Vinnitsa Medical University: faculties and speci alties

Vinnitsa Medical University: faculties and speci alties
Vinnitsa Medical University: faculties and speci alties

Vinnitsa Medical University. Pirogov is one of the few universities in Ukraine of this profile, which for many decades has occupied leading positions in the rankings of higher educational institutions. In addition, it is also one of the main educational institutions in Vinnitsa, many students go to this city to get a diploma from VNMU. How to enter the Medical University of Vinnitsa? And what are the features of the university in question? We will talk about this later.

Vinnitsa Medical University
Vinnitsa Medical University

VNMU is the pride of Vinnytsia

Vinnitsa Medical University named after Pirogov was founded back in 1921 as a pharmaceutical institute, but over its seemingly short history, it has been reformed and expanded more than once.

This university only got its current look in 2002. Then, in fact, he was awarded the status of the National University. Almost ten years earlier, in 1994, the Medical Institute of Vinnitsa was upgraded to the fourth level of accreditation, thus paving the way for a new title. Rector of VNMU them. Pirogovis a very respected person, an experienced specialist - Vasily Maksimovich Moroz, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

Pirogov Vinnitsa Medical University
Pirogov Vinnitsa Medical University

Forms of learning

Before proceeding to consider the features of this university, it is worth studying the training at the faculties, which is carried out by Vinnitsa Medical University, the rules for admitting students and forms of training.

Like any other university in Ukraine, VNMU provides applicants with a choice of full-time and part-time education. Accordingly, for the second form, training on a contract basis is more common, there are almost no state employees at the correspondence department, and you can not get a specialist diploma in this department in every speci alty.

Faculties of VNMU

Total Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov offers training at one of six faculties. According to the direction of training, the medical speci alty will be spelled out in your diploma. So, the first two faculties are united by medical departments (med. No. 1 and No. 2) - this is both psychology and pediatrics. Dentistry, in contrast, focuses only on its speci alty. The fourth faculty is pharmaceutical.

Depending on your area of interest, you can choose as a speci alty both theoretical, scientific pharmacology, and medical. Separately, it should be said about the faculty of postgraduate education. This area of work of the university is intended for doctors of more than 33 speci alties who already have a diploma of obtainingmedical education. Today there are 60 departments of both clinical and scientific profile of education. Among the employees of the Vinnitsa National Medical University named after I. Pirogov - 119 doctors of sciences, 612 candidates and 88 professors.

Pirogov Vinnitsa Medical University
Pirogov Vinnitsa Medical University

Number of students and enrollment at VNMU named after N. I. Pirogova

How many students study at this university? What are the chances of getting there? According to the standards adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the number of applicants for full-time education at the VNMU named after. Pirogov is limited to the figure of 1740 people. The number of part-time students is 350. At the same time, up to seven thousand people are constantly studying here in all courses, both full-time and part-time. Taking into account the numbers and a large selection of departments, where not everyone has an equivalent set, it is quite realistic to enter the Vinnitsa Medical University. Feedback from student students also suggests that it is quite possible to enter this university. The only thing that is required of you is good grades and knowledge obtained at school, a willingness to study hard and good results of an external independent assessment in specialized subjects such as chemistry or biology.

Preparatory Courses

For entrants of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov, there are systems of special preparatory courses. In total, according to the state order, the number of places for them is limited to five hundred for citizens of Ukraine, and the same number is provided for foreigners. Preparatory Facultyincreases the student's chances of getting into university. Also, the passage of special preparatory courses at VNMU gives additional points in the ranking after passing the VNO.

Residency and internship

As a serious educational institution of medical profile, Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. Pirogova guarantees students places for clinical residency and internship. You can be sure that when you enter this university, you are guaranteed to receive both theoretical knowledge in various aspects of medicine and practical knowledge. Places in both residency and internships are limited to 1,500 and 2,000 students per year, respectively. In principle, they will be enough to provide all successful students with options for internships. It is impossible not to say anything about the military department, which is very popular and trains future reserve officers in the process of training.

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University
Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University

History of VNMU

The Pharmaceutical Institute in Vinnitsa was founded in 1921. But in this form, the university did not last long. After the reforms of higher education in the USSR in the early 1930s, this educational institution was turned into a branch of the All-Ukrainian Institute of Correspondence Medical Education. Further, the training was transferred to the evening in order to increase the number of potential personnel for healing, and in 1934 the day form was returned. Since that time, the medical institute in Vinnitsa has been fully functioning.

In the name of the famous surgeon and scientist Nikolai Pirogov,revered both on the territory of the former USSR and abroad, the Vinnitsa Institute was named in 1960. The university was repeatedly awarded the highest awards and orders of the country, and after the collapse of the Union and the creation of independent Ukraine, it became a full-fledged medical university.

Since 1994, the focus of VNMU has been significantly expanded: the infrastructure of the university has been supplemented with stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties, more than ten departments in speci alties have been established at two medical faculties and in the department of postgraduate training.

Vinnitsa National Medical University
Vinnitsa National Medical University

Teaching staff of VNMU

What can you tell about the teachers of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov, so that you can more clearly imagine the features of this university? We have already spoken above about the number of professors and doctors of sciences in the teaching staff of VNMU. Most of the departments and courses taught are taught by professionals with a huge work experience, who skillfully and successfully pass on the knowledge accumulated over many years to new generations of doctors.

Young and promising specialists do not go unnoticed. The best students are allowed to study at the master's and postgraduate courses of VNMU, thanks to which they soon join the ranks of teachers and assistants. Not even a year passes without the employees of the Vinnitsa National Medical University named after. Pirogov did not defend at least 3 doctoral and 30 master's theses. In 2006, VNMU received 6 papers for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, and 45 for the titlecandidate.

Vinnitsa Medical University reviews
Vinnitsa Medical University reviews

International students

Foreigners who study at VNMU under a contract are not only evidence of the economic independence of the university, but also of its attractiveness abroad. Thus, every year more than a thousand citizens of other countries, primarily India, China, Arab and African states, study at all faculties. In total, during the existence of this set, opened since 1961, Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. Pirogov received representatives from 98 countries of the world, which undoubtedly speaks of his status in the international arena.

Scientific work at VNMU

Long history of Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov influenced its status not only as an institution of medical education, but also as a full-fledged scientific center. Entire branches of such sciences as physiology, anatomy, functional morphology and anthropogenetics have been developed within the walls of VNMU. The scientific schools of such branches of medicine as experimental surgery, social medicine and therapeutics are highly valued at the international level, leaving far behind many other centers for the development of the study of the human body.

Every year the university publishes dozens of textbooks and monographs. Methodological recommendations, also published within the walls of the Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov, used by hundreds of doctors throughout Ukraine. Not a single year passes without foreign publications of university staff, not to mention articles aboutdomestic periodicals. Three of them, by the way, are published in full here: "Bulletin of Vinnitsa National Medical University" and "Bulletin of Morphology".

Vinnitsa National Medical University named after N. Pirogov
Vinnitsa National Medical University named after N. Pirogov

The students themselves publish the university newspaper "Young Medic", as well as special textbooks and teaching materials to optimize the educational process. VNMU them. N. Pirogova is not only an independent institution in the field of education, but also sets trends followed by other major universities in the country.

Regional scientific communities of the nearest regions are headed by employees of VNMU, they also take part in expert commissions that check Ukrainian hospitals for compliance with the country's he althcare standards. Hundreds of thousands of medical consultations, tens of thousands of surgeries and hundreds of visits - this is the summary of VNMU's annual summary.
