Skorina University (Gomel): faculties, education

Skorina University (Gomel): faculties, education
Skorina University (Gomel): faculties, education

University them. F. Skorina (Gomel) is traditionally considered one of the most prestigious and respected higher educational institutions in Belarus. This is not only the main educational institution on the territory of the Belarusian Polissya, but also a major scientific center, which has received recognition from many foreign universities. What should you know about this university? When was it discovered and what kinds of sciences is its name associated with?

Pedagogical Institute in Gomel - the beginning of higher education

Francisk Skaryna University in Gomel appeared in 1929, when the Soviet authorities decided to start building an educational infrastructure in the Belarusian Polesie. Then the Agro-Pedagogical Institute arose, providing three areas of training for secondary schools: physical and technical, socio-historical, literary and linguistic.

Skaryna Gomel University
Skaryna Gomel University

The first graduates of this institutionstudied only two courses, but subsequently the study time increased to three years, and then to four. The Institute trained teachers for local schools with an average level of education in such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and natural history. Since 1939, the university has been named after the famous pilot V. P. Chkalov.

From institute to university

Thirty years of painstaking work went into the training of teachers of various speci alties. The institute performed well before being awarded the title of State University in 1969. In fact, it was only the second institution of this rank in the country after the Minsk State University. Raising the status of the university was of great importance for a city like Gomel. Skaryna University, whose faculties allow you to choose both technical and human sciences, provides a wide range of specializations of a classical higher education institution. Even then, he was very popular with students.

francisc skaryna university in gomel
francisc skaryna university in gomel

With the advent of perestroika times and the revision of opinions and views about the Belarusian people and their culture, in 1988 the university was renamed, giving it the name of the most famous educator-humanist of Eastern Europe of the 16th century Francysk Skaryna. Since that time, the Skorina University in Gomel exists unchanged to this day.

Gomel University today

Skarina University (Gomel) has a serious teaching staff. Today, about 650 scientists teach at this university, among which 39 have the title of Doctor of Science, 34 -professors. Corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences also work here. Every year, admission is also carried out for the master's and postgraduate studies of the university. Five speci alties can defend candidate's works in this institution, one - doctoral. This is due to the presence of special scientific commissions. Various conferences, seminars are held on the basis of the university, scientific monographs and collections of articles are published.

Research centers of the University. Francis Skaryna

Skorina University (Gomel) has two major research centers. In 2016, a physical and chemical center was opened, and the center for the history and culture of the East Slavic peoples has been operating since 2002. The latter has become one of the largest research schools in the field of Slavic studies, constantly attracting the attention of many domestic and foreign scientists.

f skaryna university gomel
f skaryna university gomel

Another institution that operates under the leadership of the university is the Isomer Center for Collective Use. The main task is environmental monitoring and verification of the properties of various substances. The institution has at its disposal four large laboratories and fourteen more not so large ones, which include the Chinese-Belarusian Scientific Laboratory, specializing in vacuum-plasma technologies.

Scientific life within the walls of GSU

It is worth noting the high rates of scientific work shown by the University of Skaryna. Gomel every year receives new guests who come to the city to participate in conferences. Last year alone, about 27 full-fledged monographs, 51 collections with articles on various sciences and conference materials, several hundred articles by authors from the University of Francysk Skaryna was published in leading foreign scientific publications. Special periodicals are engaged in the publication of student and postgraduate work in various fields. Such journals as "Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technology", "Izvestiya GGU im. F. Skaryna.”

gomel skaryna university faculties
gomel skaryna university faculties

Among the most famous scientific conferences that are held annually within the walls of this university, it is worth noting the "Days of Student Science". All departments and faculties of the university, without exception, took part in the organization, following the results of the speeches, a collection was published in two parts. In total, more than 25 conferences were organized last year, half of which are student conferences.

International Relations and Projects

Skarina University (Gomel) can definitely be called one of the most successful universities in Belarus in the international arena. So, in addition to relations with foreign higher educational institutions, since 2006, the Sinology room has been functioning at GSU, where scientists from China teach. The Faculty of Philology is distinguished in this area by the presence of the scientific and methodological Center for Russian Studies. Moreover, he is well-known in scientific circles.

skaryna university in gomel
skaryna university in gomel

The University is developing the sphere of international cooperation in every possible way through participation in international programs. Mostknown among them is TEMPUS. The coordinators of educational programs aimed at improving the qualifications of teaching higher education in the areas of ecology and inclusive education are the universities of Germany, France, and Slovakia.

To provide ongoing support and development of an educational institution in the international arena, a special department operates. Thanks to him GSU them. Francis Skaryna is constantly in the spotlight of major projects and programs that foreign universities can offer.
