The role of proverbs and sayings in Russian

The role of proverbs and sayings in Russian
The role of proverbs and sayings in Russian

How amazing and rich our country is! What an unusual and fundamental our native speech! Have you ever heard proverbs and sayings about the Russian language? Not? And how many phraseological units, winged expressions and quotes do you know of both great authors and unknown representatives of the multinational people of our Motherland? But there are countless of them, which is constantly replenished. Of course, modern neologisms can hardly be put on the same level with original phrases that have come to us from the depths of centuries from our ancestors, but their importance and wisdom resonate with modern foundations in society, so the Russian people need to remember and honor winged expressions as a distant past, and modernity.

Russian traditions
Russian traditions

Belinsky about Russian culture

The well-known critic and writer Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky said that the custodian of our language is the human soul, he compared the soul with a genius, which is why, according to the critic, the use in Russian speechforeign words do not make sense, moreover, people who are like this are devoid of taste and common sense.

Do you agree with this statement? If you agree, how many sayings about the Russian language do you know? After all, they are the basis of our speech and culture. In this article, we will get acquainted with some of them, which means we will increase our intellectual and cultural level.

Pushkin on foreign languages

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin believed that our language is the material of literature, therefore Slavic-Russian speech has a huge superiority over foreign ones. And despite the saying "Language is the enemy, it speaks before the mind" we can say with confidence that our language is far from being an enemy if we honor and remember our folklore.

A russian bear
A russian bear

Sayings about the Russian language and speech

Let's consider the most popular phraseological units that came to us from our ancestors:

1. You can't make a boot without the Russian language.

2. The Russian language is the strength of the weak.

3. Without the Russian language, you will not overcome the most dangerous enemy.

4. Whoever owns the language owns the cake.

As we can see, our people composed sayings about the Russian language only in a positive way. Such is the mentality, the psychology of the people. Despite the fact that it is easier for people to rely on shortcomings, a person who is creative and free from literary clichés can truly appreciate the beauty and richness of our great speech.

Turgenev about his native language

Consider the statement of the greatest writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev:

Wodays of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland - you are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

Indeed, it is our native language that can help a person in a difficult situation, help to cope with problems and bad mood. No wonder they say that a word can kill, or you can inspire to create, to create something beautiful. A word can spoil the impression of a person, or you can elevate and create a cult out of the image of a person.

Russians tell proverbs and sayings
Russians tell proverbs and sayings

If you want to understand your native history and learn its secrets, study sayings, their meaning and their origin. Do not be like bad authors, read the classics and remember: literature is valued for developing our speech, horizons, so there is no need to belittle its role in the life and development of each of us.
