What is an eye? This word sometimes slips into speech. But what is its lexical meaning? Some language units have lost their relevance. They were widely used several decades or centuries ago. But now they rarely appear in speech, few people know their meaning. The word "eye" is one of those. This article will reveal its interpretation.
Lexical meaning
What does the noun "eye" mean? With the help of an explanatory dictionary, you can find its meaning.
Eye is another name for the eye, the organ of vision. This word belongs to the category of archaisms. It is almost out of use.

Some stable combinations illustrate what an eye is. The saying “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” remains relevant. Often it can be used in colloquial speech, and can also be found in books. The meaning is "for the crime, the guilty should get what they deserve."
The proverb “keep it like the apple of an eye” has survived to this day. It is worth noting that there is no comma before "as". This phrase emphasizes that something needs to be protected, carefully protected, because it is of great importance. The word "eye" here implies some valuableitem.
Also there is a stable expression "in the blink of an eye." Interpretation - insanely fast, in a split second, without even blinking an eye.

Usage examples
Obviously, the meaning of the word "eye" is similar to the lexeme "eye", but it itself has become irrelevant. It is used extremely rarely. It is most often used in speech as part of phraseological units. You can make several sentences with this word:
- The eye of the leopard was watching the frisky doe.
- A predatory bird's eye followed me tirelessly.
- Take care of this amulet like the apple of your eye, don't give it to anyone.
- The train reached almost space speed in the blink of an eye.
The meaning of the word "eye" is not clear to the modern student. The noun "eye" is obsolete, but it occurs in a number of stable combinations. They are appropriate only in a colloquial or artistic style of speech.