The territory of the ancient Scythian civilization covered a large number of kilometers. There is a lot of evidence for this. For example, the gold of the Scythians, their handicrafts are found in various places of their residence, as well as in burial mounds.

History of the Scythian civilization
Basically, the ideas of modern historians about the ancient civilization of the Scythians are drawn from written records made by the Greeks - Strabo, Herodotus, Pliny the Elder and others. Also, information is provided by items of utensils, military affairs, art found in excavations, as well as Scythian gold, which is being talked about so much now.
According to historical data, these tribes occupied the territory of Eastern Europe in the 7th-2nd centuries BC. There are two theories of the origin of the Scythian civilization. According to one of them, these tribes were formed from the population that used to live in these territories. The second theory belongs to the historian Herodotus. It consists in the fact that the Scythians came to these steppes from Asian lands. Their language (according to the few data that have been found) belongs to the group of IranianIndo-European family.
The early stage of the Scythian civilization is marked by large military campaigns that reached almost as far as Egypt. This was around the 7th century BC. In the last decades of this century, the Scythians had already settled on the Crimean peninsula (archaeological finds confirm this).
Already in the 7th-5th centuries BC, there was a change in the activities of the tribes, namely the transition to nomadic cattle breeding. If we talk about the further residence of the Scythians on the territory of the peninsula, then we can say about several wars that were fought here. They can be judged by the extensive burials (mounds) of warriors.
In the 4th century BC, the Scythians ended their nomadic life and switched to agriculture. This was due to an increase in population, which did little to facilitate large movements.
In the III century BC, the Scythians were completely destroyed. Judging by the charred remains, the alien invasion burned their settlements to the ground. Only the cities of the Greeks remained, which were protected by solid walls.
However, it cannot be said that their entire legacy has sunk into oblivion. The Nart epic is a legacy of the Scythian culture. It went to the peoples of the North Caucasus, most of all to the Ossetians.
Crafts of the Scythian civilization
If we talk about the crafts of the Scythian civilization, many are of the opinion that in the early stages of its development they were at a rather primitive level, especially among nomadic peoples. Many archaeologists are inclined to believe that most of the products of this time were made to order from Greek craftsmen orjust bought from them.
Only in the future, when the tribes began to lead a more or less sedentary life, they began to improve their skills, create new ones. Of course, Greek became the basis of some products, but later they developed their own style of work.
So what did the ancient Scythians do? According to the found excavations of workshops (for example, in the Kamensky settlement), one can judge that they had well-developed metallurgy, blacksmithing, and also jewelry. These crafts were put on a large production. In contrast, weaving, pottery and others were developed at the level of home production.
If we talk about the jewelry business of the Scythians, it is now believed that it was they who first began to mine gold on the territory of modern Ukraine. Obviously, it was this that later had a great influence on the fact that this metal was very popular and revered in their culture. Craftsmen made various decorations that were worn on various parts of the body, and also sewn onto clothes.
Today, the gold of the Scythians (photos of some artifacts are presented below) is a unique archaeological find of this civilization, and the most numerous of their heritage.

Gold artifacts of antiquity. Their meaning
Studying the finds related to the ancient Scythians, it can be noted that some gold items had not only the function of decoration, but also ritual significance. For the latter, various special gold vessels were used, from jewelry these were tiaras, headdresses. Numerous additional decorations were also made for ritual objects (for example, knobs for ritual staffs).
Also, Scythian gold was used as decoration. For example, gold plaques were popular, which were sewn onto clothes to decorate them. Metal hoops (hryvnias) that were worn around the neck were also common for men. At the ends they were decorated with animals. Also popular were pectorals, which were large necklaces that went down to the shoulders and chest.
Special headdresses were created for women, which were decorated with plaques and gold plates. Also often found pendants that were placed on the temples, and a variety of bracelets, rings, earrings, etc.
Gold artifacts that have survived to this day
Today, the gold found by archaeologists in the preserved burial mounds is in numerous museums. The collections are represented by various finds that truly have no price (both in historical and monetary terms). Each piece of gold reflects the lifestyle of this ancient civilization.
For example, one of the most famous artifacts found in the mounds of the Scythians is the golden pectoral. This is a royal decoration. It is considered a rather interesting artifact from the "Scythian gold" series. The museum in Kyiv keeps it. The pectoral was found in the Dnepropetrovsk region, in the Tolstaya Mogila barrow.
The Hermitage also keeps a fairly well-known figurine from the heritage of the Scythians - a figure of a deer made of gold. She was found onKuban region, in one of the burial mounds.

Symbolism on Scythian gold items
What can you say about the symbols that were depicted on the products of the ancient Scythians? The so-called animal style was very popular in their culture. His appearance on their heritage, which is now the gold of the Scythians (photo below), has several versions.
For example, according to one of them, such images showed the structure of the universe and were its symbolic image. True, this version has not yet been fully studied.
Also, some researchers are of the opinion that this style appeared as a result of the fact that the Scythians wanted to endow the owner of the product with the qualities that were inherent in this or that animal.
But many found signs that the ancient inhabitants of those lands embodied their gods in the images of such animals. Anyway, this style was very popular among the Scythians.
Even now, its echoes are preserved in many cultures that lived after the Scythian civilization. They can be found in various art crafts, in decorating clothes (ornaments, embroidery). For example, the image of a woman, on the sides of which horsemen stand, is very common. In the culture of the Scythians there is a similar figurine, which was found in the burial mound of Karagodeuashkh. This is a plate depicting a female deity surrounded by horsemen and standing people.

Territories where traces of the Scythian civilization were found
Based on the fact that the Scythians originallywere a nomadic people, their traces were found in various territories. For example, the royal mound Arzhan, which belongs to this ancient culture, was found in Tuva. However, the age of this burial is very high, much more than those found in the Black Sea and Dnieper regions. After some time, a second burial was immediately found - Arzhan-2. It was in it that the gold of the Scythians was found by archaeologists. Since the burial was excavated, accompanying items were found that were placed in the grave of the dead (rich clothes, utensils, weapons).
Also, traces of this civilization were discovered in Eastern Kazakhstan, in Altai, near the Yenisei. All this indicates that it was originally more extensive than previously thought. By the way, it is still unknown where archaeological finds will be found in the future.
Today, the Scythian gold, whose collection is numerous, is in many museums in different countries.

Legends of Scythian gold
This legacy of an ancient civilization, like any archaeological value, has its own legends. The Scythians were generally in awe of this metal. He was the personification of the solar deity, as well as a symbol of royal power. It is noteworthy that other metals were used much less frequently in their civilization.
Also, the Scythians believed that it was gold that had magical properties. Some researchers of our time find them in especially significant jewelry worn by the kings of those times. This and how the item was made, what it was used for, whatit was pictured.
There is also a legend about the origin of this people, and the gold of the Scythians is already mentioned there. It speaks of a man named Targitai, who had three sons. Somehow they witnessed a miracle - four golden objects fell from the sky in front of them. These were the bowl, the axe, the plow and the yoke. Each of the brothers tried to get closer to the gold items, but each time the gold ignited and did not let go. Only the third managed to do it. Then the two older brothers accepted this sign, and the younger one got the whole kingdom.
Thus, later he became the ancestor of the Scythian people, who was called paralats. The older brother is the ancestor of the Avkhats, and the middle brother is the ancestor of the Katiars and Trapii. The common name of their genus is chipped. Hellenes began to call them Scythians.
This legend was written down by the Greek scholar Herodotus. By the way, he recorded numerous historical events at that time. Our contemporaries learned a lot of information from his notes.
The mounds of the Scythians are also shrouded in mystery. Many archaeologists believe that those people who are lucky enough to find something worthwhile are doomed. So, for example, Vasily Bidzilya, a scientist who found a cup in Gaimanov's Grave, passed away. Boris Mozolevsky also died. He was lucky to find a golden pectoral. Of course, not everyone associates this with the finds, but many adhere to just such a version. There is an opinion that the Scythian burial mounds are similar to the Egyptian pyramids in this.
Of course, many are attracted not so much by the interest of a scientist, but simply by an elementary wayenrichment. There are numerous legends about this golden people, about their countless treasures. In Ukraine, almost every locality has its own legends. For example, in the Zaporozhye region, there is an opinion that a golden boat was hidden in one of the Scythian mounds. In the Poltava region, it is said about a whole horse made of this metal. If you listen to legends in other areas, then you can find gold items from diadems to entire carriages.
Obviously, this is not at all accidental, because, again, according to legend, the people of the Scythians were the golden ones in these territories.

Crimean gold of the Scythians, as well as other items of their heritage
Scythian gold is scattered in many museums. Crimea, as one of the main places of life of this people, also did not stand aside. The museums of this peninsula contain a rich collection of this ancient civilization (and not only gold items). Here you can also find gold items, numerous jewelry worn by both the royal family and ordinary people (earrings, bracelets, chest items, necklaces, rings, etc.).
Besides this, there are numerous items that were used in everyday life, in wars (weapons, vessels, vases, religious objects, etc.). Such a large number of artifacts of this culture located on the peninsula is explained by the fact that these peoples lived here for a long time.
The gold of the Scythians is very important for the peninsula. Crimea is, as it were, a continuation of the people that once lived here. One of the major discoveries was the Kul-Oba barrow,which is located near Kerch. In September 1830, a burial was found there, which was the first clear example of what the ancient Scythians looked like, their decoration and life scenes.
The burial of a queen and a noble warrior was found in the barrow. The deceased were fully dressed and also decorated with various jewels (diadem, bracelets, etc.). The burial had not yet been plundered, so it made a great impression with its we alth.
Scythian gold kept in Kyiv
The Museum of Historical Treasures, which is located in the city of Kyiv, has a truly unique collection. This includes the ancient gold of the Scythians. Ukraine can really be proud of this collection. Here are collected unique jewelry worn in ancient times by royal people.
One of the most famous exhibits (as already mentioned above) is a pectoral belonging to the royal dynasty. This unique treasure was found in the Tolstaya Grave barrow.
Even in the museum you can find another noble decoration - hryvnia. It was worn by men who deserved it by their deeds or lineage.
Also, the museum keeps Gaiman's bowl, which was found in the mound of Gaiman's grave. It is notable for the fact that the author very carefully conveyed the faces and facial expressions of the warriors depicted on it. The decoration and the ornament on the clothes are also very clearly visible.

Last exhibition of the collection
The last exhibition was presented in Amsterdam in February 2014. Scythian gold was taken from five museums:from one Kyiv, as well as four that are located on the territory of the Crimean peninsula.
The exhibition was called “Crimea: gold and the secrets of the Black Sea”. It was held in the city of Amsterdam, in the Museum. Allard Pearson. Unique items were presented at the exhibition: a pectoral from the Kyiv Museum, Chinese lacquer boxes from the Bakhchisaray Reserve, and others.
If you ask yourself where the Scythian gold is now, we can say that it was returned to its homeland, but due to the difficult political situation, this did not happen completely.
Today's situation around the ancient artifacts of the Scythians
Today, the situation that affects the Crimean gold of the Scythians is very complicated, perhaps even a dead end. That part of the collection, which was supposed to return to the museums after the end of the exhibition, was simply not given away. The gold of the Scythians, which was taken out before the secession of Crimea from Ukraine, simply does not know where to return it, since both sides lay claim to it.
At the moment there is a court that decides where the exhibits should be returned. By the way, many of them are the property of the peninsula, as they were found on its territory. Also in favor of returning it to Crimea is the fact that museums are the keepers of rarities, and not the state itself.
If we talk about the gold of the Scythians, which was returned after the exhibition, then this is only nineteen items. They were taken out of the Kyiv Museum, where they were kept. The remaining 565 exhibits, which belong to the Crimean museums, have not beenreturned.