Many words fall out of use over time, replaced by more modern counterparts. For example, today not everyone knows what a gallery is. In any case, not everyone will remember its original meaning. The word is borrowed from French.

What is a gallery?
Initially, this word meant a room, which is a transition between different parts of the building. It was located along the outer perimeter, sometimes skirting the house. The main difference from other similar architectural solutions is the columns and numerous arches located at the same distance from one another. In its true meaning, the word meant a modern porch - part of the church.

The same word denotes a long hall, one of the longitudinal walls of which is represented by a string of large windows. In addition, you can find out what a gallery is by coming to the theater. This word denotes the upper places. Their other name is gallery. And in the military lexicon, this is the name of the transition between underground structures, dug underground. For example,there is a mine gallery. This is also the name of the passage in the mine, leading to various mines or other underground facilities.
Gallery is a room equipped for exhibitions and viewing paintings. Most often used together with a specific name. For example, the Tretyakov Gallery. In a figurative sense, it means a string, a long row, a collection of any objects. For example, a gallery of freaks, a gallery of famous writers. In resort towns, there is such a thing as a drinking gallery. This is a superstructure above the pump rooms, which is designed for treatment. Such a structure makes it possible to resort to the help of mineral springs at any time of the year. The building is equipped with water supply, ventilation, sewerage.

This is a fairly simple lexeme, so questions about how the word gallery is spelled should not arise. Nevertheless, they write it like this: G-A-L-E-R-E-Y. When pronouncing, the stress should be on the third syllable (stressed E). The same root words are "gallery" and "gallery".
Today this word is not used very often. It can usually be heard in certain circles. Therefore, the majority does not often have the opportunity to flash a phrase with such a beautiful and “intelligent” lexeme. If it becomes necessary to make a sentence with the word "gallery", it will not be difficult to do this. The main thing is to know its meaning, then the application in speech will not be a problem. For example, you can say: “I went to Ivanov’s painting gallery just now.look. So-so, I must say, our Ivanov paints!” Or you can invite a girl out on a date, mentioning that “tickets, unfortunately, were only available at the gallery.”

Telling about how I went to the kitchen from the bedroom through the gallery is not worth it, because the corridor is not at all the same. You can perform such an action if you live in an old castle or a princely estate. Well, or at least have ever been to such places on excursions. Thus, if you know what a gallery is, the word can be used in various situations to refer to actions or objects.