Modern art historians sometimes swear like this: “An icon of the 16th century. The author is alive. In the case of ancient Slavic myths and concepts, it is even more interesting. We can say that this is a Slavic myth of the 5th century. The author is alive and will delight us with myths from the 5th century and even earlier times. That is, a huge amount of literature on Slavic myths is the production of the late XX century.
History of the Veles book
And in terms of terminology, you should figure out what can be considered ancient Slavic names, what they mean and what was created already in the 20th century, but is attributed to ancient times. What is the hoax here?
In newspaper publications in the mid-fifties in America, articles regularly began to appear saying that an ancient Slavic monument was about to be opened. The public has already been prepared, and a “discovery” is being made: the text that is written on the tablets, the so-called “Book of Veles”. True, it should be noted that no one has ever seen these plates. They set out the ancient history of the Slavs, which successfully thundered across the ocean. Professional philologist immediatelyit is clear that this is a fake. A person who is fluent in the Old Slavonic language easily understands this text. It is believed to have been written in the 8th century. That is, a living ancient spoken language. It must be very specific material. For example, the Novgorod letters of the 12th century are a living language that was very different from Church Slavonic, which is taught in any philological university. His philologists are easy to read. The language of the Novgorod letters, of a later time compared to the Book of Veles, will not be read by a philologist without special education, even with a dictionary. That is, since the “Book of Veles” is easy to read, then it is a fake, like the fabrications created in it: nav, reality, right.
New and old concepts
This conflict between scientists and publicists has taken sharp forms. Russian philologists were forced to make a complete analysis of the Book of Veles, which proved that it was a fake, which was written today by Yury Petrovich Mirolyubov.

Neopagan culture "Book of Veles" enriched the trinity of concepts: nav, reality, rule. This is a gross mistake, according to professionals in the field of ancient Slavic mythology. Mirolyubov makes this opposition:
- Reality is a kind of human world.
- Rule - the world, apparently, is divine. It should be clarified that the word "rule" in ancient texts was found only as an adverb.
- Nav is indeed an ancient term associated with the world of the undead.
The rejection of everything related to mythology by official science has led to the creation of a hugenumber of pseudoscientific works. Both scientific and non-scientific, they went into action. But the whole series of “nav”, “reality”, “right” - is the same ancient wisdom, invented already in the middle of the 20th century.
What is now proposed to be accepted under these concepts
All three concepts are inextricably linked, being the face of God. And they all rule the world of the living and the dead, these nav, reality, rule.
Reality, as already mentioned, the material world, bright, by analogy with yang in China.
Nav, as the ancestors believed, the afterlife. According to the latest trends, she opposes reality, which was not the case in archaic cults.
Rule is the law that Dazhbog established and according to which the first two concepts develop. This just law maintains the harmony of light and dark. Beautiful, of course, but only all these are fairy tales invented in our time. And there is no nav, reality, rule in this combination.
Why did “glory” appear
In addition, "glory" was introduced to support the Law of God. To prove that the Slavs had Orthodoxy almost before the birth of Christ, a cunning “right-glory” (Orthodoxy) was compiled. Again, a beautiful play on words to confirm the fiction. Reality, nav, rule, glory in such a combination never appeared among the Slavs. There were only pagan beliefs inherent in all peoples in their archaic development, nothing more. This is proved by the great archaeological work of Academician B. A. Rybakov. And the one who tries to manipulate the combinations of reality, nav, rule, glory, or he himself is mistaken, or deliberately wants to mislead the masses of people.
Initially fakethe work "Veles Book" Yu. P. Mirolyubova over time acquired fantastic comments, presumably in order to say: yes, all peoples have preserved written sources that historians work with. Why do we have nothing. And so you want! In addition, numerous magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers, who have immeasurably bred in our time of troubles, seized on it. We have too little stable and reliable in being, and therefore a person is ready to cling to straws. Three concepts "hereditary" magicians manipulate to show the three sides of being. Slavic rules, reality, nav are represented in this way.

And used to raise vitality. The same symbol is made in the tree.

It is also meant to enhance creativity and creativity. This is what the symbol "right, reality, nav" looks like in a modern image.

Images can be anything, because there are no real samples. Archaeologists have not found them.
Different sorcerers and sorceresses differently, but closely interpret the dependence of the worlds from each other. There was also such an option: if you behave well in this world, then endless rebirths will stop. Here it is already very close to the wheel of samsara and the caste system.