Surely, many schoolchildren and even adults who want to change their profession are interested in what an engineering education is, what a specialist does and what field of activity he can choose. You can decide for yourself whether this direction is right for you.
What is an engineer?
This is a technician who performs various tasks:
- designs;
- designs;
- serves technical facilities;
- building;
- creates new objects and so on.
A person of this profession must be inventive, be able to think logically and present his idea as if it already exists.

To become a competent professional, you need to get a higher engineering education. Of course, there are professions where they accept technicians with a secondary special education, but the knowledge gained in college will not be enough to solve complex problems on their own.
So, an engineer is a technician with a higher education who knows how to use tools and devices. An analytical mindset, skills incalculations, and also requires knowledge of computer programs for design.
Which profiles exist?
To make it clear who an engineer is, it is worth giving examples. Let's take a look at the building under construction. Before construction began, someone had to draw up a project. This is exactly what a civil engineer does. And how is a car or an airplane created? Of course, the engineer comes up with them first.
There are also programmers and creators of office equipment and gadgets. Specialists in these areas should be well versed in the tasks at hand, since programming and electronics are among the most difficult areas. Despite the fact that both the one who creates the latest complex device and the one who maintains transport equipment have an engineering education, the level of training and the knowledge base are very different.
Let's take an environmental engineer or an occupational safety specialist as an example. The first is engaged in studying the state of the environment and developing measures to improve the environmental situation, and the second is developing measures to optimize working conditions in a particular organization.

Also, the engineer bears full responsibility for his actions. The fact is that his projects and developments can affect the he alth and life of people. Imagine that the designer made a mistake in the calculations when he was designing an improved bus, in the end everything led to an accident. Or, let's say the house that was built turned out to be uninhabitable.
Thanks to the engineers, we are surrounded by various technology:
- computers and laptops;
- means of communication;
- household and transport equipment;
- electricity and heat and so on.
Thus, if you dream of becoming an engineer, it is better to decide on the direction. Very often, young people make a mistake, for example, by choosing a speci alty of a programmer, and not a builder. After all, it may turn out that you do not like to create programs on a computer, but you have a talent for designing beautiful country houses.
What school subjects do you need to know to become an engineer?
Now let's consider a very important point that will be useful to future applicants, namely, what engineering education requires from us. When enrolling prospective students, institutes are required to take examinations in the Russian language, as well as in mathematics and physics. In addition, if you enter a speci alty related to information technology, then you cannot do without in-depth knowledge of computer science. Of course, at present, it is not the oral-written examination that is practiced, but the acceptance of the results of the USE. You must understand physics and mathematics very well. It is best to choose a physical and mathematical profile when moving from grade 9 to grade 10-11.

It is worth noting that it is at this moment (when studying in Physics and Mathematics) that you will be able to assess your knowledge and skills in technical sciences, and also understand whether you are interested in doing calculations or whether it is better to choose humanitarian, chemical and biological orother sciences.
Which university should I apply to?
Engineering and technical education can be obtained at any university that has technical speci alties. But it is best to enter specialized universities. For example, to become an excellent builder and leading engineer, it is better to choose a university according to your profile. Let's say MGSU in Moscow.
For a future programmer or specialist in fiber optic communications, we can recommend MTUCI, which is also located in the capital of Russia.

So, for example, a person who is well versed in physics and wants to develop this science can enter MEPhI or Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
Who can be a technician?
Even as a schoolboy, you should pay attention to what subjects are best for you. After all, engineering education is suitable for those who have excellent academic performance not only in mathematics and physics, but also in computer science and drafting. And those who dream of becoming an occupational safety engineer or an environmentalist should additionally study ecology and life safety.
Is engineering education popular in Russia?
Very often people ask questions about what speci alty is in demand in this period. Do not hope for the popularity of the profession at the present time, as people receive a diploma for life.

As for the essence of this issue, engineering education in Russia, as in other developed countries, will not cease to be in demand. After all, technology is becomingmore, and the construction of buildings and other structures does not stop.
Engineer salary
People also often ask if an engineering degree is a reason to get a high-paying job. We can say with confidence that yes, but not for everyone and not everywhere. It all depends on the profile, region and company. Of course, an ordinary railway engineer in the provinces on the railway receives a small salary (usually from 7-9 thousand rubles), and his fellow programmer in a leading company that creates graphic applications for PCs and tablets is much more (40-60 thousand rubles).).
Choose only the speci alty that is closest to you, then you will definitely be able to realize yourself as a successful and sought-after specialist.