To expand your vocabulary with synonyms for "reveal", you must first understand the meaning of the verb. And only then, when the job is done, we can talk about replacements. We will do the following: we will tell about the origin of an interesting verb, determine the meaning and select synonyms.
Origin of the adjective "explicit"

The explanatory dictionary has two hypotheses regarding the history of the adjective related to the verb. The first version says that the word came to our language from an ancestor that has disappeared at the moment - “yav”. The second version of the development of events: the adjective arose from the noun "reality", which is now quite successfully used by us. Let's clarify the meaning of the ancestor that is available to us. So, reality is “real reality (as opposed to a dream, delirium, dream), that which exists in reality.”
Yes, everything is predictable here. Now it will not be difficult to determine the meaning of "reveal".
Explanatory dictionary and verb sentences

Compact the section tolimit and give immediately both the meaning of the word and the sentences with it. First, the first: "Make explicit, discover, reveal." If reality is reality, then revealing is the process by which the secret becomes part of reality. For example, when a person discovers something previously unknown. Let's take a closer look at the illustration proposals:
- Colombo had no trouble identifying those causal relationships that were hidden to the rest, because he was excellent at noticing details.
- The architect identified shortcomings and defects in the building structure and hastened to notify the project management about them.
- The disciplinary committee found no violations: the athletes used only approved drugs.
As you can see, the verb has some official "taste". And in everyday speech, a person is more likely to use the synonym "reveal" than himself. The more interesting it will be to look at the list of replacements.
The list includes only the most important, and the reader can discover the rest for himself, so:
- open;
- show;
- detect;
- express;
- express;
- undress.
Synonyms that are overboard are the same-root words of those that have already appeared before the reader's eyes. The reader can find other definitions for himself. We remind you that today we considered the synonyms of the word "reveal", but not only them. We also realized that the word is more official than everyday. So, when referring to it, you need to think about whether it fits the style of the entire message or not. In other words, you needcarefully choose words not only in writing, but also orally. The more time you spend thinking, the less problems you will have.