Land management and cadastre (L&C) is an educational area that is incomprehensible to many applicants, although, despite this, they still choose it, vaguely guessing the essence of the work. What kind of profession is this, what features does it have? Which universities are leading for this education?
Information about the speci alty from GEF
What is it: the speci alty "land management and cadastre"?
Code: 03/21/02. The profession belongs to an enlarged group: applied geology, oil and gas business, mining and geodesy.
You can get an education in full-time, evening, correspondence form.
The total amount of the program (regardless of the form) is 240 credits.
In Russia, education is conducted in Russian, except for special cases determined by local regulations (for example, teaching in English is possible for foreign citizens).
Training period forfull-time bachelors - 4 years, part-time students, and evening students - 4, 5-5 years.
The essence of the profession

Speci alty "land management and cadastre" - what is it in terms of terms?
Land management is a set of measures that allow you to regulate land relations, study information about the state of land, plan and organize their use in such a way that they have a minimal impact on resources, while bringing maximum profit. As part of this work, land protection is being carried out, new land uses are being created, existing lands are being streamlined, boundaries between sites are being removed, agricultural territories are being developed, landscapes are being improved, and much more.
Cadastre of land is a collection of information about the boundaries, use, purpose, legal regime of land. This data is collected in the process of cadastral registration, registration of title documents.
Thus, this direction includes work with papers, and with devices, and with the earth.
What skills should a specialist master?

For any speci alty, there are certain skills that must be obtained during training. The following skills are set for the future land surveyor, which he will have after graduation:
- General cultural skills: the ability to analyze the stages of development of society and citizenship, the ability to use economic information,apply philosophical knowledge, the ability to communicate and communicate in oral and written form, etc.
- Professional knowledge: the ability to search, process, analyze, convert information into a different format, the ability to develop an action plan aimed at reducing the anthropogenic impact on land resources, the ability to use various information systems for design, assessment, cadastral work, etc. e.
Disciplines taught to a land surveyor

Discipline in "land management and cadastre":
- Foreign language.
- Economy.
- Fundamentals of nature management.
- Math.
- Geographic, land information systems.
- Geoinformation technologies.
- Ecology of land use.
- Geodesy.
- Basics of land management.
- Cartography.
- Photogrammetry.
- Typology of real estate objects.
- Landscape science.
- Physics.
- Office work.
- Earth management design.
- Regional land management and more.
Where can you build a career with a ZiK diploma?

Where can I work in the speci alty "land management and cadastre"?
- Registration and Cadastre Service Bodies (Rosreestr).
- BTI.
- Territorial executive authorities.
- Educational institutions.
- Regional branchesFederal Cadastral Chamber.
- Private surveying companies.
- Federal Center for Geodesy and Cartography, etc.
Objects that specialists work with

To better understand what it is - the speci alty "land management and cadastres", you need to know what a specialist in this field should work with:
- Land and other types of resources (water, forest, minerals, etc.).
- Land fund (categories: lands of settlements, agricultural purposes, industry - a total of 7 varieties).
- Objects for land management: areas of municipalities, regions of Russia, territorial zones, including a special legal regime.
- Lands for various purposes and uses.
- Immovable objects.
- Land land.
- Software systems for maintaining land management and cadastres.
- Maps, topographic bases, design and planning documents.
Which universities offer this speci alty?
The direction "land management and cadastres" in Russian universities is very popular. There are higher schools in which this speci alty is represented by a separate profile, there are universities that comprehensively teach related programs, for example, "environmental management and water management", "geodesy", etc. In 49 cities there is an opportunity to get this profession:
- Moscow: GUZ, RUDN University, MIIT,MIIGAiK, RGAU, RGGRU, MFUA;
- St. Petersburg: SPbGU, SPGU, PGUPS, SPbGASU, SPbGLTU,
- Rostov-on-Don: SFU, DSTU, RGUPS, RSU;
- Yekaterinburg: USUE, USGU, Ural State Agrarian University, UGLU;
- Irkutsk: ISTU, IRGSHA, BSUEP, etc.
The top three universities are listed below.
Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography
MIIGAiK is the oldest university that trains personnel to work with the country's land resources. Its origin began in the 18th century, when the Land Surveying School was opened.
Most of the areas of study at the university are somehow related to land activities and their technical support, but specifically covers the program "land management and cadastre" of the Faculty of Territorial Development.
Within the framework of the speci alty at the undergraduate level, profiles are provided: property management, territory development, real estate cadastre. In order to become a student of MIIGAiK, you must pass the Russian language, computer science and mathematics.
For future students, the university constantly holds open days. At meetings with applicants, he explains what it is - the speci alty "land management and cadastre" - the dean of the department Vladimir Viktorovich Golubev.
Address: Moscow, Gorokhovsky lane, 4.
Saint Petersburg State University

Despite the fact that St. Petersburg State University is a complex university, but areas related to land management and cadastres are popular here, a sufficient number ofbudget places. The ranking of higher education is high among universities, so the demand for this training program is increasing every year.
The main profile within the speci alty: "Real Estate Cadastre: valuation and information support". Recruitment is conducted by the Institute of Geosciences.
Location of the admission committee: St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 13B.
State University for Land Management

GUZ is a specialized university that graduates highly qualified specialists to work with land areas, real estate, software, legal registration of resources, etc.
Began its work in 1779. Sergey Nikolaevich Volkov appointed as Rector
Main faculties:
- Land management.
- Architectural.
- Legal.
- City Cadastre.
- Real Estate Cadastre.
Training areas within the speci alty:
- City Cadastre.
- Land management.
- Real Estate Cadastre.
Address for accepting documents to the State University for Land Management: Moscow, Kazakova street, 15.
Thus, the direction "land management and cadastres" is an interesting speci alty that links together work with papers, site visits, meetings with people. You can get this profession in more than 80 universities in Russia, which, of course, is a plus for everyone who wants to work in this industry.