Tartaric acids are compounds that are often found in the plant kingdom. These can be either free isomers or acid s alts. The main source of this substance is ripe grapes. Tartar stones, in other words, potassium sparingly soluble s alts, are formed during the fermentation of a drink from berries. This dietary supplement is labeled E334. It is most often obtained from secondary products of wine processing.

Tartaric acid: formula and varieties
Tartaric acid is a hygroscopic crystal that has neither odor nor color. However, the substance has a pronounced sour taste. All varieties of tartaric acid are highly soluble in water, as well as in ethyl alcohol. The compounds are more resistant to aliphatic hydrocarbons, benzene and ether. The chemical formula of this compound is:
Tartaric acid occurs as 4 isomers. This is due to the symmetrical and equilibrium arrangement of acid carboxyls, hydrogen ions and hydroxyl residues. This is:
- D-tartaric, in other words - tartaric acid.
- L- wineacid.
- Anti-wine, in other words - mesotartaric acid.
- Tataric acid, which is a mixture of tartaric acids L- and D-.
Physical properties
Tartaric acids are identical in chemical properties. However, they are completely different and there are significant differences in physical parameters. For example, tartaric acids D- and L- begin to melt at a temperature of 140 ° C, grape acid - from 240 to 246 ° C, meso-tartaric acid - 140 ° C.
As for solubility, the first two compounds are perfectly soluble in water, while the other two are resistant to moisture.

S alts of tartaric acid
Tartaric acid can form only two types of s alts: acidic and medium. Compounds of the latter type can be completely dissolved in water. However, when immersed in caustic alkali, they form Rochelle crystals. Acidic monosubstituted acids are poorly soluble in liquids. This applies not only to water, but also to spirits and wine drinks. They gradually settle on the walls of blood vessels. The contents are then carefully removed and used to produce organic acid.
As for tartar, it is found not only in the juice of grape fruits, but also in nectars with pulp, and in pastes made from fruits.
Daily Value
Tartaric acids are simply necessary for the body with increased background radiation, dysfunction of the digestive system, constant stress, as well as low stomach acidity.
These compounds are found in acidicfruits. The maximum concentration of tartaric acid is concentrated in rhubarb, papaya, lingonberries, quince, pomegranates, cherries, gooseberries, black currants, limes, oranges, avocados, tangerines, cherries, apples and grapes.
With proper and balanced nutrition, the daily need for such compounds is fully covered. For the normal functioning of the body, men need from 15 to 20 milligrams of tartaric acid, women - from 13 to 15 milligrams, and children - from 5 to 12 milligrams.

What is useful tartaric acid
The properties of tartaric acid are difficult to overestimate. This compound has biological significance. Tartaric acid:
- Tones the heart muscle.
- Dilates blood vessels.
- Stimulates collagen synthesis.
- Increases firmness and elasticity of the skin.
- Protects body cells from oxidation.
- Increases the speed of all metabolic processes.
- Reacts with radionuclides and accelerates their elimination from the body.
When using this supplement, it is worth considering that exceeding the daily allowance is fraught with consequences. Signs of overdose may occur, which include paralysis, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases, excessive use of the reagent can be fatal. Death occurs in situations where the dose of tartaric acid exceeds 7.5 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.
In order not to harm your body, do not increase the daily intake of a substance on your ownrecommended. This can only be done by the attending physician. Especially if the patient is predisposed to herpes, has sensitive skin, or has impaired absorption of certain acids.

Food Applications
Tartaric acid, the formula of which is indicated above, allows you to slow down the processes of decay and decay of products. Due to this property, the compound has been widely used in the food industry. Tartaric acid prevents premature spoilage of flour and canned foods. Very often, the compound is used as an antioxidant reagent or acidity regulator.
In the composition of alcoholic beverages, table water, bakery and confectionery products, as well as canned foods, there is tartaric acid. Obtaining this component is a simple process. To do this, use the waste that is generated as a result of obtaining a wine drink.
It is worth noting that the substrate is used to preserve the whiteness and plasticity of chocolate icing, fix whipped proteins, and also to loosen the dough. In addition, the E334 additive makes it possible to soften the taste of alcoholic wine drinks, making them more tart and pleasant.

Use of tartaric acid in other areas
Tartaric acid is widely used not only in the food industry, but also in pharmaceuticals. For medical purposes, the compound is used as an auxiliary component. It is used in the manufacture of solubledrugs, some laxatives, and effervescent tablets.
Tartaric acid is also used in cosmetology. This compound is found in many professional shampoos, lotions, creams and peels designed for hair and skin care.
In fact, tartaric acid is used in many areas. For example, the compound is used in the textile industry to fix the color as a result of dyeing fabrics. In construction, the additive is used as a reagent. It is added to gypsum and cement mixtures. Due to this, the mass solidifies more slowly.
Rochelle s alt is used in the manufacturing process of computers, loudspeakers and microphones due to its piezoelectric properties.