The development of inclinations and abilities is the main direction of the work of modern psychological science. Scientists who study them not only deepen their knowledge on the issue, but also provide recommendations for parents on methods for developing children's abilities.
General statements
Inclinations are features of the human nervous system, they are innate and resistant to external factors. All makings have the following characteristics:
- They can develop different kinds of abilities.
- Depending on the conditions, they acquire different qualities.

Strength, speed of formation of temporary connections in the nervous system and structural features of the analyzers and areas of the cerebral cortex directly affect the inclinations. What are the characteristics of an individual can be formulated in this way - these are neoplasms that develop on the basis of inclinations. This only happens when activities are carried out and conditions are favorable.
Thus, it can be argued thatthe manifestation of talent for any kind of activity does not depend on a person’s training, but only on his genetics, on the basis of which the inclinations are formed.
What are types and levels of ability?
All abilities are divided into different groups depending on the time of their formation or their focus. Psychologists distinguish between natural and acquired abilities. Their main difference is that with respect to the first type, scientists confirm that all talents appear on the basis of inclinations, and with respect to the second, they completely refute this theory. Acquired are those abilities that are formed under the direct influence of society and environmental conditions.

According to another classification, ability can be:
- General or special. The first type controls the development of mental activity, as well as memory, attention and thinking. The second one regulates a person's success in various fields of activity.
- Theoretical or practical, depending on the type of thinking and the dominant type of activity.
- Educational or creative. The first helps to gain knowledge, the second to create works of art.
Understanding what inclinations and abilities are, each person can influence their success in different areas of activity
Development of abilities
To improve abilities, it is necessary to take into account the following features:
- Without engagement, development is impossible.
- The formation of multifaceted abilities is possible only with a variety ofaccording to the method and content of actions.
- The sooner all conditions for improvement are created, the better the result will be.
- The main criteria for self-development are diligence and efficiency.
- In the formation of abilities, special attention should be paid to the education of a person’s character and his attitude towards others.
- Only when interacting with others, you can reveal all the makings. What is the fading of abilities can be seen after the excessive "praise" of a person.
Inclinations are the basis of genius
Answering the question "What is the makings of a person?", One cannot help but consider the levels that people can reach:
- Giftedness is the criteria laid down by a person and helping him to perform work in various fields. It can be general intellectual, academic, artistic, musical, literary, artistic, technical, leadership or creative.
- Skill - arises after a long period of formation and manifests itself in the perfect performance of the activity.

- Talent - appears after the development of several abilities and is a unique combination of them.
- Genius is the highest manifestation of talent. Rare and common to all mankind.
Given all of the above, we can conclude about the makings, what abilities are and their significance. Each person can develop talent and mastery, but this is possible only with the support of society and the presenceinterest.