"Ushlepok": the meaning of the word, synonyms and interpretation

"Ushlepok": the meaning of the word, synonyms and interpretation
"Ushlepok": the meaning of the word, synonyms and interpretation

Listen, while ordinary people and scientists argue about whether it is possible to travel in time, we will make this very jump. And fast forward almost 15 years into the past. Because no one needed to explain the meaning of the word “slapstick” in the 2000s, and young people, and in fact teenagers of that time, cheerfully used this not very euphonious word.


Obviously the students
Obviously the students

Of course, there are no such words in the explanatory dictionary, so here you have to manage on your own. But, of course, we found suitable material so that our reader would not be disappointed. But we warn you: since professional linguists do not engage in such nonsense, this version is most likely self-made, based solely on the simplest logical analysis and everyday experience. But it's not a way to actually say, "And we think so…" / No, it's not just our version.

Curts seem to be enough. Since the word originates from a non-printing noun, we will have to"play one game", but don't be scared, it's just a puzzle. True, it is impossible to solve it without knowing the language of the streets, Russian humor and most Russian films. This, of course, is about mate.

The meaning of the word “slapstick” cannot be known if you do not understand one simple thing - it's a euphemism. To determine the last word, we use an explanatory dictionary: "A word or expression that replaces another, inconvenient for a given situation or rude, obscene." By the way, from Greek it is translated either as “refraining from inappropriate words”, or (in short) as “harmoniousness”. The hero of our conversation, of course, has little to do with euphony.

There is a word in profanity that is similar in meaning to the verb "hit". Thus, the object of research means someone who has experienced violence, and beatings affected his mind, ability to think clearly and behave in accordance with the expectations of others. In principle, we have revealed the meaning of the word "ushlepok". But still, let's do one more run. Let's find decent analogues


Teenage boy smiling
Teenage boy smiling

Today we have an unusual order, because the word, or rather, conveying the meaning to the reader requires cunning. Therefore, after the origin, we will consider synonyms for the meaning of the word "ushlep". The list is as follows:

  • moron;
  • fool;
  • fool;
  • idiot;
  • moron.

Okay, stop cursing. If one adheres exclusively to research purposes, and does not derive pleasure from writing bad words, then this number of replacements of ours is enough.too euphonious subject of conversation. And then comes the trick and the final answer to the question, what is the meaning of the word "scumbag".


If the reader has already understood what it is about, then we can give him a solid "five" for quick wits. But we are duty all the same orders to put an end to this conversation. Let us define the value of the object of study through its synonym, which is in the explanatory dictionary - the noun "fool": "stupid person, fool." Naturally, we do not reveal the entire semantic spectrum of the "fool", because he is not the object of analysis now. It is important for us that the reader firmly understands the meaning of the word "ushlepok". We hope this will not be a problem.

A cultured person does not use

Books as an indispensable attribute of an educated, cultured person
Books as an indispensable attribute of an educated, cultured person

Further, we actually pass it on to the reader as smuggling, because, in fact, it is better not to use our word and forget about it immediately after you know its meaning. There are many other decent words and more elegant euphemisms. If a person behaves against the social canon, he does not have to say that he is a scumbag. You can use those synonyms that we wrote a little higher, they are both more harmonious and more decent.

If you answer a direct question about the meaning and application of the word "shhlepok", then there will be no surprise if we say that the noun is similar in meaning to its twins, which means that the scope is still the same, that is, the word can serve as a signal to a person that he has crossed some boundaries and is behaving inappropriately. But we insist:the word in question should not be used because it is rude, dissonant, and long outdated. If you want to swear, then use more recent invectives. What? It's a completely different story.
