Alexandre Dumas has a wonderful phrase that it is more beautiful, and even more majestic, to climb up from the abyss after a terrible fall than to walk next to the abyss, not seeing it, blinded by a tight bandage of happiness. Truly so, and there is nothing to add, except for one thing - what does “more majestic” mean?
Majestic is…
The first thing to start with is to seek help from the explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language, edited by such well-known linguists as Efremova T. F., Ushakov D. N., Ozhegov S. I. disagreements on the lexical unit of interest to us. They all agree that the majestic is “full of solemn beauty, grandeur”, making a significant impression, having an impressive appearance, proud, regal posture (of a person). For example, majestic harmony, majestic panorama, majestic accomplishments and so on.

This lexeme has many synonyms. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Before announcing the entire list, it is necessary to remember and designate what a synonym is. ATlinguistics - the science of language, the term "synonym" means such lexical units that are basically the same part of speech, have similar meanings, but differ in spelling and sound.
What is the synonym for the word "majestic" in the meaning of "full of beauty, greatness"? He is not alone, which speaks of the greatness of the Russian language. We offer a complete list: majestic, important, regal, avant-garde, sovereign, grandiose, monumental, solemn, epic, imposing, worthy, proud, holy. Another reference publication, the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms, authored by N. Abramov, helped to find this information, containing more than 300 thousand words and expressions.
Paronymic couple
In continuation of the theme “Majestic is…” it is impossible to ignore the issue of paronymy. As you know, between words in speech, as well as between people in any society, there are certain relationships. Their character depends, firstly, on the meanings expressed by these lexemes, as well as on the phonetic design. Further, we will not delve into the essence of the problem, but dwell on only one type of relationship - paronyms. These are words that sound similar but have different lexical meanings. What does this have to do with the parsed lexeme?

The fact is that this word forms a paronymic pair "great - majestic". They have an external similarity - they have a common root and are united by one semantic connection, but their meaning and use should be distinguished. Great is huge, very large, exceeding the usual size; important (great thinker, great country, great people). Majestic is solemn, majestic (majestic posture, majestic building, majestic gait).