Persons who have a creative view of the world, transforming everything around them, generating new ideas and looking for non-standard solutions to situations, are forced to face creative stagnation. The latter can be caused by a lack of mood, problems, or a monotonous approach to business. Sometimes everyday life seems faded, which requires intervention in order to arouse the interest of each person again, replacing gray everyday life with something truly bright. Thus, it is recommended to use a creative approach in education in order to constantly maintain interest in learning, involving students in the search for non-standard solutions to exit situations.
How do creative people come up with ideas?
The geniuses of the modern world have long understood that desperate times call for unorthodox measures. Struggling to look at familiar things in an original way, they are constantly looking for a creative approach to solving problems. Sometimes, this is not a completely safe way.
So, the famous Japanese inventor Yoshiro Nakamatsu believes that the best way to includeown consciousness - to cause oxygen starvation of the brain. The man repeatedly dived under water so that the body increased blood circulation in the cerebral cortex. He invented most of his inventions under water in extreme conditions. At the moment, his age goes beyond the mark of 90 years.
It is not uncommon and illegal when scientists and inventors look for different ways to generate ideas, as they are faced with an unwillingness to continue gray everyday life. So, Sigmund Freud discovered an individual creative approach to work with the help of psychotropic substances - cocaine. The same is recorded in the life of Thomas Edison. Addiction to drugs has also been recorded among contemporary figures such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

Of course, deadly habits and drug games are not the type of he althy behavior that great people should promote. It should be understood that adult life is full of problems and difficult decisions. With their own actions, geniuses are simply trying to demonstrate a craving for the new and say that no matter how wrong the methods they use, they put crazy ideas above all, because they are the ones who change the usual society.
How can I help develop an original perspective on the familiar?
Cruel practices that endanger one's own he alth should not be used in everyday life, because they can lead to death. However, a creative approach to work can be developed without risk to life. Great scientists did not immediately become famous, but for a long timestubbornly went to this since childhood.
The education system currently allows you to come up with original lessons or lectures, as well as conducting electives, seminars and extracurricular activities. For example, a systematic and creative approach is typical for the humanities, when students themselves find the answer to the tasks set. At the same time, the teacher presents the material in the most vivid way using text, images on the screen, audio recordings, etc. In the process of learning, students interact with each other.

The personal-creative approach, on the contrary, is aimed at the individualization of each student. Not only the opinion of the student is taken into account, but also a psychological approach is applied. The educational process takes place through the interaction of the teacher and the student, as well as individual tasks.
Emotional connection
Every person has a creative potential. A creative approach to business is the most important aspect of the improvement of any personality. It is he who helps to analyze familiar things in unusual ways. Originality does not appear out of nowhere. It is within everyone and requires constant support.

Many studies show that developing creativity is easier to unleash through emotional contact. For example, if a teacher gives students a project about social problems in the world or about the family, touching on sensitive issues like violence, this will help in developing a non-standard view. Students engage empathy by not remaining indifferent to outside situations.
Class Wednesday
The classroom environment plays a critical role in fostering creativity and self-confidence. Teachers are encouraged to create an environment in the classroom or classroom where the opinion of each student will matter. Here's how teachers can make the learning environment the most effective and enjoyable for students:
- Hold the class as a live discussion so students can interact and express their opinions.
- Make time for informal classroom activities.
- Memorize each student's name and make sure everyone else knows each other by name.
Be original
The education system differs in its ability to implement a creative approach to teaching, but the teacher is able to adapt the methods on his own, acting in a more original way.
- Find innovative solutions to existing and future problems among students.
- Carefully evaluate the abilities of all students during assignments.
- Come up with alternative dispute resolution options and look broadly at any issues.

Encourage students to find answers on their own
This is also called the Pestalozzi method. Unlike the usual models of direct answers to the questions posed, the method aims to encourage the search for answers on their own. Thanks to this methodstudents will learn to individually observe, imagine, judge and reason. One such child who successfully applied the rule was Albert Einstein.
Children learning, teachers watching
The current system of education is teacher-centered: he leads the class, leaving no room for students to independently develop their skills and creativity. The Montessori method aims to give students space to learn on their own while teachers monitor progress. One of the successful examples of using this method are the founders of Google - Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Sit at round tables, not desks
A method known as the Harkness Learning Style aims to turn the class into an open conference style discussion. Students sit at a round table or desks shifted face to face, which encourages them to take responsibility, exchange opinions. This is much more effective than following a linear narration led by a teacher.

Every idea deserves attention
Many educators believe that innovations should be unique and presented in the form of a patent from certified scientists. This statement is incorrect, since everything great is born from small things. If a student came up with and proved something in a non-standard way, then this can be considered as an innovation. In addition, it shows the ability of students to form new ideas based on the knowledge gained andexperience.
If students strive to invent something new, find solutions, this behavior should not be ignored. It needs to be supported to develop creativity.
Fun Projects
The learning process seems incredibly boring and dull when the lessons are the same, monotonous and cover only the dry pages of books. Use class time to set aside a portion for work on non-curricular projects.

Active learning
Active learning involves the use of creative materials such as games, concepts, maps and study materials. This type of learning is recommended as an individual approach when the student is not indifferent to the learning environment.
- Create situations that provide students with many avenues to solve problems.
- Practice.
- From time to time organize round tables on interesting topics.
Educators can also invite students to create graphs for mathematical problems or summarize historical events using a poetic poem. Bringing art into the classroom can breathe new life into mundane subjects.

Use different models and methods
The above models do not have to be used one at a time, as this can lead to a repetition of linear learning, where the teacher only tells what to do. Use several models and bring it to perfection. The ideal model will definitely help in such matters:
- Connecting real life students and the classroom.
- Inspiring new ideas, finding creative ways to solve problems.
- Expanding the boundaries of the classroom, bringing the perspective of learning in the classroom and at home.
Get rid of indifference
Creativity is a basic skill necessary for the full formation of personality. It is with its help that future adults who have completed their studies will have an advantage over competitors, coping with the most difficult tasks.
Let modern educational systems do not pay due attention to the development of a creative strategy for the study of subjects, but teachers can apply a number of tips and methods to help students think outside the box, find innovative solutions to existing and future problems.
Remember that supporting an idea costs nothing.