The admirals of the Russian Empire made a huge contribution to the formation of our state. They are a shining example for posterity who remember the heroic contribution of these great people.

One of them is Dmitry Nikolaevich Senyavin. This is a Russian admiral who once commanded the B altic Fleet. Glory was brought to him by the victory of the Second Archipelago Expedition over the Turks in the battle of Athos, as well as at the Dardanelles, at the head of which he was. No less important in Senyavin's biography is the fact that he, being in the rank of flag-captain, supervised the first construction work on the construction of a fortress city, which a year later, from February 1783, became known as Sevastopol.
Dmitry Nikolayevich Senyavin was born according to the new style on August 17, 1763, according to the old style, in the village of Komlevo, which was located in the Borovsky district of Kalugaareas. His family belonged to a well-known noble family in the country, the fate of whose representatives was inextricably linked with the Russian fleet from the very beginning of its foundation.
The father of the future admiral, Nikolai Fedorovich, was a retired prime minister. For some time he served as Adjutant General, serving with Alexei Naumovich Senyavin, who was his cousin.
The noble family, to which the future admiral belonged, had its roots in the very revival of the Russian fleet. So, the grandfather of the famous naval commander, Ivan Akimovich, served as a boatswain under Peter I. Under him, he rose to the rank of Rear Admiral.
An equally brilliant career was made by his brother Naum Akimovich, who distinguished himself in 1719 in battles with the Swedes near Ezel Island. Dmitry Nikolayevich's father in the 1770s was the military governor of Kronstadt, rising to the rank of vice admiral. When the boy was ten years old, his parent personally took him to the Naval Cadet Corps. There he left his son.
Study and service start
To the Naval Cadet Corps of the future Admiral D. N. Senyavin was enrolled in 1773. In his studies, he showed great abilities, thanks to which he graduated from this institution one of the first. Already at the age of 14, in the November days of 1777, the young man was promoted to midshipmen. In this rank, he sailed for three years, having managed to participate in several campaigns.

Admiral Senyavin told a lot about his time in the corps and about the beginning of his service in his later memoirs. In theseThe descriptions betrayed the marine life that existed during the time of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimean peninsula. The old man's memories were somewhat idealized. For example, he claimed that in those years “everyone was ruddy and cheerful, but now all around you can see only dullness, bile and pallor.”
Admiral Senyavin was an ardent supporter of Suvorov's science, and, focusing only on victory, he always relied on the "spirit of the Russian warrior", which allows him to overcome all sorts of obstacles.
The biographer described the admiral as "mild-tempered and modest, demanding and strict in service", indicating that Senyavin was loved like a father and respected as a fair boss.
Admiral Senyavin, whose biography is inextricably linked with the sea, served as a midshipman until 1780. After that, he managed to pass the exam and became a midshipman. In this rank, he first went on his long voyage to Lisbon. The purpose of the campaign was to support the armed neutrality of Empress Catherine II, which was associated with the war for independence, which was fought in the North American colonies.

But nevertheless, the main expeditions of Admiral Senyavin took place in the basins of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Already in 1782, the young midshipman was transferred to the Khotyn corvette, located in the Azov fleet. A year later he received the rank of lieutenant. During the construction of a new Russian naval base (Sevastopol), Senyavin, who was in the position of a flag officer, was the closest assistant to Admiral Mackenzie. It was then that he was noticed by the Governor-General of Novorossia, who was Prince Potemkin. The future admiral was engaged in construction issues until 1786. After that, he was transferred to a floating train, appointing him the commander of a packet boat called "Karabut", which maintained relations with the Russian ambassador in Turkey.
Rapid career growth
In 1787 - 1791, the future Admiral Senyavin was under the command of Ushakov. In the same period, when Russia was at war with the Turks, he had to go through a harsh military school. At the very beginning of hostilities, he was a flag captain, serving in the Voinovich squadron. Already on June 3, 1788, the Black Sea Fleet won at about. Fidonisi. In this battle, Ushakov, who led the Russian avant-garde, especially distinguished himself.
At the moment when a sufficiently strong Turkish fleet was trying to help Ochakov besieged by the Russians from the sea, Senyavin was sent with five cruisers to the shores of Anatolia. The purpose of our sailors was to divert the attention of the Turks and disrupt their communications. Historians report that already here Senyavin showed extraordinary abilities. Carrying out his first independent actions, the naval officer managed to take several prizes and destroy a dozen Turkish ships. Senyavin also took part in the battle of Kaliakria. It was the last in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787 - 1791
Such successful actions contributed to the fact that Senyavin was appointed to command the ship "Leonty Martyr". After he began to lead the vessel "Vladimir". Already in the 4th year of the war (in 1791) he was the commander of the ship"Navarchia", which was part of Ushakov's squadron.
Battles with the French
After the end of hostilities with the Turkish fleet, Senyavin continued command of the battleship, part of Ushakov's squadron. On August 13, 1798, the Mediterranean Russian fleet left Sevastopol. He went to Constantinople to connect with the ships of Turkey. This squadron set out to fight the French.

Ushakov's first target was the Ionian Islands. They needed to be freed from the French army in order to create a squadron base here.
The most protected of all the islands were Santa Maura and Corfu. To take the first of them and it was received by Senyavin, who, being a captain of the first rank, commanded the ship "St. Peter". The frigate "Navarchia" helped him in this, as well as two ships of the Turks. Senyavin coped with the task entrusted to him successfully. The fortress of Santa Maura fell on 2 November. In his message about the capture of the island, Ushakov gave a positive assessment of the actions taken by Senyavin.
Russian sailors took Corfu after the siege, as well as other Ionian Islands. After that, they liberated Rome and the Kingdom of Naples from the French.
New Appointments
Ushakov's squadron returned to Sevastopol in 1800. Senyavin, who distinguished himself in battles, was appointed to command the port of Kherson. In the same position since 1803, he began to serve in Sevastopol. A year later, Senyavin was appointed naval commander and transferred to Revel. Here he was until 1805. In the same year he was put in command of the Russiansquadron, which was sent to Sevastopol to carry out a new combat mission.
Senyavin's career in the early 19th century
After Russia at the end of the 18th century. was able to win a number of victories, under the leadership of her troops by the great commander Suvorov and the remarkable naval commander Ushakov, her influence on European affairs and international significance increased significantly. These countries fought for world domination. At the same time, the aggressive policy of Napoleon began to threaten the interests of Russia. This led to the aggravation of contradictions between the great states.
Since 1804, Russia has taken a number of measures aimed at concentrating forces in the Mediterranean. She increased the number of warships and transferred from Sevastopol to about. Corfu infantry division.
In the spring of 1805, Russia and England concluded an agreement between themselves, which approved the joint actions of the states directed against France. This union also included Naples and Austria.
In September 1805, a Russian squadron led by D. N. Senyavin, who had previously been promoted to vice admiral. The expedition arrived safely in Corfu. Here Senyavin took command of the Russian land and sea forces in the Mediterranean. The main task of the vice admiral concerned the protection of the Ionian Islands, which served as the base of the Russian fleet, as well as preventing the capture of Greece by Napoleon.

Almost immediately, Senyavin began to commitactive actions. They occupied Montenegro, as well as the region of Cattaro. In order to attract the local population to their side, the inhabitants of the regions occupied by the Russians were, on his orders, freed from all kinds of duties. In addition, under the leadership of Senyavin, the escort of ships bound for Constantinople and Trieste was organized, which greatly intensified trade in these areas.
In December 1806, instigated by Napoleon, Turkey decided to declare war on Russia. And already in early January of the following year, a new squadron was sent to Corfu, commanded by Captain-Commander Ignatiev.
Trip to the Aegean Sea
From Russia, Admiral Senyavin received an instruction from which it followed that his task was to capture Constantinople, blockade Egypt, protect Corfu, and also prevent communication between France and Turkey. If the admiral had blindly followed all the instructions, then he would certainly have been defeated, spraying the forces at his disposal. Senyavin made the right decision, leaving part of his army to defend Corfu, leaving with the remaining troops to the Archipelago to solve the main task. In February 1807, his squadron went to the waters of the Aegean Sea. In order to ensure the surprise of his actions, Senyavin ordered to detain all merchant ships that he met on his way. Thus, no one could warn the enemy about the approach of the Russian squadron.
Battle for the Dardanelles
The Russian government hoped that the British would go to the aid of Senyavin by pushing a squadron into the AegeanAdmiral Duckworth. This, however, did not happen. The British, who tried to prevent events, decided to capture Constantinople before the Russians did. In February 1807, the Misty Albion squadron passed the Dardanelles and appeared near Constantinople. The British began to negotiate with the Turks, during which the latter managed to significantly strengthen themselves in the strait. Duckworth left the coastal waters of Constantinople, suffering heavy losses during his retreat.

At the time when Senyavin approached the Dardanelles, they were heavily fortified. His combat mission was very complicated. Duckworth did not come to the aid of our squadron, going to M alta.
After that, a military council was assembled by the Russian admiral, who decided not to do anything but blockade the Dardanelles. To create a mobile base, Russian troops captured the fortress of Tenedos, which was located on a nearby island. After that, the blockade of the Dardanelles began. It was a duty of two ships near the strait, which did not allow merchant ships to enter the fortress. All these actions caused famine in Constantinople and discontent of its inhabitants. To lift the blockade, the Turks sent their fleet into the strait.
The Battle of the Dardanelles took place on May 10, 1807. Our squadron, taking advantage of the southwestern gusts favorable for it, headed for rapprochement with the enemy. The Turkish fleet did not want to accept the battle and went to the Dardanelles. By eight o'clock in the evening, the Russian squadron caught up with the enemy, entering into battle with him. Russian ships,the number of which was much smaller, perfectly maneuvered. They did not adhere to a single formation and used fire simultaneously from both sides. In the darkness of the night, Turkish batteries fired shots not only at the Russians. Sometimes they got into their ships. The battle lasted until midnight. As a result, 3 enemy ships, which could not move due to severe damage, stuck to the shallows, and the rest managed to slip into the Dardanelles.
At dawn on May 11, the Turks began towing their damaged ships. At the same time, Senyavin was ordered to attack enemy ships. Only one of them managed to slip into the Dardanelles. The other two were thrown ashore by the Turks. This ended the battle of the Dardanelles, which disabled three Turkish warships. The loss of the enemy in manpower at the same time reached 2000 people. The blockade of the Dardanelles led to a complete cessation of food supplies to Constantinople. The discontent of the local population intensified, as a result of which a coup took place that overthrew Selim III, after which Sultan Mustafa IV took power.
The Turkish fleet was also defeated in the battle of Athos, which took place on 1807-19-06. Here Senyavin applied the latest methods of warfare, using wake column attacks, an attack on one enemy ship by two Russians, etc. For his courage, the naval commander was awarded the honorary order of St. Alexander Nevsky.
Return to the B altic
1807-12-08 Turkey, struck at sea, was forced to sign a truce. According to the peaceful TilsitskyAlexander I ceded the Dalmatian and Ionian Islands to Napoleon. In addition, Turkey received back its island of Theodos. Upon learning of this, Dmitry Nikolaevich could not hold back his tears. Such an agreement crossed out all the victories of the Russian fleet. Soon his squadron returned to their homeland. Senyavin was sent to the B altic.
During the war with Napoleon, Senyavin commanded the Revel squadron, which patrolled off the English coast. The naval commander considered this inaction. He wrote a report about the transfer, but it remained unanswered. In 1813, Vice-Admiral Senyavin resigned, receiving only half his pension. The family of Dmitry Nikolaevich suffered financial difficulties.
But everything changed after Nicholas I came to power. Senyavin returned to the service. The tsar appointed him a personal adjutant general, transferring him later to the commander of the B altic Fleet. Senyavin was promoted to admiral in 1826. And the very next year, he was awarded diamond badges for the Order of Alexander Nevsky. This happened after the victory of the joint squadron of Russia, France and England over the Turkish-Egyptian ships in the Battle of Navarino.
In 1830, Dmitry Nikolaevich became seriously ill. On April 5, 1831, he died. The funeral of the Russian admiral was very solemn. The command of the honorary escort of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment when giving the last honors to Senyavin was carried out by Nikolai I himself.
The Admirals of the Russian Empire are not forgotten by grateful descendants. The memory of Dmitry Nikolayevich Senyavin lives in our hearts.
So, the Maritime Technical College is named after him. This isthe educational institution, whose history began on June 8, 1957, is located in St. Petersburg. At the beginning of its activity, it was a factory training school. Today it is the Maritime Technical College. Admiral D. N. Senyavin, which trains specialists with primary and secondary vocational education for the fishing, river and sea fleet.

The cruiser "Admiral Senyavin" served in the waters of the Pacific Ocean from 1954 to 1989. It was a light vessel built according to the 68-bis project.
Depicted by D. N. Senyavin at the monument "1000th Anniversary of Russia". It is located in Novgorod, in the very center of its Kremlin. This is a unique monument, which has no analogues in the world. It was not put up in honor of one event and is dedicated to more than one person. He tells the descendants about the whole millennium and perpetuates the memory of the whole people. The idea of creating this monument belongs to Alexander II. In total, the monument "1000th Anniversary of Russia" depicts 109 figures of statesmen, heroes and military men, educators and masters of art, who were personally approved by the tsar.
Those who see this colossal mass of metal in the form of a silent bell at least once in their life will never be able to forget about it. Just as the exploits of those Russian people who faithfully served for the good of their Fatherland are not forgotten.