Russia can rightfully be proud of the greatest talents that were born on its land. One of these unique personalities, whose name seems to be known to almost any person on Earth, except perhaps for people who continue to live in primitive conditions, is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This man is a great Russian poet who, in his short but bright life, managed to give us many treasures that have gone down in the history of Russian literature.
Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics
Alexander Sergeevich is called the poet of freedom for a reason. A lot of freedom-loving concepts come through in his poetry. He is rightfully recognized as the founder of realism in the Russian language and literature. In his works, he gives the reader his understanding of the concept of freedom, which resonates in millions of readers' hearts. However, the theme of liberty underwent considerable changes in the work of the great poet. Every Russian person, of course, should be aware of this important side of the work of the great son of Russia. That is why in Russian schools a separate topic is "Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics" - a lesson in the 9th grade, which is usuallypay considerable attention, because he is involved in the process of shaping the worldview of the younger generation.

What is Pushkin's freedom?
Before turning to the works of Alexander Sergeevich, let's try to figure out what he meant by such concepts as "freedom" and "liberty".
In fact, freedom for Pushkin is the fundamental value of his entire existence. It was in conditions of free self-awareness that he could create. From a young age, he knew the taste and sweetness of independence, he could compare different states of human life, which was reflected in his collected works. Nevertheless, the poet was a fatalist and believed in the vicissitudes of fate, saying that the whole person is in her power. Therefore, the line of fate in his work is painted in darker and gloomier shades. Wherever a ray of hope and freedom penetrates, all creativity seems to be illuminated by an invisible bright light that brings joy and peace to readers. That is why, if the reader wants to understand what Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics are, poetry is the surest way to know this.
Early creativity
The theme of freedom is clearly traced from the very young years of the great poet. The atmosphere of the lyceum, where Alexander Sergeevich spent the young years of his life, greatly influenced the beginning of the formation of his entire creative path. It was here that the very concept of freedom, of its strength and significance in human life, of lofty principles of life, was implanted in his soul. It was here in 1815 that he wrote his firstfreedom-loving essay "Licinius". In this short poem, he reveals a storyline based on the fate of Rome. Ancient history has always interested the poet, and especially the theme of will and bondage, which was especially relevant already in antiquity.

In addition, Pushkin's early work is marked by the ode "Liberty", which was written by him in 1817, a hundred years before the revolution in Russia. Already here the freedom-loving lyrics of Pushkin manifested themselves especially fully. The composition "Liberty" is an appeal to the whole world, a call for freedom, equality and fraternity. He mourns that the world is living wrong and continues to go the wrong way, and calls on everyone to turn to freedom, starting to live differently.
Continuation of the creative path
Alexander Sergeevich studied at the Lyceum until 1920. All the years of teaching, he continued to form as a Decembrist poet. It is the ode "Liberty" - the very first freedom-loving lyrics of Pushkin, whose verses call on the oppressed to rise up against the oppressors. In this ode, the great poet turns to the singer of freedom to give him inspiration, and then speaks out against tyranny. He remembers the martyrs who were innocently killed and makes readers tremble at the injustice of this world.

In 1918, the great Russian son wrote a poem "To N. Ya. Plyuskova", who was the maid of honor of the Empress. In this short poem, the poet revealed to readers his political worldview of thoseyears, which was distinguished by free-thinking. He speaks of the simplicity of the Russian people, which will captivate him, while imperial chic and pomposity, on the contrary, turn him away. He reflects on his country, on its historical destiny, on the great Russian people.
The poem "To Chaadaev"
This poem is another work where Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics appeared. The summary of this short, but so capacious in meaning poem is in his appeal to a friend of youth. A call to shake off the bliss of youth and comfort in order to rise in soul to freedom and devote life to the motherland. This is a personal message to a friend that actually turned out to be a political appeal. Now Chaadaev is not just a friend of his youth, sharing his entertainment, but a comrade-in-arms and like-minded person.
The whole poem breathes patriotism and the spirit of revolution and ends on an optimistic note: the symbolism of the rising of the star, which speaks of the victory of the spirit of freedom in the fight against inequality and oppression.
Poem "Village"
This poem Alexander Sergeevich wrote in 1819, while still in the walls of the Lyceum, after a trip to the village of Mikhailovskoye. Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics found a great reflection in this two-part poem.

The first part is very harmonious and describes the beauty of the Russian village, its nature, space. It was in such places that the poet was especially inspired and saw beauty. Everywhere you can guess the beauty of the village, where the poet spent so much time. However, the second part of this poem is not soserene as the first. Here the theme of slavery of the Russian people, serfdom and oppression is touched upon. He compares the "skinny" people and the "wild" nobility. It is felt that the soul of the great poet is rushing about, finding no peace. “Here, everyone is dragged by a heavy yoke to the grave,” the lines say, and at the end the question that remained unanswered: “Will I see, O friends, the people who are not oppressed?”
Crisis of the poet's outlook
1923 was a year of crisis of the poet's views and beliefs. Any revolutionary and liberation currents do not justify his hopes and expectations, disappointing him. That is why Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics of these years have already changed significantly. The first work, reflecting the new views of the poet, was the poem "Liberty sower of the desert." In it, he addresses the peoples who have adapted to the conditions of unfreedom and slavery. Also in the lines of this poem slips a new understanding of freedom, namely, material. He realizes that the age is cruel, "peaceful peoples" are content with minimal material goods, and this also depresses him.
The suppression of the Decembrist uprising also deeply affected Alexander Sergeevich. He was personally acquainted with many Decembrists and tried through his poetry to support their morale and inspire hope in their hearts. One can understand how Pushkin's lyrics have changed by briefly running through the lines of those few poems that were addressed to the Decembrists sent into exile. His poem "Arion" is the prototype of the uprising, in which he confirms hisfree views. He believes that the works of freedom will triumph and "heavy chains will fall."
The end of the twenties
Alexander Sergeevich - a fighter by nature, he was always in thought. At the end of the twenties, he turns to a new kind of freedom - the freedom of creativity. He also devotes several of his works to this. He is important "poetic freedom", which separates him from those who do not understand anything about it. If you follow the "inspiration of the Muse", then you can achieve this goal. This line can be clearly seen in the poems "The Poet", "The Poet and the Crowd".

Mature years
Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics undergo a reassessment of values in the years of the poet's maturity. The image of liberty takes on new forms, namely, it appears as inner, personal freedom. He abandons the old revolutionary free-thinking ideals, preferring peace and peace of mind to them. In 1834, in the poem "It's time, my friend, it's time!" he writes that there is no happiness on earth, but there is peace and will. In 1836, Alexander Sergeevich wrote the poem "From Pindemonti", in which he again refers to a new vision of freedom, which is far from external ideals.

In the same year, the great poet wrote a poem "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands", in which he seemed to sum up all his work. This work is considered his creative testament: "What good feelings I lyreAwakened That in my cruel age I glorified freedom And called for mercy for the fallen."
On the topic "Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics" - a report is usually prepared by high school students. Without knowledge of the life and work of the great Russian poet, it is difficult to call yourself a Russian person, which is why everyone should know about the main milestones of his life.

Undoubtedly, Alexander Sergeevich is a preacher of freedom and its ideals, which nevertheless underwent considerable changes throughout his bright, but so short life. This was due to political changes in the country, the events that happened to the poet throughout his life.
It is safe to say that Pushkin's freedom-loving lyrics, poems, the list of works loved by millions of readers is the poet's great creative heritage. And Russian people can rightfully be proud of this we alth.