Types of texts. Types and genres of texts

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Types of texts. Types and genres of texts
Types of texts. Types and genres of texts

Each of us probably daily deals with printed and handwritten text in a wide variety of forms, whether it is advertising on roadside banners or a check with a list of goods in a store. Full of various subtleties and options, it, without underestimation, from the beginning of time helped the formation of society as a whole and its individual representatives in particular. But what types of texts are there, what are they and what thoughts can they convey? Let's talk about this in more detail.

General view

From time immemorial, handwritten data transmission in any form, whether it be hieroglyphic writing, the presentation of thoughts with a pen on paper pages, or even simple pictures on the walls of a cave, served as an important help and main, along with the skills of verbal communication, a unit of information transmission. And although various types and types of texts are rooted in antiquity, the very word "text" as a term appeared in our everyday life relatively recently. In its current form, it denotes a series of logically and stylistically related sentences,arranged in a specific sequence and making a meaningful work.

types of texts
types of texts

One of the main elements of constructing such a text is stylistic integrity, which, with different target directions of documents, creates the most diverse types of text styles and its semantic saturation.


Initially, the text was intended to convey the author's impressions or opinions about the surrounding reality, events and people. Depending on the above elements, three key text types can be distinguished:

  1. Narration is a semantic description of what is happening, built in a clear logical sequence and often divided into several separate compositional elements, such as: plot, development of action, climax, denouement. It is the narrative style that includes various types of literary texts.
  2. Reasoning is a type of text that conveys the author's thoughts on a particular issue, an attempt to prove or disprove something, build a logical chain of theses, arguments and conclusions. This style includes some types of scientific texts.
  3. Description - a view from the outside and the desire to describe the main features of any events, phenomena or living beings. Descriptions are usually saturated with a wide variety of types, genres of texts.
types of genres of texts
types of genres of texts

The above options laid the foundation for the modern idea of working with works of any genre.


Text as such is subdivided, in addition to the three main types, into various stylistic bases.

types of text styles
types of text styles

Lined up according to clear laws and rules, they determine the direction of the stated thought, its target audience and working structure. Which at the same time forms the main stylistic types of texts:

  1. Scientific style texts are a strict, dry set of impersonal sentences, built on consideration and reflection on the topic. Often there is an abundance of specific terminology.
  2. The art style is the opposite of the first style. It offers many stylistic devices for expressing the author's thoughts, fantasies and feelings. Such texts are usually easy to understand, depending on the approach of the writer, they can refer to both common expressions and certain slang.
  3. Colloquial - a variant that came from everyday communication and does not imply anything superfluous beyond colloquial vocabulary.
  4. Publicistic - informational style, designed to convey some news to the reader or describe an event in the most capacious and intelligible forms.
  5. Official-business - specifics, heavy forms of construction of proposals and absolute officialdom, necessary for working documents and emphasizing strict types of texts. Examples of these can be found in the legal and business fields.

Literary text

The invention of printing presses and the ability to transfer the printed syllable to the masses allowed the average citizens of various statesget a huge selection of diverse literature in their native language. Books of a technical nature, scientific and educational, representatives of the genre of artistic lyrics and prose - at present we cannot imagine our life without them, taking various types of texts for granted. Which, however, does not detract from the importance and value of paper sources of knowledge, which, although inferior to brand new digital counterparts, still stubbornly hold their position in libraries of all stripes and forms.

Literary text genres

The literary text, created over the centuries, has absorbed the main thoughts and desires of developing mankind, including all kinds of artistic texts, as well as works of a technical nature. One way or another, all this can be divided into several separate genres, each of which is interesting and important in its own way.

types of literary texts
types of literary texts
  • Fiction, for example, includes elements such as a short story, novel, novella, essay, or fable. Lyrics in any manifestations belong to the same capacious category.
  • Educational - as the name suggests, this is a literary block that includes a variety of textbooks, tutorials, manuals and lessons.
  • Historical - literature dedicated to the events of the past and key milestones on the path of mankind.
  • Scientific literature refers to a highly specialized set of texts designed to deal with specific topics and scientific research. This includes, for example, the work of Stephen Hawking on the study of space and time, various kinds ofresearch materials and popular science reports.
  • Reference is reference literature.

Numeric text

At present, the digital sector, which is responsible for supplying a variety of information, is asserting itself more and more actively. If earlier the Internet and handy devices served as access to only work information, providing reference books and any kind of scientific texts on demand, then in recent years the supply of digitized masterpieces of world fiction, works of world famous classics and contemporary authors has grown significantly.

types of scientific texts
types of scientific texts

Prose and lyrics, revived in digital form, are becoming as familiar a part of our lives as favorite music on headphones or public telephones. Mobile devices for reading, book formats recognized by smartphones, and audio files containing masterpieces of literature read by the voices of celebrities - all this allows you to touch the beautiful even outside the quiet libraries and walls of your home.

Digital Text Categories

However, in addition to carefully copying ready-made creations, the ever-expanding digital universe has given rise to a whole set of independent genres that cannot be attributed to literature as such, but without which it is already difficult to imagine the saturation of the modern Internet. And in this case we are talking about such things as "rewriting", "seo-text" and "copywriting".

types of texts examples
types of texts examples

These terms conquering everythinggreat popularity in the vastness of the worldwide web, belong to the whole working sector, which daily gives out incredible amounts of various information that can be of interest to both a beginner in the digital field and a true professional.

Summing up

Re-examining the understandable, but no less impressive phenomenon of man-made text, we can say with confidence that the path traveled in this direction is truly difficult to overestimate. Like a gigantic tree, a person's ability to express thoughts developed and grew, acquiring new branches-genres, becoming more complex, including more and more different expressive means. Everyone will find something on this tree to their taste and, perhaps, even help it to become even bigger and more beautiful.
