"Pseudo" - what is it? A prefix of Greek origin. Not used as a separate word. Translated into Russian means "false, imaginary." Genetics was not recognized in the Soviet Union. It was considered a pseudoscience, while it has the right to exist in the same way as anatomy and psychiatry.

So, ψευδής in Greek means false-. "Pseudo" - what is it? This is a prefix that is added to a noun in order to emphasize the imaginary nature of the phenomenon that it denotes. "Pseudo" can also be part of an adjective. For example, pseudoscientific, that is, one that has nothing to do with official science.
Representatives of imaginary teachings often use well-known scientific approaches, but do it incorrectly. Synergy - what is it? Pseudoscience or a complex of theories that have the right to exist? This is a difficult question that cannot be answered unambiguously. Synergetics is a science that explains the formation of a model structure in open systems that are farfrom thermodynamic equilibrium. There are adherents and opponents of the theories that underlie it. What does "pseudo" mean? It's a prefix meaning "not officially recognized". Consider other uses of the prefix.

What is it, said above. But the prefix is used not only with the root of the word "science". Many writers write their works under pseudonyms. That is, under an assumed name. It is not difficult to understand the meaning of the word “alias”: “pseudo” is, as already mentioned, “false”, “him” is a name. However, the word "pseudonym", unlike pseudoscience, does not have a negative connotation.
A person who expresses a dubious point of view regarding the meaning of life is called a pseudo-philosopher. Someone who builds untenable theories about events taking place in the distant past is a pseudo-historian. This prefix can be added to any word denoting a profession or activity. "Pseudo" - what is it? Imaginary, false, unofficial, amateurish, unprofessional.