A creative project at school is understood as an independent activity of a student, completing a certain stage in learning. This work shows how strong skills and abilities the student received in technology lessons. In addition, this activity allows you to reveal the individuality of the child and his abilities. A creative project contributes to the manifestation of initiative, the development of logical thinking in a certain area.

This work can be done by one student or a group of children. It consists of several stages: preparatory, technological and final. To begin with, a topic is selected, a rationale for its relevance is given. A creative project should be aimed at creating a new, competitive product that will be in sufficient demand and meet the needs of a person.
Among the tasks of this activity, the child's assessment of his abilities in this area is distinguished. After all, the student must not only do, but also evaluate his work. After the theme of the project is chosen, it is necessary to develop several options for it.execution. The following is a selection of materials and tools that will be needed. It depends on the topic on which a creative project is being done on technology. Cooking will require completely different means of execution than, for example, crocheting or modeling.

The technological stage includes the process of performing operations, their adjustment. It is very important at this stage to observe safety precautions, work culture. This minimizes possible injury and will also help optimize the process.
The final stage includes product testing (if necessary), documentation, and project protection. Here you can also do a little marketing research, think over and present the costs of manufacturing and advertising products. For example, a creative project using the "Crochet" technology may include various products that are useful in everyday life (napkins, tablecloths, etc.). At the same time, the originality of products is important, which will ensure demand for it.
In order to complete a creative project, students are given the following guidelines. This activity is an independent development, but you can involve friends, parents, etc. in its implementation. Having chosen a topic, you should consider how relevant it is, whether it will be useful in the future. The amount of work needs to be planned in advance, determining whether the student will be able to cope with it within the specified time frame.

Creative project promotesrevealing the talents and individual abilities of students, which is why it is so important to apply this method in technology lessons. This activity, like any other, must comply with environmental requirements. The he alth of the student should also be taken into account. Therefore, work that could harm students should not be done. The child's activity should be assessed according to the degree of relevance and complexity of the project. It is also worth considering such a parameter as originality and the ability to present your project from the best side.