After the introduction of second generation standards into the national education system, project activity has become an indispensable element in any academic discipline. Consider its features on the example of technology.
It assumes the substantiation of the theme of the project on technology. The problem considered by the child should be useful not only to the author himself, but also to other people.
Substantiation of the topic of the project on technology significantly increases its significance, allows you to apply the results in practice.

Example of the project "Sunflowers outside the window"
We often hear that handmade items bring warmth and harmony to the home. In order to achieve such a result, it is not necessary to spend material resources. Want to freshen up your room? We offer to create a panel of sunflowers, which will give the space a special touch. That is why such a topic for collective work was chosen.
Breathing Flowers Project
Selection and justification of the project topicTechnology can be done in the following way. We live in a unique country that is proud of its historical roots and natural resources. The unique plant world amazed the greatest writers, poets and artists with its versatility. We admire the flowers in the summer, we watch with interest how the leaves of the trees turn yellow in autumn. I want to enjoy the beauty and warmth of nature and cold winters. That is why the theme “Breath of Flowers” was chosen for the work. Such an ecological substantiation of the technology project indicates the metasubjectivity of this work.

Work "Transformer Swan"
How to justify a technology project? A vase-transformer is a wonderful gift for friends and family. The finished product can be used to arrange fruit, as a hot stand and even as a cutting board. A vase can also be considered as an independent element of decor in a city apartment. The product is compact, it can be stored assembled, and, if necessary, give it "combat readiness".
Environmental justification of the project by technology:
- security;
- availability of materials;
- original forms;
- minimum labor input;
- strength;
- manufacturability;
- reproducibility.
Such a substantiation of the technology project problem confirms the relevance of the work. The finished product will decorate any interior.

Work from batik
How to choose and justify a technology project? Masters call batik a unique and inimitable material used in artistic creation. Why is there a growing interest in working with him in our time? The reason is that the materials and tools needed to work with batik have become available to the general population.
People are increasingly turning to artistic creativity associated with the era of postmodernism, trying to create unusual products and compositions with their own hands. Such substantiation of a creative project in terms of technology fully confirms its relevance. Given that working with batik does not involve complex technological operations, the project is available to everyone who wants to touch this version of artistic creativity. We were attracted by the combination of the practicality of the resulting products with artistic significance in the batik technique.
Such a substantiation of the project by technology will become the main idea of the creative work.

DIY gift
Ahead of the New Year holidays, during which it is customary to give gifts. Of course, you can buy a finished product in the store, but it will not convey the feelings that you have for the one for whom the gift is intended. If you arm yourself with creative imagination, choose materials, you can create a unique picture. Such a substantiation of the technology project associated with the use of batik painting on fabrics fully explains the author's choice.

Goals and objectives
In the age of computer technology, the demand for handmade products is increasing. The choice and justification of the technology project is complemented by the purpose of the work. It can be formulated as follows: create a gift for the New Year holidays using the batik technique.
The author sets himself certain tasks:
- study the literature on the chosen topic;
- develop an algorithm of actions;
- create your own gift;
- give an analysis of the finished product.
The justification of the project on technology is done, you can start thinking through the stages of work. First you need to conduct a survey, the purpose of which will be to identify the attitude of classmates to gifts made by themselves. Respondents are asked to mark the following questions:
- do you give gifts;
- do you make them yourself;
- what is the best gift to receive.
After statistical processing of the answers, the author summarizes the results of the survey. The choice and justification of the topic of the project on technology is done, you can proceed to the main stage.
The finished product should be beautiful, bright, practical, inexpensive, safe. What gift to give friends for the New Year? For example, you can create an original panel from s alt dough, sew a potholder for hot dishes, an original toy or a three-dimensional decoration for the interior, or make a New Year's card.
In order for the finished product to please the one to whom it is intended,it is important to think through all the details of the work.

Gzhel project
The birthplace of this painting is the Moscow region. The first mention of Gzhel appeared in 1320, they were made in the message of Prince Ivan Kalita to his eldest son. These porcelain items have a characteristic blue-white color. In the eighteenth century, such dishes were created from clay, then covered with white enamel, and multi-color painting was applied to it. In the 19th century, Gzhel craftsmen created new material, improved technologies, and began producing semi-faience and porcelain.
At the beginning of the last century, this unique painting was practically lost. And only in 1972 this folk craft began to revive. On the basis of six small industries, the Gzhel association was created, and the lost folk traditions began to be restored. The Russian land is rich in talents.
Gzhel painting is done with cob alt. A double firing of high-quality white clay is carried out, previously placed in certain forms. Roasting is carried out in furnaces at temperatures above 1350 degrees.
During the review of the literature on the project, we managed to find out that the painting is carried out with cob alt. This mineral at elevated temperature acquires an unusual blue color of different shades. They appear just after the firing is completed; in its original form, the pattern has an unsightly black-gray color. The theme was chosen to work precisely because the products created using this technique have unique aesthetic characteristics.

Currently, special attention is paid to project activities in the Russian education system. There are special requirements that apply to the work of schoolchildren. In each academic discipline, a certain time is allocated for the intellectual and creative development of the younger generation.
In order for the project to meet the requirements, it must be interesting and relevant not only for the author himself, but also for other people. A project is considered realistic when it can be replicated.
Before proceeding to the practical part, the author thinks through the purpose of his activity, sets himself specific research objectives.
The next step is the development of an action plan, the result of which will be a review of the scientific literature on the research problem, the selection of methods and means of work. At the main stage in technology, the main events are held.
For example, material is selected, details are determined, direct actions are performed. The final stage of work is summing up the results of the project, its submission to the competition.