Quality education begins with the accurate and correct choice of an educational institution. You can talk a lot about ways to determine inclinations in young people, but this article will be of interest to those who have already made their choice and are looking for information about colleges in order to give preference to one of the secondary schools.

Perm College of Professional Technologies and Design. A bit of history
Initially, the doors of this institution were open to young people who want to gain skills in blue-collar jobs. Since 1968, hairdressers, cutters and tailors have been trained within the walls of the school. The name "Perm College of Professional Technologies and Design" was given to the educational institution only in 2003. Since that time, the organizational structure of the secondary specialized institution has become more complicated. The technical school included two vocational schools.

Speci alties
It is possible to divide the level of education that young people receive by entering the Perm Technical School into two parts:
- Vocational secondary.
- Basic vocational.
The educational institution offers its applicants a fairly wide range of speci alties. Each of them is in demand in today's labor market. Judge for yourself:
- Design, technology, modeling of garments. After graduating from this faculty, girls and boys have the opportunity of employment as a technologist-designer, as well as the prospect of creating their own business in the light industry.
- Design in industry. A speci alty that is second in popularity after working as a model for young girls. The Perm educational institution can be described as a “Technical School of Design” with a capital letter. A strong teaching staff prepares true professionals.
- Advertising is not only an interesting profession, but also more than in demand. Employers give preference to highly qualified personnel. And if not so long ago people who did not have special knowledge were engaged in advertising, today graduates who graduated from the Perm College of Professional Technologies and Design are a serious competitor to amateurs.
- Tourism and hotel service are two related speci alties. The interest of Russians and foreigners in the provincial regions of our country is growing every year. And there is no doubt about the demand in the labor market for workers with specialized knowledge in the field of tourism. A competent young man (or girl) in the field of hotel service can not only adequately present his resume, but also sensiblyorganize your own business.
- A separate line should be said about the speci alty "Art and Technique of Photography". The more accessible and widespread the opportunity to perpetuate various pictures of life becomes, the more valuable are true master artists.
Of course, on the basis of the technical school there are more prosaic, but interesting for people with a practical mindset, speci alties.
- Communal and household service. Highly qualified, rare specialists in demand as managers.
- Insurance business in the service. The labor market is not saturated with these specialists. Possession of such a profession will not leave an intelligent graduate without a job.

Initial vocational education
Perm College of Professional Technologies and Design trains not only middle managers. Hairdressers, photographers and cutters - graduates of this institution - have always been famous for their skills. And the shortage of workers, formed over several years, allows students to easily find a job in their speci alty after graduation.
Form of education
The doors of the Perm Technical School are open to graduates of both the ninth and eleventh grades. Moreover, in all departments, except for "Technology, modeling and design of garments", applicants can try their hand, claiming for free education. A paid form is also available.