An additional general education program is a regulatory document that determines the content of extracurricular education. It is a complex of means of education, rehabilitation, training, development of students, which is implemented on the basis of material and human resources in full accordance with the social order.
Important aspects
Additional pre-professional general education program is a normative local document. That is why it first passes the test and in a clear sequence:
- considered at methodological council;
- recommended for practical implementation;
- approved by the director of the educational institution.

Regulatory Issues
Additional general education programs in additional education are developed in accordance with the following documents:
- FZ RF “On Education” No. 273.
- Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1008.
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 06-1844.
- Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 "On the approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions ";
- Municipal legal acts.
The additional general educational general developmental program has a certain content. It depends on the specific educational institution in which this document is being implemented. The implementation of additional general education programs is an indicator of the social and economic progress of modern society and should focus on the following areas:
- providing conditions for self-determination of the individual;
- creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child;
- formation of the corresponding modern world picture among the younger generation;
- integration of the individual into world and national culture;
- formation of a citizen and a person;
- develop human resources.
Additional general education program is implemented in accordance with the curriculum, calendar schedule. The educational institution is responsible for the quality of the program.

Purpose and directions
The additional general education program has certain goals and objectives, involving the upbringing, development, and education of schoolchildren. That is why their content must fully comply with folk traditions, national characteristics, and achievements of world culture.
The additional general education program has several directions:
- science;
- technical;
- artistic;
- sports;
- tourism and local history;
- socio-pedagogical;
- physical culture and sports.
Regardless of the direction, modern educational technologies should be used in it.

An additional general educational general developmental program is reflected in certain principles of education:
- accessibility;
- personality;
- performance;
- continuity
Among the forms and methods that are suitable for additional learning, differentiation, individualization, role play are of maximum interest.
How are additional general education programs implemented? The procedure for their approval is discussed above. Methods of management and control of educational activities, as well as materials and tools, are selected by the teacher. He needs to be aware that the result of the introduction of an additional program shouldbecome the emotional well-being of the child, his familiarization with universal values.

The order of organization for additional general education programs is determined in accordance with the regulations adopted in the educational institution, and should include specific elements of the structure:
- title page;
- explanatory note;
- syllabus;
- main content;
- intended results;
- bibliographic list
On the title page, you must indicate the full name of the educational institution (according to the charter), the name of the program, its direction, information about the author. In addition, the age of the schoolchildren for whom it is intended, as well as the estimated timing of its implementation, is noted.
The explanatory note contains information about the direction of the material, novelty, relevance, significance.
In the calendar plan, indicate the main topics (sections), their content, deadlines, mode and forms of classes. Also in the program of additional education indicate the list of literature that the author used when writing it.

Option for an additional program of natural science orientation
We offer a version of the program "Beyond the Chemistry Textbook". To begin with, we note the relevance of the proposed material. There are many interesting andinstructive experiments that do not pose any threat, they are entertaining and practical. Due to the limited school curriculum in chemistry, they cannot be done in the classroom. Too bad!
The course opens up a lot of opportunities for modern schoolchildren to form a holistic view of wildlife, its material unity, the relationship between the inanimate and the living, the interdependence of the main natural processes.
This program reveals the connection between chemical knowledge and everyday life of an ordinary person, problems that appear in specific situations. This course integrates various academic disciplines: biology, chemistry, physics, economics, geography, ecology.
The course uses a laboratory experiment, historical and cultural traditions, numerous environmental problems. The course material not only contributes to the development of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also provides a basis for the harmonious development of each child.

Goals and objectives
The considered program of additional education is designed to solve the following tasks:
- creating clear ideas about the use of safety rules in the process of conducting various experiments;
- study of trends in chemical transformations and options for managing them to obtain new materials and substances;
- connection between practice and theory;
- improvement of experimental skills on the basis of independent activity of schoolchildren.
Fromthe introduction of an additional educational program, the teacher expects schoolchildren to develop a stable cognitive interest in natural science subjects, the formation of an active citizen of the country.
Course structure
The course consists of three parts, arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
The first block "Laboratory with your own hands" (6 hours) first involves the analysis of safety regulations, then advice on the use of household materials for chemical experiments. This block is permeated with the connection of everyday life with theoretical knowledge.
The second block "The first entertaining experiments" (14 hours) involves the performance of experiments by the guys, thanks to which they get acquainted with magical and mysterious chemistry. Substances that children encounter in their daily lives are offered for experiments.
The third block "Chemistry workshop" (14 hours) includes two additional sections: an environmental workshop, in which the guys determine the presence of heavy metal cations in drinking water, household items; analyze the toxicity of substances, design household chemicals. Within the framework of this additional program, a detailed acquaintance of ninth-graders with the project methodology is carried out.
Differences of this course from basic programs:
- contributes to the improvement of practical skills;
- ensures the formation of a harmoniously developed personality;
- allows you to develop skills in working with scientific literature.

Currently, many educational institutions are trying to fully satisfy the social order of society. To this end, research clubs, art studios, choreographic groups, military-patriotic associations are being created on the basis of schools. Additional education programs created by teachers must comply with the requirements set for them by the Federal State Educational Standard. In addition to the title page, the requirements for which are developed and approved in a particular educational institution, an explanatory note, a curriculum, the content should reflect a brief description of each section, the additional educational program and the basic skills and abilities that students must master after completion course.