Many people do not even suspect that in the world now there is not one Republic of China, but two, only one of them has the prefix "people's". But that is not all. In the 20th century, for a short time, there was another Republic of China, but this time the "Soviet" one. Let's try to figure out which of them is who.
This powerful state is widely known in the world under the more familiar name "China". It was formed on 1949-01-10. The capital of this country is located in Beijing. The PRC (People's Republic of China) is a socialist state. The current chairman is Xi Jinping. The country is ruled by the Communist Party of China. This country is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. And every day its weight in world politics and economy is growing rapidly.
The Government of the People's Republic of China has always cared about the defense capability of their country. Today, China is the owner of the largest army in the world. At the same time, it also possesses a large arsenal of nuclear weapons. The largest cities in Chinaare Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin. Despite the fact that a huge number of people who speak different dialects live in this republic, they have one state language - Chinese.

Geographic location and general information about China
The People's Republic of China is located in East Asia. Its coordinates are 32°48'00″ north latitude and 103°05'00″ east longitude. This state occupies the 3rd place in the world in terms of its area. It occupies an area of almost 9.6 million square meters. km. But in terms of population, no one can compete with China. According to 2013 estimates, 1366.5 million people lived in this country.
China is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean (East China, Yellow, South China). Its neighbors are Russia, North Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos. The coast of China starts from the border with North Korea and stretches to Vietnam. It has a length of 14.5 thousand km. China's time zone corresponds to +8. Phone country code +86.
China Economy
The People's Republic of China is one of the leaders in the world economy. Thus, at the end of 2013, its GDP amounted to 7318 trillion US dollars, which in terms of the population of the country is 6569 US dollars. Gross product at purchasing power parity (PPP) amounted to 12 383 trillion US dollars. In terms of per capita, it is 9828 dollars. In December 2014, the Chinese economy became the first in the world in this indicator.
In ChineseThe People's Republic's national currency is the yuan (CNY). It corresponds to the digital code of the country of origin 156. The economy of the People's Republic of China is diversified. At the same time, China is a generally recognized world leader in the production of many types of industrial products, such as cars and machinery. It exports to almost all countries a huge amount of consumer goods, so it is often called the "factory of the world." China is the owner of the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves.

People of China
According to the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2014, China ranked 91st among countries in the world. He scored 0.719, which is a very high score. The ethnonym (the name of the inhabitants of a certain area) sounds like “Chinese”, “Chinese”, “Chinese”.
Dozens of different peoples live on the territory of the PRC (56 are officially recognized). All of them are distinguished by their customs, traditions, national costumes, cuisine. Many of them have their own language. All these small peoples in total make up only 7% of the population of this state. The majority of people living in China are Chinese who call themselves Han.
Despite the fact that since 1979 the country has been under strict birth control, the annual natural population growth continues to grow steadily. The average life expectancy of the Chinese is 71 years. Recently, the proportion of urban and rural residents has almost become equal, which indicates a high rate of urbanization in the country. The population of the People's Republic of China professes the following main religions - Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism.
General history of the formation of the PRC
China is one of the most ancient states on Earth. Some scientists are sure that the civilization of this state has about 5 thousand years. The available written sources confirm that already 3.5 thousand years ago there were administrative formations with a developed management system on the territory of the PRC. Each successive dynasty of rulers worked to improve it. The economy of this country has always been based on developed agriculture.
The introduction of Confucianism as a state ideology and a unified writing system played a big role in strengthening Chinese civilization. This happened in the II-I century BC. For hundreds of years, the various kingdoms and provinces that were in this territory, then united, then disintegrated. At the same time, the local population suffered from the constant raids of nomads. The Great Wall of China was built to protect against them. For thousands of years this mighty civilization developed, fought, assimilated with the surrounding Asian peoples. Modern China is the result of centuries of political and cultural processes.
For thousands of years this state was ruled by emperors of different dynasties. The Republic of China, called Zhonghua Minguo, lasted from 1911 to 1949
1912-02-12 the last emperor, Pu Yi, signed the abdication of the throne. In this state, de jure, a republican form of government was introduced, but in factthe period from 1911 to 1949 continued the period of "Time of Troubles". At the same time, China was disintegrating into various state formations arising on the basis of provincial army units. It wasn't until 1949 that the army of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) emerged victorious in the civil war going on in its territory. This was largely facilitated by the support of the Soviet Union. The CCP defeated the conservative ROC party called the Kuomintang. The rulers of the latter fled to Taiwan. There they became the founders of such a state as the Republic of China.

Declaration of a Republic
In September 1949, the People's Consultative Council of China began to work on the territory of modern China. It was he who proclaimed the formation of the People's Republic. At this time, the Central People's Government Council (PPCC) was elected, with Mao Zedong as chairman. In 1954, the People's Republic of China adopted a constitution that renamed the Central People's Party of China into the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
In the period from 1949 to 1956, the USSR provided all kinds of assistance to this state in the creation of basic industries. Nationalization and collectivization were carried out on the territory of the republic. Socialist construction began to develop at a tremendous pace. In 1956, a new course of development was proclaimed in the country, thanks to which Mao Zedong's ideas regarding the policy of "communization" and the "Great Leap Forward" began to be realized. From 1966 to 1976, a “cultural revolution” was proclaimed in China,which led to the intensification of the class struggle. Walking along a “special” path of development, the state and society denied commodity-money relations, banned non-state forms of ownership, froze foreign economic relations and held public courts.
The beginning of the "economic miracle"
Deng Xiaoping, who came to power, condemned the policy of his predecessor and in 1977 launched a new campaign, which was called the "Peking Spring". In 1978, at the plenum of the CPC, a course towards a socialist market economy was proclaimed. She had specific features. It was supposed to combine the planning and distribution and market systems with a significant attraction of foreign investment. Chinese enterprises have gained more independence in their economic activities. The public sector in the economy was significantly reduced, free economic zones were opened. Great attention was paid to overcoming the poverty of the population, as well as scientific and technological progress.
By the end of the 1980s, the population of the People's Republic of China was fully provided with food. Every year, GDP and industrial production have been steadily increasing. Deng Xiaoping's reforms were successfully implemented by his subsequent successors:
- since 1993 – Jiang Zemin;
- since 2002 - Hu Jintao;
- since 2012 – Xi Jinping.

State system of the People's Republic of China
In the history of this country, 4 constitutions were adopted (1954, 1975, 1978, 1982). According to the last one, China is a socialiststate of the democratic dictatorship of the people. Its highest authority is the unicameral NPC (National People's Congress). It consists of a huge number of deputies (2979), who are elected for 5 years by regional elections. The NPC convenes annually. Only members of the CCP and the 8 "democratic" parties that are members of the CPPCC (People's Political Consultative Council of China) are allowed to participate in the elections. The supreme body of executive power is the State Council, or (as it is often called) the Central People's Government. It consists of: the prime minister with his deputies, ministers, the auditor general, ordinary members, and the executive secretary. The highest court is the Supreme People's Court. A huge role in the development of the country is played by local authorities - people's congresses and executive-administrative (people's) governments.
Today, there are separate legislative authorities in special administrative regions, namely in Hong Kong and Macau. The head of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, does not stop friendly relations with the successor of the USSR - the Russian Federation. Every year, friendship between countries and mutually beneficial cooperation are only gaining momentum. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation pays great attention to the further strengthening of relations between our countries.

Administrative divisions
Since China is a huge state in terms of size and population, it hasvery complex administrative division. The PRC exercises control over 22 provinces, and the government considers Taiwan the 23rd administrative unit. This state also includes 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities (cities of central subordination), 2 special territorial units. Together they are called "mainland China". Separate administrative units are: Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan.
In fact, in China there are such levels of local government:
- Provincial (23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous and 2 special regions);
- district (15 prefectures, 3 aimags, 286 urban and 30 autonomous regions);
- county (counties: 1455 simple, 370 urban, 117 autonomous; 857 simple and 4 special districts; 49 simple and 3 autonomous khoshuns);
- rural (urban neighborhoods, local communities, villages).
Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of the world. More than 7 million people live in this special administrative region of the PRC, which came under its jurisdiction in 1997. Macau is an autonomous territory (a former colony of Portugal) with a population of more than 0.5 million people.
Republic of China
Now you should deal with the states located in this territory. What is the Republic of China? And this is none other than Taiwan, whichThe PRC government considers it the 23rd province of its country. This island in the Pacific Ocean is located 150 km from the east coast of mainland China. Between them is the Taiwan Strait. The territory of the island is 36 thousand square meters. km.
The independence of this state was proclaimed on 1911-10-10, but it still has partial diplomatic recognition. The official language of Taiwan is Chinese. Its capital is Taipei. This republic is a democracy with a semi-presidential state system and universal suffrage. Today, Taiwan is one of the most developed countries in the region. He is one of the so-called "four Asian tigers." The president of this mixed republic is Ma Ying-jeou.

The flag of the Republic of China is a red flag representing the Earth, with a blue rectangle in the upper left corner representing the Sky. It depicts the White Sun. The flag of the Republic of China first appeared in 1928 in the Kuomintang Party.
Taiwan has about 23.3 million people. At the same time, GDP per capita in 2013 amounted to 39,767 US dollars, which is 11 times more than this indicator in China. Taiwan's technology industry plays an important role in the global economy. And its importance is increasing every year. The economy of the Republic of China has been successfully developing over the past decades thanks to the use of the latest technologies and the excellent education of the population. The currency of this country is Taiwanese.dollar.

The Republic of China's education has evolved over the decades so that it always takes into account the changing demands of a growing economy. Today, the period of compulsory basic education is 9 years. Recently, the Taiwan authorities want to increase this period to 12 years. The entire educational system is largely biased towards the study of technical sciences. As a result of the training, graduates have one of the highest levels of training in mathematics and science.
Chinese Soviet Republic
Many have long forgotten about the era of socialism-communism. Few people know that there was such a state as the Chinese Soviet Republic. It didn't last long. This small state was established in 1931 under the leadership of the Communist Party in the south of Central China (in Jiangxi). In 1937 it was transformed into a Special District.
The Chinese Soviet Republic had its own flag, Provisional Government, Constitution, laws, banknotes and other state attributes. The Council of People's Commissars of this republic was headed by none other than Mao Zedong, who later became the long-term leader of the People's Republic of China. The Central Army Group became the military backbone of this country. It included the troops of Mao Zedong and Zhu De. In 1931-1932. there was a reorganization of the Red Army.
The main geographical features of the Chinese Soviet Republic were: mountainous position, remoteness,lack of communications, which contributed to its protection from external enemies. It was inhabited by about 5 million people.