What is education, who is an educated person, as well as many other questions about the processes of development and education (including in our country) will be considered and reflected in this article.

What is education
It is not necessary to prove the fact that education is the greatest blessing for a person. Without it, people remain rude, poor and unhappy. A similar idea was expressed in the 19th century by one very educated person, writer and publicist, literary critic, scientist and encyclopedist, philosopher and revolutionary, N. G. Chernyshevsky
In this case, we are not talking about education received in some educational institutions and confirmed by an appropriate diploma. This is a narrow view of the educational process. Let's try to look at it more broadly: education (the essence of education) is a natural and necessary process of developing the internal qualities of a person, his soul and spirit. Moreover, this process should not have an end, it proceeds throughout the entire conscious life of a person. It is in this case that he will benefit himself, his family, environment, society and the world, because, developingindependently, a person necessarily moves all the processes around him, bringing them also into a dynamic state of development.

The problem of modernity
Unfortunately, in our time, many people, and above all parents, believe that the essence of education is the development of their children, starting in kindergarten, continuing at school and ending at graduation with a diploma. After that, the parents congratulate their child on the fact that he (or she) is now considered an educated person. It must be said that such an opinion is fundamentally wrong.
Parents - the main educators, teachers, mentors and examples for their daughters and sons - should carefully consider the time of their offspring outside the walls of educational institutions in childhood and adolescence in order to prevent the mind, mind and consciousness of children wither or become clouded. It is necessary to educate your children not only within the framework of individual subjects, but also more widely - for the knowledge of the surrounding boundless world.

Gradually and continuously developing and being formed from childhood, a person does not know any other way, and therefore, growing up, continues to work on himself and learn the unknown, while passing on the accumulated rich experience to his descendants. After all, every day, every person you meet on the way, every new business is another opportunity to gain some knowledge and show your qualities or develop something new in yourself. And a kindergarten, school or university is just an additional springboard for helping parents.in the upbringing and education of children. However, these days, most modern dads and moms want to shift (unconsciously, perhaps) responsibility for their child and shift it onto the shoulders of teachers.
Education: the essence of education and the meaning of this concept
The meaning of the concept of "education" is not simple and multifaceted, since this process is systematic and purposeful. It is a personal result of the accumulation of knowledge, the acquisition of skills and the development of skills. All this forms the processes of cognition, a certain picture of the world and determines the development of education in each specific case.
A person who has an idea of how to properly approach the study of phenomena and facts, and also on the condition that he can apply his knowledge in practice (that is, he knows how to think, analyze and compare) in his everyday activities, is considered educated.
To summarize all of the above, education (the essence of education) seems to be a definitely planned and organized process. And its result is the transfer of experience, knowledge, skills and abilities from one generation to another. Here the very formation of personality is affected.
The development of education (as a certain process) is observed systemically:
- first a certain experience goes through the assimilation stage;
- then awareness occurs and certain behavioral patterns are formed;
- necessary qualities are brought up;
- after that development (physical and intellectual) reaches the stage of realization.
It was all aboutlarge-scale, global approach to the consideration of the process of education. Now let's "approximate" it on the example of education in Russia.

General education
General education in our country is understood as such a directed and mandatory process of personality development (according to basic general education programs), as a result of which knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired, and the competencies necessary for society are formed. All this leads (at least it is supposed to lead) to the realization of the choice of the future profession.
Then vocational education is comprehended and realized. This is the essence of education.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation: Article 43
The basic law of the state characterizes the educational process. As stated in it, general education is compulsory, publicly available and free of charge. It can be obtained at state or municipal educational institutions for basic general education programs. Since the child has access to this process from childhood, its receipt is provided and controlled directly by parents or officially responsible elders.
Levels and forms of education
Since September 2013, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" has expanded the scope of general education provided by the school. Education, which is received for 9 years in this educational institution, is now defined as incomplete secondary, and after11 years of study - complete secondary.
Currently, the following levels are defined for general education in Russia:
- preschool (this level reflects innovation);
- initial;
- basic general;
- average total.
In Russia, there are also different forms of education, that is, different opportunities for obtaining and mastering educational programs. Among them are full-time, evening (part-time), part-time, as well as a form of family education. All of them have fundamental differences from each other.

Innovations in the educational process
The list of textbooks used in the educational process within the walls of the school since January 2015 has also undergone changes. The Ministry of Education and Science of our country put into effect Order No. 1559 dated December 8, 2014, stating that now one of the criteria by which the manual will be included in the federal list of textbooks will be the availability of an electronic version. The content, structure and design of the computer counterpart must correspond to the printed edition.
Another innovation in the schools of our country is the introduction from September 2015 of the compulsory study of a second language (the choice is provided).