Not the easiest way of written (sometimes oral) transmission of information is a presentation. Why is it so difficult to implement it according to all the rules? If only because initially many do not understand the meaning of the existence of the presentation as such, its purpose in the Russian language. In this article, we will analyze how this can be done using the example of an important and many topic of interest. Concise summary of "What is a good book?" it will be interesting for those who have no problems understanding and using the presentation style.
What is an outline?
First of all, it is a way to retell the text. Often in everyday life, a person retells many stories to the interlocutor: what happened to him; what movie did you like and why; what he heard about the new employee; what book has recently been published, etc. This is already a presentation. At school, children are read a text, sometimesseveral times so that they can remember the most important thoughts. After that, you need to retell the text yourself. You can use a pre-written plan, consisting of several thoughts from the listened text.

A condensed summary of a good book is one way to retell the topic. The written presentation can be concise and detailed. Below is an illustrative example of a detailed presentation.
Good book
A good book is about how engaging and interesting it is. Why? Because you want to read a really good book further and further, and not put it on the shelf and forget it. In addition, the book should teach a lot: how to express your feelings, how to act in incomprehensible situations, what courage and courage, friendship and devotion are. Deep meaning makes the work useful, and the literary language also allows you to enjoy reading.
It's okay to love a certain genre, but it's wrong to read only that genre. So, fantasy teaches to develop the imagination, look for non-standard solutions, fantasize, however, the passion for only this type of book will not leave anything else in the reader's head. He will know everything about goblins, but nothing about biology, physics, modern and ancient history. It's like choosing only one dish from the festive table - it will have a bad effect on he alth over time.

First of all, you should pay attention to classical literature. It is she who will help to see the line between good andevil, devotion and betrayal, pride and humility. It will not only show how these qualities manifest themselves in people, but will help you see them in yourself. It is worth paying attention to the books from the school curriculum: they did not just get there. One can only hope that these arguments will help to decide to read books with great zeal.
This was a detailed version of the presentation. Now we need to condense the presentation of "What is a good book?". Here's how to do it.
"What is a good book?": summary
A good book is a fascinating, meaningful and well-written work. It makes you think, but is not devoid of original, new ideas.
Getting into just one genre is wrong, because it deprives the reader of other interesting thoughts in different areas.

Classic literature, which is included in the school curriculum, will serve as a good start. It has joy and sorrow, devotion and betrayal, tragedy and comedy. Reading such literature is useful in order to better understand the qualities of people and their experiences. It will help develop a love of reading.
As you can see, the difference between what a good book is, concise and detailed, is significant. In different cases, both versions of the presentation may be needed. Knowing what a good book is in a condensed form and a more detailed version of the same text will help you know when it's better to do less information, and when to talk in detail about good books.