The history of education is no doubt a curious topic for every student

The history of education is no doubt a curious topic for every student
The history of education is no doubt a curious topic for every student

People for many years pass on the acquired knowledge and skills to their children, their children share their experience with their children, grandchildren, and so a kind of chain is formed. Without a doubt, this is characteristic of any generation, and without this the development of society is impossible. As a rule, the descendants received a guideline, formed their outlook on life thanks to their parents, who adapted their child to the traditional way of life that was characteristic of society at that time.

Educational History

wise teacher
wise teacher

With the development of technical and scientific progress, the knowledge that people received became insufficient. In connection with the emergence of more and more new professions, people have more choice in terms of what to do with them. Without a shadow of a doubt, the ancestors could not share their experience and skills in the new field, because they themselves were not familiar with it. Thus, people appeared in the settlements who gave the new generation the necessary knowledge.

Initially, the oldest members of a community or settlement acted as teachers. They no longer had the strength toheavy physical labor, and they chose for themselves the feasible role of a teacher. Middle-aged people, while the old people taught the wisdom of life to their children, meanwhile gave a lot of effort to productive labor, which favorably affected the standard of living of the whole society.

As the institution of the state was established and developed, people with other skills were needed that could help in the management and development of the state. From now on, learning to read and write, a good orientation in the laws and religious topics became a priority. At that time, people versed in these matters began to collect a small fee from fellow citizens and taught their children, gathering them at home. And so the first schools began to appear. Without a doubt, most of the children in school were the children of the elite. The peasants were in no hurry to give their children away, as they taught them on their own the tricks that would help them in housekeeping.

Learning process

The knowledge that humanity acquired then, in today's view, seems frivolous and even naive, but then these teachings helped people achieve great heights. Without a doubt, thanks to the letter, one could travel and look for work in a more favorable place, one could trade or hold positions in the clergy. Even among the peasants, a literate person was revered and cherished, since only he could read the paper that came from the authorities.

When studying the life and life of Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Ancient China and India, images were found on the wall painting, which featured scenes of the learning process. Beforestudents sat as a teacher and wrote on papyrus or clay tablets. In ancient Rome and Sparta, school attendance was mandatory due to the high level of development of the general cultural level of these ancient cities.

The total population in these policies, compared to the rest of the state, was small, so the Greeks were convinced that every resident of the city should be so literate that he should be able to lead his state. In ancient Rome, education was available to everyone, regardless of class. Both aristocrats and rural residents received education at the proper level. Without a doubt, the Middle Ages had a more complex educational structure.

At that time, society was clearly divided into estates that were engaged in the same business from generation to generation and had different rights and obligations. The basis of society was merchants and peasants, the government of the state was in the hands of the nobility and the clergy. Urban artisans also constituted a fairly large stratum of society in terms of scale. In connection with the split of society, there was a division of schools into various specializations and estates. In urban schools, children were taught to read, write, spiritual literacy, philosophy, the value of coins, the study of weights and measures. Parents themselves controlled the level of education of their children and, as soon as it seemed to them that education was enough, they took them out of school.

Rural schools

rural school
rural school

In the countryside, a school is a rare phenomenon, but even there they taught the simplest counting and writing. No matter the schoolwhat class the child attended, he always combined his studies and helping his parents with the housework, in shops and workshops. Theological schools were considered the most prestigious educational institutions. Only there, in addition to the main subjects, logic, rhetoric, history and geography were studied. Despite the seeming absurdity of that knowledge about the universe, the students had a tremendous opportunity to study the sacred books and sayings of ancient philosophers, which influenced the expansion of their horizons. This led to the emergence of new philosophers and scientists during the Renaissance, who influenced further scientific progress.

In modern times, the importance of church schools both in Europe and in Russia fell. Secular society needed competent specialists, not the clergy. Lyceums and gymnasiums were considered the best institutions where you can get a secondary education. However, the cost of education in them was very high. In their structure, they are most reminiscent of modern schools. They taught exact sciences, languages and literature. Students were also required to wear uniforms. Examinations became a constant companion of students, after which some of the students were eliminated. Strict discipline, the indisputable obedience of the younger to the elders, due to the harsh patriarchal society, corporal punishment - this is what the upbringing of children was based on. Free schools for children from all walks of life spread widely. Children of different sexes got the opportunity to study together, in contrast to the Middle Ages. Religious knowledge could only be obtained in specialized schools attached to the church. Only in Muslim countries wherereligion is the basis of the state, religious teachings are taught in schools along with the exact sciences and the humanities.
