Duplex - what is it? What is a duplex?

Duplex - what is it? What is a duplex?
Duplex - what is it? What is a duplex?

Increasingly, in different areas, we hear the term "duplex". Sometimes the context in which this word occurs is so different that you begin to doubt, but how to use it? Duplex - what is it? Each specialist will answer this question in his own way.

Duplex is what
Duplex is what

Variety of terms

In Latin, this word means "two-sided". Hence the variety in the use of the term.

This name is widely used in telecommunications. If we are talking about modems, walkie-talkies, telephones, then this word is used to refer to two-way communication.

The term is used in chess, printing, construction, medicine, metallurgy and even marketing.

duplex printer what is it
duplex printer what is it

Determining what the term means in this particular situation is possible only from the context.

Wallpaper duplex what is it
Wallpaper duplex what is it

Duplex and printing

Duplex printer - what is it? It is easy to understand this issue. In fact, this is one of the printing methods in which the image is printed on both sides automatically, without humanparticipation. A similar technology is retained in the MFP.

The indisputable advantage of this technique is that as a result we get a document that reproduces text or an image on both sides, there is no need to approach the device and turn the sheet over every time.

When is it rational to use the duplex method? If you have large volumes of double-sided documentation.

Please note that this printing method is available in both laser and inkjet printers. This means that this feature is not only available in office models, it is also available for home printers.

Duplex in an MFP - what is this function and what does the whole process look like? Don't be fooled into thinking that the device flips every single sheet. In fact, duplex printing is provided by having the paper go through a different path through the same printer.

In refilling cartridges, such devices are similar to those in which there is no double-sided printing function.

How to choose a duplex printer?

Having answered the question "Duplex - what is it?", let's define now the criteria for choosing equipment. First, find out for yourself how much printing you need and how often. If a large amount of material for printing is expected no more than 2 times a week, then the inkjet option will be enough for you.

But if you need to use the printer often and in large volumes, you should get a laser device. It is easier to maintainand the print quality is better.

Duplex in MFP what is it
Duplex in MFP what is it

Duplex in the world of wallpapers

With the start of repairs in the apartment, a lot of questions often arise. The choice of wallpaper is also striking in its diversity. Having understood the difference between vinyl, paper and non-woven wallpaper, we decide that we can exhale calmly. We come to the store fully armed, but again we hear a question from the consultant “what do you prefer - duplex or simplex?”

And again we grab our heads! How are they different, what are they? Wallpaper duplex - what is it?

And this is just one of the paper wallpaper options that are most often chosen. Their advantages are obvious. Low cost, high environmental friendliness. All these are arguments in favor of the paper version.

What to choose?

But what is the difference between a duplex and a simplex? Both options reflect the structure of the wallpaper. Simplex is a single-layer canvas, which explains its thinness and low strength. When using such wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully prepare the walls, as any irregularities will be visible.

Duplex, in turn, is a multilayer version. Wallpaper stands out for its higher strength and resistance to external influences.

Coarse fiber and embossed duplex - what is it? Such wallpapers differ not only in appearance, but also in the way they are made.

Embossed duplex - what is it? Perhaps this is the most environmentally friendly material among all types of wallpaper. In its manufacture, practically no chemically aggressive substances are used. By the way, these materialsoften used for wall treatment, they are popular.

What is duplex house
What is duplex house

Duplex real estate

Choosing urban and suburban real estate, we are increasingly faced with the concept of a duplex house. What it is? In the common people there are similar concepts regarding the apartment. What is it, let's try to figure it out further.

First of all, let's define that we are talking about cottages. In fact, this is a house divided into two sections, with two separate entrances, relatively independent communications.

Such buildings are designed for two families. Sometimes a duplex is considered as a private small-unit (actually semi-detached) version of a townhouse.

Layouts can be completely different and are limited only by the imagination of architects and designers. However, most often on the ground floor there are common areas, such as a kitchen-studio, guest rooms, utility rooms. The personal space of family members is often taken out to the second floor - children's rooms, bedrooms. Speaking of this type of real estate, one cannot help but recall the film of the same name, in which a young couple bought a two-story mansion in a decent area for a ridiculous price. The only negative of the purchase was an old woman who rented the second floor from the owners and constantly got them with her requests…

Medicine term

Duplex in medicine also means duality. Ultrasound scanning of the same name, which is based on a combination of Doppler and traditional studies, has received wide application.

Classical ultrasound gives the specialist the opportunity to examine blood vessels, and Doppler ultrasound reflects the flow of biological fluids.

The most common is the BCS duplex. What is this abbreviation that can take many patients by surprise? BCS means the brachiocephalic trunk or brachiocephalic vessels.

duplex bcs what is it
duplex bcs what is it

Research procedure

Along with duplex, a study using classical Doppler is also used to diagnose disorders of intracranial cerebral circulation. This method appeared much earlier and still has not lost its value.

The procedure for the patient is simple and painless. The main thing is to ensure the correct position of the person: with a slightly raised head. The most ordinary couch will do for this.

Duplex is what
Duplex is what

The study itself is carried out by a sensor lubricated with a special gel, which ensures smooth movement over the skin of the subject. The received information is read by a specialist doctor from the monitor of the duplex ultrasound machine.

In the last decade, the development of technology allows the use of a modern method of research at affordable prices. There are no complications or side effects after duplex scanning.

BCS duplex: what is it?

This term means color duplex scanning of the cranial divisions of the brain, brachiocephalic arteries. This is the most modern method of ultrasound diagnostics. It can guarantee the most accurate result and clarityimages.

The condition of the vessels and their structure is completely scanned by a duplex machine. Thanks to this, the doctor can make a correct diagnosis. If you have complaints of headache, dizziness, memory loss, inability to concentrate, causeless fatigue, tinnitus, loss of consciousness, this device will also help diagnose the nature of the pathology.

As you can see, the term "duplex" has a very wide application. This word is used to describe many things, from printers and walkie-talkies to sophisticated medical equipment.
