentioned, for children and adults is prescribed varied. The first method is medical correction. As a rule, this option is not suitable for very young children.
What can be prescribed for a child or adult diagnosed with ADHD? Nothing dangerous. As a rule, among the medicines there are only vitamins, as well as sedatives. Sometimes antidepressants. Symptoms of ADHD are treated quite successfully this way.
No more essential drugs are prescribed. All pills and drugs prescribed by a neurologist are aimed at calming the nervous system. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the prescribed sedative. Regular intake - and soon the disease will pass. Not a panacea, but this kind of solution works quite effectively.
Folk methods
Some people don't trust the way medicines work. Therefore, you can consult a neurologist and use alternative methods of treatment. They are often just as effective as pills.
What can be advised if ADHD is observed? Symptoms in children and adults can be relieved by taking:
- chamomile tea;
- sage;
- calendula.
Baths with essential oils help well, as well as s alt with a calming effect. Children can be given warm milk with honey at night. However, the medical effectiveness of these techniques has not been proven. The person will act at their own peril and risk. However, many adults refuse any treatment for ADHD in themselves. But in the case of children, as already mentioned, the problem under study should not be overlooked.

Treating children without pills
What other treatment is there for ADHD? The drugs prescribed by doctors are, as already mentioned, sedatives. Something like Novopassit. Not all parents are ready to give theirchildren of this kind of pills. Some point out that sedatives are addictive. And by getting rid of ADHD in this way, it is possible to provide the child with dependence on antidepressants. Agree, not the best solution!
Fortunately, hyperactivity in children can be corrected even without pills. The only thing to consider: parents must be patient. After all, hyperactivity is not quickly treated. And this must be remembered.
What advice do parents most often give parents to manage ADHD? Among them are the following tips:
- Give more time to children. Especially if hyperactivity is a consequence of a lack of attention from parents. It's good when one of the parents can stay "on maternity leave". That is, not to work, but to deal with the child.
- Give the baby to educational circles. A good way to increase the attention of the child, as well as to develop him comprehensively. You can even find specialized centers that organize classes for children with hyperactivity. It's not that rare these days.
- You need to do more with the schoolboy. But do not force him to sit for days on homework. It should also be understood that poor grades are a consequence of ADHD. And scolding a child for this is at least cruel.
- If a child is hyperactive, it is necessary to find a use for his energy. In other words, sign up for some sports activities. Or just give a day to run enough. The idea with sections interests parents the most. A good way to spend time usefully, and at the same timeto throw out the accumulated energy.
- Calm is another moment that needs to take place. The fact is that when correcting ADHD in children who show aggression, parents scold them for bad behavior, and as a result, they cannot cope with the child's condition. Only in a calm environment is a cure possible.
- The last thing that helps parents is to support the child's hobbies. If the baby is interested in something, it must be supported. Do not confuse this with permissiveness. But it is not necessary to suppress the desire of children to explore the world, even if it is too active. You can try to interest the baby in some more peaceful activity. Things that you can do with your child help well.
Following these rules, parents have a high probability of success in the treatment of ADHD in children. Rapid progress, as already mentioned, will not come. Sometimes it takes up to several years to correct. If you start treatment on time, you can easily defeat such a chronic condition completely.
Diagnosis of ADHD in a child - what is it? What about an adult? The answers to these questions are already known. In fact, you should not be afraid of the syndrome. No one is safe from him. But with timely access to a specialist, as practice shows, there is a high probability of successful treatment.

Self-treatment is not recommended. Only a neurologist is able to prescribe the most effective therapy, which will be selectedon an individual basis, based on the reasons that led to the diagnosis. If a doctor prescribes a sedative for a very young child, it is better to show the baby to another specialist. It is possible that parents are communicating with a non-professional who is not able to distinguish spoiled from ADHD.
You don't need to get angry at a child and scold him for being active. Punish and intimidate - too. Under any circumstances, it should be remembered that hyperactivity is not a sentence. And in adulthood, this syndrome is not so noticeable. Often with age, hyperactive behavior normalizes on its own. But it can appear at any time.
In fact, ADHD occurs most often in schoolchildren. And do not consider it a shame or some kind of terrible sentence. Children with hyperactivity are often more talented than their peers. The only thing that prevents them from succeeding is the problem of concentration. And if you help to solve it, the child will please his parents more than once. ADHD (diagnosis by a neurologist) - what is it? A neurological-behavioral disorder that does not surprise modern doctors and is corrected with the right treatment!